Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

MTP.2L, MTP.3C, and AHK.1A have failed.

[action report]
==> All - Weekly Beneficials (23):

L.4F (41/55 days) : 1.50 gal
BBX.2J (41/55 days) : 1.75 gal
BD.5S (26/70 days) : 1.75 gal
TRN.1D (26/70 days) : 1.25 gal
AHK (12/56 days) : 0.75 gal
MTP.1J (14/65 days) : 1.25 gal
MTP.2A (14/65 days) : 1.25 gal

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.25 gal ea

NL : feed to saturation

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : feed to saturation

SLH : feed to saturation

BBX.3G, BBX.3H : feed to saturation
L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K

-Mix (12) gallons
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.14 @ 21.4 C
-Per gallon:
1/2 T Myco powder
1 t Gnatrol (Bt-i - Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis)
1/2 t Companion (Bacillus subtilis)
1 t Hygrozyme

[/action report]

I worked on the new AC setup. I have a brand new 25,000 Btu AC, and as always, I voided the warranty immediately. I stripped off the outer shell, sealed the cold side from the hot side, and hot-wired it so that anytime it has power, it runs the compressor and the fan on high. Full blast in other words.

I am working on boxing the hot side with sheet styrofoam and foil tape. I will have 2 6" turbines pushing air from outside, through the hot radiator, and back outside (at a different place). All of this will be up on a platform a little over 6' up in the air.

The space under the AC will be used as a drying box. For now though, it's 3 pieces of plywood acting as bracing and a box 'floor' which currently passes for a coffee table. There will be space below the box to allow cleaning, and space between the box and the AC to allow for some ducting and drainage.

I build the platform so that all vibrations go straight to the concrete floor instead of the walls. It's enough to make the difference between cooling discreetly and my-neighbors-can-hear-my-AC-every-time-it-starts.

I tried taking four shots in a vertical pano, but they wouldn't stitch together right, so I'll just show them in succession instead:





Here's the Super Lemon Haze. You can see where I topped her the other day and how much she has grown since:


Same for the Tangerine Dream:


nice looking haze bro, good to see everything still super green in your neck of the woods

Whoa. I read what you said and thought to myself "What haze?" :roorrip:

Then it hit me. Lol. Thanks, and thank you for dropping in. I'm just plodding along. :bong:

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (7)

L.4F (43/55 days) : 0.50 gal
BBX.2J (43/55 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.5S (28/70 days) : 0.50 gal
TRN.1D (28/70 days) : 0.50 gal
AHK (14/56 days) : 0.25 gal
MTP.1J (16/65 days) : 0.50 gal
MTP.2A (16/65 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (4) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.27 @ 21.6 C
--- t blackstrap molasses (ran out)

==> Bloom - Feed (7)

1. L.4F : 1.00 gal
BBX.2J : 1.25 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - TAPER
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1/2 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 920 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.20 @ 22.0 C
1/2 t Companion

2. BD.5S : 1.50 gal
TRN.1D : 1.00 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1170 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.29 @ 21.6 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

3. AHK : 0.50 gal
MTP.1J : 0.75 gal
MTP.2A : 0.75 gal

-Mix (2) gallons - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1060 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 21.7 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (7):

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.25 gal ea

NL : feed to saturation

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : feed to saturation

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 830 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 21.6 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium veg (9):

SLH : feed to saturation

L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 720 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.18 @ 21.4 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

Here's a close-up of the Afghani Hindu Kush. Remember that she was totally freaked out and trying to bloom in veg under 24 hr light? She now appears to be packing on curious purple seed pods. I'm not sure if this is normal looking progress or if it's due to the stress.


This is the last meal for BBX.2J (BigBud x BlueMagoo) and L.4F ('Lavender' indica).

Lot of veg needs a transplant. I'm going to try to shoehorn it in this weekend, but the next 1-1/2 weeks is going to be very busy for me. My posts may get erratic. Sorry in advance.

All this comes at a bad time. The heat is peaking and it's hard to hold veg below 80°F most of the day (it's 81°F now at 9:30-ish pm). Bloom is fine. If I had the time I would get that new AC up and finished because it could take over for the veg AC, but I'm slammed. :| I'll get by and so will the girls.

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (7)

L.4F (45/55 days) : 0.50 gal
BBX.2J (45/55 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.5S (30/70 days) : 0.50 gal
TRN.1D (30/70 days) : 0.50 gal
AHK (16/56 days) : 0.25 gal
MTP.1J (18/65 days) : 0.50 gal
MTP.2A (18/65 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (4) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 23.1 C
--- t blackstrap molasses (ran out)

==> Bloom - Feed (7)

1. L.4F : 1.25 gal
BBX.2J : 1.50 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - TAPER
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1/2 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 970 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.15 @ 23.0 C
1/2 t Companion

2. BD.5S : 1.50 gal
TRN.1D : 1.00 gal
AHK : 0.50 gal
MTP.1J : 1.00 gal
MTP.2A : 0.75 gal

-Mix (5) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1230 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.10 @ 22.9 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (7):

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.25 gal ea

NL : feed to saturation

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : feed to saturation

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 900 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 22.7 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium veg (9):

SLH : feed to saturation

L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 730 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.26 @ 22.6 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

L.4F ('Lavender' indica) and BBX.2J (BigBud x BlueMagoo) entered flush today.

The probe on my Oakton pHTestr 30 went out of calibration range when I tried to calibrate it today. Needless to say, since I couldn't calibrate it, it was useless to me. I know it was off enough already to be dangerous.

Luckily I had a spare probe to fit on the meter. Once I replaced the probe and soaked the new one for 45 min. in 7.0 solution, it calibrated fine and worked quickly. I love new meters. Except now I have no spares. I need to get one. I don't like doing without, and a pH meter is absolutely necessary IMO. It's good to be prepared.

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

L.4F (47/55 days) : 2.00 gal ea
BBX.2J (47/55 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 23.2 C

==> All remaining - Weekly Beneficials (21):

BD.5S (32/70 days) : 1.75 gal
TRN.1D (32/70 days) : 1.25 gal
AHK (18/56 days) : 0.75 gal
MTP.1J (20/65 days) : 1.25 gal
MTP.2A (20/65 days) : 1.25 gal

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.25 gal ea

NL : feed to saturation

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : feed to saturation

SLH : feed to saturation

BBX.3G, BBX.3H : feed to saturation
L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K

-Mix (9) gallons
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.16 @ 23.3 C
-Per gallon:
--- T Myco powder (almost out, saving for transplant)
1 t Gnatrol (Bt-i - Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis)
1/2 t Companion (Bacillus subtilis)
1 t Hygrozyme

[/action report]

I transplanted all but the smallest 7 plants in veg. The next plants to go into bloom are BD.6D and BD.6E (Blue Dream). Now that they are in 9 gallon pots they should be ready to go into bloom in a week. The NL (Northern Lights) is going back to the donor, but I gave her one more pruning and put her in a nice bag. SLH (Super Lemon Haze) and TDR (Tangerine Dream) got bigger pots to encourage them to be ready to bloom in a month. The rest of the transplanted girls just needed bigger pots to prevent wilting. They are all on the 'slow veg' track at the moment.

[action report]
==> Transplanted (9):

BD.6D, BD.6E : 1.00 gal ea
Transplanted to 9 gallon pots

NL : 0.75 gal
Transplanted to 2.5 gallon bag

GKA : 0.50 gal ea
Transplanted to 1.5 gallon pots

BBX.3F : water to saturation
Transplanted to 5" pots

-Mix (5) gallons.
-Per gallon:
2 T Organic Supplement
1 t Big Foot (1st)
2 t PGE
1 oz. Yucca
Natural @ 440 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.05) Actual: 6.21 @ 22.2 C
1/2 t Companion
1/2 T Myco powder
1 t Bt-i

[/action report]

Bloom is FULL. So full that I hesitate to move anything around unnecessarily. So all the pics are taken from the doorway. The Blue Dream at the near left is huge - taller than I am:


She's (BD) still got another month, and there are already beautiful buds like this everywhere:


Here's a wider shot. I love Blue Dream:


Of the two plants coming out in a week, here is the 'Lavender' indica in the back left corner:


And the BigBud x BlueMagoo coming out at the same time is looking good too. A lot of fat nugs:


Here are a couple of random shots of Matanuskan buds forming. These are at 21/70 days:



Here's the Super Lemon Haze in veg. Nice structure, and very healthy:



And here's the Tangerine Dream, similar in size and just as healthy:


Bloom is FULL. So full that I hesitate to move anything around unnecessarily. So all the pics are taken from the doorway. The Blue Dream at the near left is huge - taller than I am:

She's (BD) still got another month, and there are already beautiful buds like this everywhere:

Here's a wider shot. I love Blue Dream:

Of the two plants coming out in a week, here is the 'Lavender' indica in the back left corner:

And the BigBud x BlueMagoo coming out at the same time is looking good too. A lot of fat nugs:

Here are a couple of random shots of Matanuskan buds forming. These are at 21/70 days:

Here's the Super Lemon Haze in veg. Nice structure, and very healthy:

And here's the Tangerine Dream, similar in size and just as healthy:


wow abe everything is looking really good in there! Its just impressive that you have kept everything so great for so long. It truly helps to be able to totally control their environment.
I have been on vaca for a week or so, everything is going really well on my end as well.
Keep it up!
wow abe everything is looking really good in there! Its just impressive that you have kept everything so great for so long. It truly helps to be able to totally control their environment.
I have been on vaca for a week or so, everything is going really well on my end as well.
Keep it up!

Thanks, MSquared. The environmental control really is key. It keeps everything on an even keel.

All of the younger veg are graduating to the mature veg recipe. Only 4 mixtures to do! Whoohoo! :yahoo:

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

L.4F (49/55 days) : 2.00 gal ea
BBX.2J (49/55 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 23.2 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (5)

BD.5S (34/70 days) : 0.50 gal
TRN.1D (34/70 days) : 0.50 gal
AHK (20/56 days) : 0.25 gal
MTP.1J (22/65 days) : 0.50 gal
MTP.2A (22/65 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (3) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 22.1 C
--- t blackstrap molasses (out)

==> Bloom - Feed (5)

1. BD.5S : 1.50 gal
TRN.1D : 1.00 gal
AHK : 0.50 gal
MTP.1J : 1.00 gal
MTP.2A : 0.75 gal

-Mix (5) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/4 t TM-7 (ran out)
Natural @ 1120 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.26 @ 22.2 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (16):

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.75 gal ea

NL : 0.50 gal

GKA : 0.25 gal ea

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : feed to saturation

BBX.3G, BBX.3H : feed to saturation
L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K

-Mix (4) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
1 t Big Foot (2nd)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 890 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 22.1 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

Here's a close-up of the Afghani Hindu Kush. Remember that she was totally freaked out and trying to bloom in veg under 24 hr light? She now appears to be packing on curious purple seed pods. I'm not sure if this is normal looking progress or if it's due to the stress.



Good morning! hope all is well on your end. Hows the new room shaping up with the new equip. you got?

I don't see any pods, but she does look very mature for her age...
It looks pretty normal from what I have seen. pods might not be to bad if she does have them. She sure is a beautiful plant.

Talk to you soon.
Good morning! hope all is well on your end. Hows the new room shaping up with the new equip. you got?

I don't see any pods, but she does look very mature for her age...
It looks pretty normal from what I have seen. pods might not be to bad if she does have them. She sure is a beautiful plant.

Talk to you soon.

I haven't had any time to work on the new bloom unfortunately. There has been a positive family event and separately I have been working on another planned event. I'll not give more details for security's sake, but you could say my life has overflowed with good. So while I wish I could get more done, I am not disappointed.

However, the second event I have planned for has fallen through and will not take place. I'm bummed, but it is better viewed as a delay, really. Also, this means I have some unexpected free time over the next few days. :bong: I'm going to try to get the new AC in by Monday at the latest. :roorrip: Some plumbing might be coming as well. :rollit: For now, I am going to concentrate on getting some cloning done and maybe clean up a bit. :bongrip: Even the Super Lemon Haze and Tangerine Dream should be ripe for 2 cuttings from each. :smokin: But if I don't stop getting ripped and posting online, I'm not going to get anything done. ;)

As far as the seed pods, I was really stoned and couldn't figure out the plural for calyx (calyces) so I used the term seed pod. It might have been the wrong words to use. What you were thinking I meant was fertilized calyces. That is not what I meant in my stoned stupor. I just meant sensimilla - unfertilized calyces. I have never had a plant grow such solidly purple calyces like that. Sorry for the confusion. When I'm not completely fried I usually strive to be precise.

Oh, and I managed to replace the consumables I had been missing: molasses, myco dust, TM-7, etc.

Another easy feed with only 4 mixes.

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

L.4F (51/55 days) : 2.00 gal ea
BBX.2J (51/55 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.24 @ 23.1 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (5)

BD.5S (36/70 days) : 0.50 gal
TRN.1D (36/70 days) : 0.50 gal
AHK (22/56 days) : 0.25 gal
MTP.1J (24/65 days) : 0.50 gal
MTP.2A (24/65 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (3) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.18 @ 22.9 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (5)

1. BD.5S : 1.50 gal
TRN.1D : 1.00 gal
AHK : 0.50 gal
MTP.1J : 1.00 gal
MTP.2A : 0.75 gal

-Mix (5) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1120 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.27 @ 23.0 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (16):

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.75 gal ea

NL : 0.50 gal

GKA : 0.25 gal ea

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : feed to saturation

BBX.3G, BBX.3H : feed to saturation
L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K

-Mix (5) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
1 t Big Foot (3rd)
1 t TM-7
Natural @ 890 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.16 @ 22.9 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]


I will say that after finally catching up on your journal, it has been quite an educational and inspiring read. Nothing like a proud programmer who precisely documents their work. Thank you for sharing your journey thus far. I will be tagging along as you progress.

I haven't had any time to work on the new bloom unfortunately. There has been a positive family event and separately I have been working on another planned event. I'll not give more details for security's sake, but you could say my life has overflowed with good. So while I wish I could get more done, I am not disappointed.

However, the second event I have planned for has fallen through and will not take place. I'm bummed, but it is better viewed as a delay, really. Also, this means I have some unexpected free time over the next few days. :bong: I'm going to try to get the new AC in by Monday at the latest. :roorrip: Some plumbing might be coming as well. :rollit: For now, I am going to concentrate on getting some cloning done and maybe clean up a bit. :bongrip: Even the Super Lemon Haze and Tangerine Dream should be ripe for 2 cuttings from each. :smokin: But if I don't stop getting ripped and posting online, I'm not going to get anything done. ;)

As far as the seed pods, I was really stoned and couldn't figure out the plural for calyx (calyces) so I used the term seed pod. It might have been the wrong words to use. What you were thinking I meant was fertilized calyces. That is not what I meant in my stoned stupor. I just meant sensimilla - unfertilized calyces. I have never had a plant grow such solidly purple calyces like that. Sorry for the confusion. When I'm not completely fried I usually strive to be precise.

Oh, and I managed to replace the consumables I had been missing: molasses, myco dust, TM-7, etc.


That is outstanding, positive is always a GREAT when it comes to family! Good for you and yours!!!
sorry about the delay, but hey at least you will have a little time to work on your favorite hobby (at least I think it is your fav. :) )!

I love taking cuttings, it means the ladies are getting real close to flowering... always a good time and now since I have closly perfected my cloning method it is even more fun and I don't have to take excess cuttings anymore.

I know how precise you are in everything you write and document, that is probably why I was questioning the statement at all (it just means I was looking really close at it with you :thumb:), don't sweat it. we have had crazy fingers that didn't type what we wanted... LOL - blame it on the fingers...

she is really a beautiful plant that is for sure! I haven't seen one quite that color. GoldenGoose7 has one that is a very interesting like yours.

Keep it up and GREEN - well purple too :)

:peace: brother!

I will say that after finally catching up on your journal, it has been quite an educational and inspiring read. Nothing like a proud programmer who precisely documents their work. Thank you for sharing your journey thus far. I will be tagging along as you progress.


Thank you 420FlBoi. I wish I could have better progress on all my projects, but I tend to take on too many things at once and everything goes slow as a result. That, and I get high a lot, so, you know...

I'm glad you found value in my effort. I've said it many times: documenting the details is good both ways - either others learn from my experience, or someone sees how I can improve, lets me know, and I learn from someone else's experience. Please feel free to post any questions or suggestions. I insist on a there-are-no-stupid-questions rule in my journal. Did you see my struggle with seed recently? Oi.

Speaking of projects, my mother got me to thinking about micropropagation again. I have a book. When I get the new bloom and veg spaces handled I may start building toward that.

That is outstanding, positive is always a GREAT when it comes to family! Good for you and yours!!!
sorry about the delay, but hey at least you will have a little time to work on your favorite hobby (at least I think it is your fav. :) )!

I love taking cuttings, it means the ladies are getting real close to flowering... always a good time and now since I have closly perfected my cloning method it is even more fun and I don't have to take excess cuttings anymore.

I know how precise you are in everything you write and document, that is probably why I was questioning the statement at all (it just means I was looking really close at it with you :thumb:), don't sweat it. we have had crazy fingers that didn't type what we wanted... LOL - blame it on the fingers...

she is really a beautiful plant that is for sure! I haven't seen one quite that color. GoldenGoose7 has one that is a very interesting like yours.

Keep it up and GREEN - well purple too :)

:peace: brother!

Thank you. I'm beginning to think this Afghani Hindu Kush is atypical. I think it might not produce good pot. I have 9 more seeds, so I should be fine as far as that goes. I may just hold off on any new AHK seeds until I see how the SLH and TDR do.

I did take cuttings today:

4 Grape Kool-Aid
2 Super Lemon Haze
2 Tangerine Dream
3 Northern Lights
3 BigBud x BlueMagoo
5 Blue Dream

I wanted Matanuskan cuttings but the two I have left in veg are looking quite sick suddenly. It has been suggested I feed with nothing but high levels of myco and Bacillus subtilis for a week and transplant as soon as they appear strong enough. I'll give it a shot unless someone has a better idea. I'll do pics when it's not the middle of the night so you guys can take a look at the plants.

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

L.4F (53/55 days) : 2.00 gal ea
BBX.2J (53/55 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.29 @ 22.1 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (5)

BD.5S (38/70 days) : 0.50 gal
TRN.1D (38/70 days) : 0.50 gal
AHK (24/56 days) : 0.25 gal
MTP.1J (26/65 days) : 0.50 gal
MTP.2A (26/65 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (3) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.15 @ 21.9 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (5)

1. BD.5S : 1.50 gal
TRN.1D : 1.00 gal
AHK : 0.50 gal
MTP.1J : 1.00 gal
MTP.2A : 0.75 gal

-Mix (5) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1240 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 22.6 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (5):

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.75 gal ea

NL : 0.50 gal

SLH : 0.25 gal ea

-Mix (3) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 830 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 22.0 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Light Veg (11)

GKA : feed to saturation

BBX.3G, BBX.3H : feed to saturation
L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.13 @ 21.7 C
1 T Myco powder
1 t Gnatrol (Bt-i - Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis)
1/2 t Companion (Bacillus subtilis)
1 t Hygrozyme

[/action report]

I started in bloom. This first pic is the only good shot I got of the 'Lavender' indica. Trust me - she's doing great:


These are all the BigBud x BlueMagoo:





These are that screwy Afghani Hindu Kush:




Here are five shots of the Blue Dream:






These next few are the Trinity:






These are all from the two Matanuskan Thunderfu@k girls:









These next two are the two Mattys that are in veg. They are moist but not swamped and they did not change when properly watered:



These are the Super Lemon Haze:



This is the Tangerine Dream. The SLH and TDR will be bloom-mates in about a month:


Here's veg. They are a little tattered, but overall they are doing well:


I need to do this regularly.

[action report]
==> All veg - Fog for bugs (16)

BD.6D, BD.6E
L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K

In hot water:
-Mix (2) gallons.
-Per gallon:
4 t Notrozyme
1 T Ful-power
2 t yucca
4 t Azadirachtin 1.2%
pH target: 6.40 (±.03) Actual: 6.40 @ 30.0 C
2 t Spinosad 0.5%

[/action report]

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