Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual


Here's the makeshift dryer. I made it from uncut 2x4s and scrap lumber. I hung a bar with syuff I had laying around. I covered in in plastic on the front and on the left side. The right side and the back are about 3" from their walls and the top is plywood. I added a moving blanket to the front and it kills almost all the light. With the lights off in that room it's plenty dark. It circulates well but not forcefully. The temps are stable in the 70s and the humidity is 40-50%. It's working good.

This is all the Matanuskan I just harvested Mon-Wed. I put the remains in the pots into the first pic but they didn't stay in the room. That is a yardstick across the orange hangers. There are binder clips all along the bottom of each hanger. The stems are hung by these clips. I'm pleased.







Here's veg. Pardon the wire mess. Gotta get that fixed:


SLH and TDR are doing well;


Here's their profiles. Look at those short internodes (sexy):



GKA is still weirded but I think coming out of it now:


Here's my 10'x8.5" bloom garden. This is with the plants moved aside for feeding. It's crowded in there. I can't wait for the new digs:


First some Grandaddy Purps that is about ready to come out. They are in flush now. It's OK, but since I'm trying to reduce my strain selection, she's probably going to go. Looks nice though, and nothing to complain about. Nothing to email home about either:




I don't know if this is the 'Lavender' Indica or the BigBud x BlueMagoo, but they both look like this. The Lav is more treelike in shape and the BBX more of a bush, but otherwise indistinguishable at the moment:


Here's the Blue Dream I just put in. She's still unrolling after growing past the veg floros. I'm starting to think she might be problem-big:


And the Trinity I just put in is starting to pop a lot of nice new green growth all over:


Yeah, everything is going pretty well atm.

[action report]
==> Transplanted (24):

MTP.1J, MTP.2A : 1.00 gal ea
Transplanted to 9 gallon pots.

AHK : 0.50 gal
Transplanted to a 1.5 gallon pot.

Newly rooted clones: ; All to saturation
MTP.2J, MTP.2K : from MTP.1J
MTP.3A, MTP.3B : from MTP.2A
BBX.2G, BBX.2H, : from BBX.2J
GDP.3A : from GDP.2G
GDP.3B : from GDP.2D
L.5M, L.5N, L.5P, L.5Q : from L.4F
BD.6J, BD.6K, BD.6L, BD.6M : from BD.5S
TRN.2A : from TRN.1B
TRN.2B, TRN.2C : from TRN.1D
Transplanted to 3.5" pots.

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
2 T Organic Supplement
1 t Big Foot (1st)
2 t PGE
1 oz. Yucca
Natural @ 510 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.05) Actual: 6.25 @ 22.4 C
1/2 t Companion
1/2 T Myco powder
1 t Bt-i

[/action report]

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

GDP.1F (52/55 days) : 2.00 gal ea
GDP.1K (52/55 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.22 @ 22.6 C

==> All remaining - Weekly Beneficials (22):

L.4F (19/55 days) : 1.50 gal
BBX.2J (19/55 days) : 1.50 gal
BD.5S (04/70 days) : 1.25 gal
TRN.1D (04/70 days) : 1.25 gal

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.25 gal ea

NL : feed to saturation

BD.6F, BD.6G : feed to saturation
L.5J, L.5L

SLH : feed to saturation

-Mix (8) gallons
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 22.3 C
-Per gallon:
1/2 T Myco powder
1 t Gnatrol (Bt-i - Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis)
1/2 t Companion (Bacillus subtilis)
1 t Hygrozyme

[/action report]

I hadn't thought of entering them. I guess since I have the pics already I could throw them in. Thanks for the idea.


Those all look so great brother! and thanks for the comments I so appreciate it. please stop by anytime.

so is that dry room/rack there with you? does your trimmers normally just trim or do they dry/cure for you as well? just curious really.

so which strains are you officially sticking with now?

Thanks as always!
Those all look so great brother! and thanks for the comments I so appreciate it. please stop by anytime.

Thank you, and I'm happy to share. I'll be keeping up on your grow.

so is that dry room/rack there with you? does your trimmers normally just trim or do they dry/cure for you as well? just curious really.

Yes, the drying 'cabinet' is in the new bloom room that I'm still building. It is already temp- and humidity-controlled in there. Previously, the trimmers worked out of a friend's house, and it usually dried there. Then I would cut the buds off the stems into large 8 qt plastic bowls with a seal-able lid and take them home to finish, jar , and cure.

Now that friend is moving across town and not bringing the 'work' along, so the trimmers needed to go somewhere else to work. In my case, since we have actually been friends now for a while, they just decided to come to my place to trim my pot. They used to do seasonal trimming in NorCal, but they wanted something a little less transient, so they came to my city and found the 'group' of growers I know. They now trim year-round. We have had a long relationship and I trust them completely.

We get toasted, they trim, and I work on the bloom room. It's fun, and as long as I don't have to trim any pot myself, I'm happy. I pay them $15/hr and they do first-rate work. For example, that 14 oz haul I just weighed the other day was trimmed and hung in about 3 hours. From my perspective, that's a deal. Both plants combined cost me just under $100. I would never be able to trim fast enough to keep up, plus I'm not good at it and I don't enjoy it. To me, it's an ideal arrangement, and now I can do all of it in the comfort of my own grow space.

so which strains are you officially sticking with now?

I have 11 strains at the moment, and as I have often whined, I have too many. Horrible problem, that. :)

Three I will not consider giving up at this time: 'Lavender' Indica (L), Blue Dream (BD) , and Matanuskan Thunderfu@k (MTP). L is a heavy medical stone that puts you to sleep quickly. It's the 'nuclear option' in my pain-fighting arsenal. It is also a delight to smoke, but it yields are low (4-6 oz, in my system, as are all estimates) and it's not practical for daily toking. The BD is my fave for general smoking. The stone is just strong enough, and it is in all other respects a nearly ideal strain for me. It yields 10-12 oz per plant when doing well for me as well. MTP is a good solid stone. It's not sleepifying like the L, but it definitely leaves you a bit lost if you know what I mean. Those are my staples.

Two more I have tried: BigBud x BlueMagoo (BBX) and Grandaddy Purps (GDP). BBX is good and a nice change, but I'm not 'attached' to the strain. For now she's a keeper. GDP, on the other hand, has been a bit dissapointing. It looks great, but the stone is average. Other growers growing the same clone line agree. It may not be the real thing, or it may be just a clone too far. I suspect she will be vacating my garden soon.

That leaves six strains I possess but have not yet harvested. The first three, like every other strain I have listed so far, came to me as clones. Those are Trinity (TRN), Northern Lights (NL), and Grape Kool-Aid (GKA). TRN is in bloom now so I'll have a verdict in a couple months. I have no idea which NL this is and I've not heard of GKA. Neither of these will be going into bloom soon, and I may even give a couple of the three back.

While I'm still talking clones, none of these can be authenticated. Some I am pretty sure are correct, but that's about it. The rest, who knows? I got them all nth-hand so no one I know popped the seeds they came from.

The final three strains are for-sure, because I got the seed in the sealed breeder packs and started them myself. They are Afghani Hindu Kush (AHK), Super Lemon Haze (SLH), and Tangerine Dream (TDR). The AHK is auto-flowering very slowly so I think it is a stress reaction, and appears to be female. The other two are 3" tall and are feminized. I expect to be throwing the AHK mother into bloom as a tester/taster soon. SLH and TDR are at least 2 months from going into bloom.

How's that? :roorrip:

I was pretty harsh on the clones and didn't harden them off before blasting them. Tut-tut, I should be more careful.

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

GDP.1F (54/55 days) : 2.00 gal ea
GDP.1K (54/55 days)

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.15 @ 21.8 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

L.4F (21/55 days) : 0.50 gal ea
BBX.2J (21/55 days)
BD.5S (06/70 days)
TRN.1D (06/70 days)

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.30 @ 21.6 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (4)

1. L.4F : 1.00 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallon - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1310 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.14 @ 21.7 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

2. BD.5S : 0.75 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallon - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1180 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.18 @ 21.4 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (7):

MTP.1J, MTP.2A : 1.00 gal ea

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.25 gal ea

NL : feed to saturation

-Mix (3) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
1 t Big Foot (2nd)
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 910 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.15 @ 21.4 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium veg (12):

BD.6F, BD.6G : feed to saturation
L.5J, L.5L

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 870 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.27 @ 21.4 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Small veg (23):

SLH : feed to saturation

L.5M, L.5N, L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K, BD.6L, BD.6M

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1/2 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
1 t Big Foot (2nd)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 630 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.28 @ 21.3 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

Thank you, and I'm happy to share. I'll be keeping up on your grow.

Yes, the drying 'cabinet' is in the new bloom room that I'm still building. It is already temp- and humidity-controlled in there. Previously, the trimmers worked out of a friend's house, and it usually dried there. Then I would cut the buds off the stems into large 8 qt plastic bowls with a seal-able lid and take them home to finish, jar , and cure.

Now that friend is moving across town and not bringing the 'work' along, so the trimmers needed to go somewhere else to work. In my case, since we have actually been friends now for a while, they just decided to come to my place to trim my pot. They used to do seasonal trimming in NorCal, but they wanted something a little less transient, so they came to my city and found the 'group' of growers I know. They now trim year-round. We have had a long relationship and I trust them completely.

We get toasted, they trim, and I work on the bloom room. It's fun, and as long as I don't have to trim any pot myself, I'm happy. I pay them $15/hr and they do first-rate work. For example, that 14 oz haul I just weighed the other day was trimmed and hung in about 3 hours. From my perspective, that's a deal. Both plants combined cost me just under $100. I would never be able to trim fast enough to keep up, plus I'm not good at it and I don't enjoy it. To me, it's an ideal arrangement, and now I can do all of it in the comfort of my own grow space.

I have 11 strains at the moment, and as I have often whined, I have too many. Horrible problem, that. :)

Three I will not consider giving up at this time: 'Lavender' Indica (L), Blue Dream (BD) , and Matanuskan Thunderfu@k (MTP). L is a heavy medical stone that puts you to sleep quickly. It's the 'nuclear option' in my pain-fighting arsenal. It is also a delight to smoke, but it yields are low (4-6 oz, in my system, as are all estimates) and it's not practical for daily toking. The BD is my fave for general smoking. The stone is just strong enough, and it is in all other respects a nearly ideal strain for me. It yields 10-12 oz per plant when doing well for me as well. MTP is a good solid stone. It's not sleepifying like the L, but it definitely leaves you a bit lost if you know what I mean. Those are my staples.

Two more I have tried: BigBud x BlueMagoo (BBX) and Grandaddy Purps (GDP). BBX is good and a nice change, but I'm not 'attached' to the strain. For now she's a keeper. GDP, on the other hand, has been a bit dissapointing. It looks great, but the stone is average. Other growers growing the same clone line agree. It may not be the real thing, or it may be just a clone too far. I suspect she will be vacating my garden soon.

That leaves six strains I possess but have not yet harvested. The first three, like every other strain I have listed so far, came to me as clones. Those are Trinity (TRN), Northern Lights (NL), and Grape Kool-Aid (GKA). TRN is in bloom now so I'll have a verdict in a couple months. I have no idea which NL this is and I've not heard of GKA. Neither of these will be going into bloom soon, and I may even give a couple of the three back.

While I'm still talking clones, none of these can be authenticated. Some I am pretty sure are correct, but that's about it. The rest, who knows? I got them all nth-hand so no one I know popped the seeds they came from.

The final three strains are for-sure, because I got the seed in the sealed breeder packs and started them myself. They are Afghani Hindu Kush (AHK), Super Lemon Haze (SLH), and Tangerine Dream (TDR). The AHK is auto-flowering very slowly so I think it is a stress reaction, and appears to be female. The other two are 3" tall and are feminized. I expect to be throwing the AHK mother into bloom as a tester/taster soon. SLH and TDR are at least 2 months from going into bloom.

How's that? :roorrip:


That is such a good deal for you, wow is all I can really say. You are very fortunate 1. for the trust and 2. they come to you.
I haven't trimmed much in my time yet, but I so enjoy it for now lol.

That is quite the selection, I can see that you may a few too many... but variety is the spice of life afterall.

Your grow op is just absolutely beautiful :goodjob:

Just courious but why do you post so late or should I say so early each day.
I mean its great to wake up and know that you have posted it gives somehting to read to the mrs over coffee each morning... a little off topic sorry.

:peace: brother
Thanks for the compliments.

As for too many strains, definitely. I try to stick to my legal med grow numbers, but I'm hopelessly over in veg right now, and as long as I try to juggle all these strains I suspect I will continue to be over my limit. :|

I post late because that's when I get done feeding. My lights are on roughly 7pm-7am to help offset cooling costs. I have a day job, I commute 45 mins from work, and often stop to see my grandchild on the way home. Then I eat dinner, and finally, I get around to doing the feeding. I usually get pretty ripped in the process, so it is often 10pm or later before I get it all done. Add to that the fact that I'm on the west coast and you have a recipe for late night updates.

If I could just win the lottery I could quit my day job and post when everyone else is here, but alas, the board is pretty quiet before I get to it. Right now I'm posting via remote connection from work (They don't need to see where I am posting, etc).

Thanks for the compliments.

As for too many strains, definitely. I try to stick to my legal med grow numbers, but I'm hopelessly over in veg right now, and as long as I try to juggle all these strains I suspect I will continue to be over my limit. :|

I post late because that's when I get done feeding. My lights are on roughly 7pm-7am to help offset cooling costs. I have a day job, I commute 45 mins from work, and often stop to see my grandchild on the way home. Then I eat dinner, and finally, I get around to doing the feeding. I usually get pretty ripped in the process, so it is often 10pm or later before I get it all done. Add to that the fact that I'm on the west coast and you have a recipe for late night updates.

If I could just win the lottery I could quit my day job and post when everyone else is here, but alas, the board is pretty quiet before I get to it. Right now I'm posting via remote connection from work (They don't need to see where I am posting, etc).


You might have too many, but at least you are trying them out to see which you prefer over the others. I think it is great you are able to try the different strains out to find which meds work best for you.

LOL that makes perfect sense, I work days as well, but live on the e coast. I am able to post all day from here. I run my lights at night as well.

LOL - just don't get into trouble, not everyone is a forward thinking as us! Thanks as always and keep it up!
Busy day. Today I harvested GDP.1F at 56 days. I'm not feeding GDP.1K tonight because she's coming down tomorrow and will be fine. This first plant will be lucky to produce 5 oz I think. We'll see. My estimations are famously wrong.

I gave away BBX.2J and BBX.3E.

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

L.4F (23/55 days) : 0.50 gal ea
BBX.2J (23/55 days)
BD.5S (08/70 days)
TRN.1D (08/70 days)

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.19 @ 21.0 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (4)

1. L.4F : 1.00 gal
BBX.2J : 1.25 gal

-Mix (3) gallon - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1170 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.20 @ 21.2 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

2. BD.5S : 0.75 gal ea

-Mix (2) gallon - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1190 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.27 @ 20.9 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (7):

MTP.1J, MTP.2A : 1.00 gal ea

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.25 gal ea

NL : feed to saturation

-Mix (3) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
1 t Big Foot (3rd)
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 740 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.18 @ 21.1 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium veg (11):

BD.6F, BD.6G : feed to saturation
L.5J, L.5L

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 800 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.14 @ 20.7 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Small veg (22):

SLH : feed to saturation

L.5M, L.5N, L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K, BD.6L, BD.6M

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1/2 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
1 t Big Foot (3rd)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 700 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.12 @ 21.2 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

Busy day. Today I harvested GDP.1F at 56 days. I'm not feeding GDP.1K tonight because she's coming down tomorrow and will be fine. This first plant will be lucky to produce 5 oz I think. We'll see. My estimations are famously wrong.

I gave away BBX.2J and BBX.3E.


5z... you do realize that for most of us that is a great weight per plant - lol. I know that is really low for you, but hopefully it will truly make your toes curl.

I think that is so great that you give away that many plants, I know that I don't even know any other close growers to even talk to.
Thats probably why I decided to make my journal and visit others.
Have a great day!
Sure is looking :yummy: around here as usual. Hope you are well Aberration.

Love the Matanuska. I just germed a Lavender as part of my next journal. I damaged a cotyledon, but she seems okay so far. Hoping she makes it, as I really want to see her mature. I could use another good pain indica. :bong:
Thanks guys. I was out of contact for 2 days. The following should have been posted on the 19th, but I was high and in a hurry. Sorry.

[action report]
==> All - Weekly Beneficials (44):

L.4F (25/55 days) : 1.50 gal
BBX.2J (25/55 days) : 1.75 gal
BD.5S (10/70 days) : 1.25 gal
TRN.1D (10/70 days) : 1.25 gal

MTP.1J, MTP.2A : 1.00 gal ea

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.25 gal ea

NL : feed to saturation

BD.6F, BD.6G : feed to saturation
L.5J, L.5L

SLH : feed to saturation

L.5M, L.5N, L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K, BD.6L, BD.6M

-Mix (11) gallons
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.22 @ 22.1 C
-Per gallon:
1/2 T Myco powder
1 t Gnatrol (Bt-i - Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis)
1/2 t Companion (Bacillus subtilis)
1 t Hygrozyme

[/action report]

Yeah, I know 5 oz is a great outcome. I guess I'm spoiled by going bigger so much. I really shouldn't complain.

I put MTP.1J and MTP.2A into bloom. They are each about 2' tall.

TRN.2A, TRN.2B, and BBX.3K expired due to no hardening-off period and were removed.

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (6)

L.4F (27/55 days) : 0.50 gal ea
BBX.2J (27/55 days)
BD.5S (12/70 days)
TRN.1D (12/70 days)
MTP.1J (00/65 days)
MTP.2A (00/65 days)

-Mix (3) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.26 @ 21.9 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (6)

1. L.4F : 1.00 gal
BBX.2J : 1.25 gal

-Mix (3) gallon - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1240 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.18 @ 21.8 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

2. BD.5S : 0.75 gal ea

-Mix (4) gallons - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1240 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.17 @ 21.7 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (5):

BD.6D, BD.6E : 0.25 gal ea

NL : feed to saturation

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 950 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.10 @ 21.7 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium veg (11):

BD.6F, BD.6G : feed to saturation
L.5J, L.5L

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 810 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.28 @ 20.7 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Small veg (20):

SLH : feed to saturation

L.5M, L.5N, L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K, BD.6L, BD.6M

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1/2 t Cal-Mag

1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 600 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.16 @ 21.1 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

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