Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

Sorry your not feeling well Abe. EWC = earth worm castings.

Hope you are back on your feet soon, hang in there and Keep it up!

:peace: brotha!
I was reading a journal today and saw that you posted about the likelihood of female seeds turning herme. You were correct from my experience and reading on the subject all three species of cannabis will self if left long enough or stressed and the fact that they are female seeds does not increase that likelihood. It is more probable that the strain in question had the trait present all ready or as you indicated that it was just an unfortunate mutant. I have had regular seeds try and herm on me and female seeds, but never that early in the flower cycle. That leads me to believe that it was just an unlucky mutant. I would have PMd you about this but I don't have enough posts under this name. Just wasted to say bravo and good post. Science works, word of mouth and wives tales are not good to base anything on if you have the choice. I will change my mind at the blink of an eye if I see some respectable peer reviewed and replicatable studies on an issue or even a well thought out experiment done here could make me lean one way or another, but In the absence of data, it has to at least make sense, and in this case it did not. Again as you said, "what is the mechanism" and where was the "fact" proven.
Sorry your not feeling well Abe. EWC = earth worm castings.

Hope you are back on your feet soon, hang in there and Keep it up!

:peace: brotha!

I'm much better now, thanks. I'm almost eating normal now. The stomach flu going around is brutal.

Earthworm castings - right.

I was reading a journal today and saw that you posted about the likelihood of female seeds turning herme. You were ...

No need to PM, post away.

I need things to make sense. I believe magic is an important component of a good life, but not in my garden. I need to bring it to facts, numbers, and measurable dimensions so that I can create a 'system'. I think that most anything at human scale is reducible to a 'system'. It just needs sufficient refinement.

I now that sounds like I am a hardcore science and numbers guy, but really I'm a hardcore stoner who needs to create structure in his life to hold back the chaos. By establishing routines and procedures and creating checklists I avoid forgetting to do things and avoid losing things. Otherwise I'm hopeless and lost.

So a system that reliably grows great pot is what I really want in my garden. It's not so much Zen as it is lazy, but I know my weaknesses and I try to work with them.


I see you there Quixilvir... :)

Please forgive my silence...Its just that, your journal is quite informative, and I've nothing to add or contribute. You're always a gracious host, and there is much to be learned here, so I just sit back here and soak up what I can. Your level of growing is a bit higher than mine..Both in volume and in skill/technique, so, I just sit back and absorb...:thumb:
Please forgive my silence...Its just that, your journal is quite informative, and I've nothing to add or contribute. You're always a gracious host, and there is much to be learned here, so I just sit back here and soak up what I can. Your level of growing is a bit higher than mine..Both in volume and in skill/technique, so, I just sit back and absorb...:thumb:

Oh, that's fine. I just wanted to make sure you knew I was noticing your visits and appreciate them. I wasn't trying to lure you out or anything. I welcome conversation, but if you want to sit back and watch that's A-OK by me. :Namaste:

And thanks for the compliments, but I don't think of myself as that good a grower. I really just follow instructions well. Sure, I've read loads on cannabis cultivation - I have a 3' shelf of such books - but I really only grok what I'm doing in bits and pieces. I still go "oh, duh!" pretty much every time I post here or work in my garden as I realize that some relationship or interaction has been staring me in the face and I just saw it for the first time. Then I have to repeat that exact aha moment a few more times before I actually start to see and use it, which can take a year or more. I used to be such a quick learner, too... :bong:

I've also learned loads here on 420Mag too. This place has taught me that I sometimes micromanage too much and shown me where the curve of diminishing returns really is. Also, I have just recently come to understand (last couple months) that I have over-watering tendencies and have started to back off. 420Mag posters have impressed upon me that having or being the best is not necessary and that I can be content with what I have. Not to mention all the great technical growing knowledge that 420Mag offers.

Plus, posting here keeps me honest. By that I mean that if I didn't post what I do, I would let stuff slide. But knowing that people may call me out on my laziness keeps me more on the ball.

Lastly, and probably most importantly, I have a mentor I have known forever that I can trust. He doesn't mentor me much anymore, but in the beginning he was key and he has been a blessing ever since. I am truly lucky.

Well, I think that's enough stoned rambling for now. I guess I better feed these girls. :morenutes:

By the way, the Matanuskan Thunderfu@k is going to be perfect. It comes down in about a week. Flush starts tonight:




I have my regular camera back too (D90) so more pics should be coming this weekend.

So as mentioned, the Matanuskan Thunderfu@k girls start pre-harvest flush tonight. In addition, the 5 Super Lemon Haze clones I just put into straight coco got their first light feeding tonight.

==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush

MTP.3D (54/63 days) : 2.00 gal
MTP.3E (54/63 days) : 2.00 gal

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 20.6 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush:

BBX.4C (12/56 days) : 0.50 gal

GKA.1B (12/63 days) : 0.50 gal
WW.0A (12/63 days) : 0.50 gal

TDR.1B (12/77 days) : 0.50 gal
SLH.1A (12/77 days) : 0.50 gal
AH1.0B (12/77 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (3) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.14 @ 20.2 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed:

BBX.4C : 0.75 gal

GKA.1B : 0.75 gal
WW.0A : 0.75 gal

TDR.1B : 0.75 gal
SLH.1A : 0.75 gal
AH1.0B : 0.75 gal

-Mix (5) gallons - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 860 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.11 @ 20.6 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Mature Veg:

SLH.1D : 0.25 gal ea
L.6A, L.6D

BD.7C, BD.7J : water to saturation
CH.1A, CH.1B

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 840 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.17 @ 19.6 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium Veg:

TDR.2C : water to saturation

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 650 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.16 @ 19.2 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Young Veg:

SLH.2F, SLH.2G, SLH.2H, : water to saturation

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 510 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.16 @ 18.9 C
1/2 t Companion

Alright folks. For those of you who have been bothered that my nutrient regimen is based on a nute line that is not widely available, the solution is in. I have the information of the new national distribution of the nute line I use.

Before I go on, please don't interpret this as an advertisement. Though I have met one of the people that is responsible for creating these nutes, I don't really know them, and I am not shilling for them. I love these nutes and I use them. People have commented on my results, and it's only fair to let everyone know what to buy if they want to copy my regimen. I gain nothing from telling you about these nutes. I just want that out there so there is no confusion on this.

So if you want to see buy what I use, it can be purchased under the national distribution name: Nectar for the Gods. That name and the individual names of the products in the line seem a bit silly to me, but as long as the content is the same I could care less. To avoid getting in trouble for linking, I'm going to direct you this way: go to Google and search for "oregons only". Don't include the quotes and don't capitalize or put in an apostrophe. The first result will be for "Home | Nectar For The Gods" - that's it.

Here is an equivalency list so you can correlate what they sell to what I use:

Bone Meal = Herculean Harvest
Biggest Bloom = Mega Morpheus
PGE = Zeus Juice
Cal-Mag/Liquid Calcium = Demeter's Destiny
Yucca Extract = Hygeia Hydration
Notrozime = Poseidonzyme
Organic/Bioactive = Gaia Mania
Soil Nutrient = Medusa's Magic
Carbon Sweet = Aphrodite's Extraction
Amino Blast = Athena's Aminas
Feather Tea = Pegasus Potion
Liquid Lime (ph up) = Olympus Up

Check the section titled Evolution of a Product Line to see the equivalencies as well. They also have a store locator to help you find a shop that sells their line.

I don't use their feeding schedule exactly. I started with an earlier iteration of their schedule and customized from there.

There. I finally got that posted. I feel better.

Right, so pictures. All height measurements are taken from the soil surface and and unless specified otherwise, measured to the average top height, not the tallest top height.

First. Here is a shot into the 8 plant bloom room.. That's me in the back. They are all in 9 gallon pots:


Here we go through bloom. First is the White Widow. She's 30" tall at day 14 of 63 (estimated). She's doing alright with three major tops:




Here's the Super Lemon Haze. She's at day 14 of 77 (estimated) and she is 34" tall. She's frizzy. You might also notice that she's the only one with this yellowing. She needs to be upped to the middle bloom recipe:





Next is the Arjan's Haze #1. She's got about a dozen nice tops that are all at about 42". She's 14 days into an expected 11 week run. Looks good so far:




Here is the Grape Kool-Aid. She's 14 days old like so many others, but this time I think I'm going at least 63 days. We shall see. The last nugs were just frosty and delicious, and looked like purple candy. I'm hoping to increase density and nug size. She is already 42 inches tall on average and looking healthy:




Next is BigBud x Blue Magoo. At 46 inches she's the tallest so far and she's so healthy. She's at day 14 and only goes to 56 to make swell bud. ;)





The tallest girl in the room is the Tangerine Dream. Those four tops are not about the same height. This was taken standing on a bucket across the room, The near and far branches appear to be about the same height, but one is 45" and the other is 50". The other two are in between. She's probably too big again, dangit. She is 14 days into bloom and I plan to go at least 11 weeks with her. That's OK. Even her fluffy bud is prized. It's sooo good:




Last are the two Matanuskan Thunderfu@k. They are both at day 56 and have a week of flush left before harvest, so I guess this is the time for beauty shots, eh? One tops out at 32" and the other at 38", but lots of the bud is flopped over. I can't hold it up and it is still growing. The Mattys do this. I hate to grow pot that just falls all over, but when it produces so much that you can't hold it up... well, if you're going to put it that way... that's different. It's difficult because it is so productive. It's hard to give that up. Good hard hitting bud too:










Here's veg:



These are the Super Lemon Haze transplants into "straight" coco. They are doing great so far:



Here are four Grape Kool-Aid clones out of the dome on the left and 3 White Widow with them on the right:


These last three are still in the dome, all Arjan's Haze #1:


The Tangerine Dream, the BigBud x BlueMagoo, and the medium sized veg plants needed feeding tonight. The rest get theirs tomorrow at soonest.

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush:

BBX.4C (12/56 days) : 0.50 gal

TDR.1B (12/77 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 20.4 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed:

BBX.4C : 1.00 gal

TDR.1B : 1.00 gal

-Mix (2) gallons - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 800 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 20.9 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium Veg:

TDR.2C : water to saturation

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 670 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 21.7 C
1/2 t Companion

GKA.1B (Grape Kool-Aid) shows clawing in the new growth - nitrogen toxicity. She will get the normal volume, but all pre-feed flush water.

SLH.1A (Super Lemon Haze) looks like she has an Fe deficiency. Extra micro-nutes for all.

==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush

MTP.3D (57/63 days) : 2.00 gal
MTP.3E (57/63 days) : 2.00 gal

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 22.4 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush:

GKA.1B (15/63 days) : 1.25 gal
WW.0A (15/63 days) : 0.50 gal

SLH.1A (15/77 days) : 0.50 gal
AH1.0B (15/77 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (3) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
1 t TM-7
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.19 @ 22.8 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed:

WW.0A : 0.75 gal

SLH.1A : 0.75 gal
AH1.0B : 0.75 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 760 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 23.1 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Mature Veg:

SLH.1D : 0.25 gal ea
L.6A, L.6D

BD.7C, BD.7J : water to saturation
CH.1A, CH.1B

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 880 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.15 @ 22.7 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Young Veg:

SLH.2F, SLH.2G, SLH.2H, : water to saturation

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 510 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 21.8 C
1/2 t Companion

Hey Abe,
I know that use a combo of MH/HPS in your bloom, but what are the brand names of the bulbs that you prefer. I need two more and would like a little more blue in them to help with the stretch as my situation only allows use of HPS in flower. It is just hard for me to give in and pay the extra $50 for a Hortilux or Lumitek High Par bulb. I have always gone with the mid range bulbs in the past. Would love to hear your thoughts.
you have got some monsters their mate, cant wait to see the end result, gona be huge,

im also considering getting hps, ive been looking at dual spectrum hps it says it has an extra element in it to produce the blue light needed during veg then you can use the light for both stages of growth, i would need a big one possibly 400 or 600watt, just not to sure if its worth getting the dual spectrum hps or even if they give good results
Hey Abe,
I know that use a combo of MH/HPS in your bloom, but what are the brand names of the bulbs that you prefer. I need two more and would like a little more blue in them to help with the stretch as my situation only allows use of HPS in flower. It is just hard for me to give in and pay the extra $50 for a Hortilux or Lumitek High Par bulb. I have always gone with the mid range bulbs in the past. Would love to hear your thoughts.

I run GE Lucalox PSL 600W for HPS and HiLUX GRO AMH-600 Opti-Blue 600W conversion bulb for MH. I have never tried anything else, so I can't really comment on how good they are compared to anything else. They work well for me. I decided to concentrate on 600W lights because they are efficient at that wattage, and the MH is a conversion bulb so that my ballasts can all be identical and interchangeable. Of course since I'm buying digital ballasts these days neither point is all that important any more. These bulbs seem fine for about 9 months at a time and then they are due to be changed as productivity falls off quickly after that. I'm not sold on the more expensive bulbs personally. I get great results with these reasonably priced ones, so 🤷

you have got some monsters their mate, cant wait to see the end result, gona be huge,

im also considering getting hps, ive been looking at dual spectrum hps it says it has an extra element in it to produce the blue light needed during veg then you can use the light for both stages of growth, i would need a big one possibly 400 or 600watt, just not to sure if its worth getting the dual spectrum hps or even if they give good results

They are big, aren't they? I really need to quit doing that - they get unmanageable pretty fast even in the bigger room. I suspect they will be going into bloom somewhat smaller now as I'm behind in veg and will need them sooner than I would like. They say "necessity is the mother of invention". In my case, it's "piss-poor planning is the mother of suck it up". :)

If the dual spectrum bulb was inexpensive I would give it a shot. Last I saw, they were not inexpensive at all.

The thunderfuck looks amazing. Worked for a grower that grew his outdoors, great yielding plant. Good smoke too. Lookin good as usual. + reps.

Yeah, the Matty is a consistently good producer of brain-slammin' buds. I average over 8oz perplant with this girl, too. Thanks for dropping in BWC; I haven't seen you in a while. :passitleft:

Wow Abe! You could play military games in there with all those trees you have in there.
Nice, very nice indeed :thumb:
Your room is stellar
Your plants are stellar
+reps for you my friend
You have an awesome garden my friend.

+ Reps for the beautiful buds and hard work, it surely pays off


Thank you very much. The work does pay off in the end.

Wow Abe! You could play military games in there with all those trees you have in there.
Nice, very nice indeed :thumb:
Your room is stellar
Your plants are stellar
+reps for you my friend

Thanks. Some of those are too big IMO.

The Matanuskans are adjusted to harvest at 65 days (Tuesday). The BigBud x BlueMagoo and the White Widow are promoted to mid bloom. This is the max nutes they will likely get. At the end I'll ease up. Until then go-go-go, girls!

==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush

MTP.3D (60/65 days) : 2.00 gal
MTP.3E (60/65 days) : 2.00 gal

-Mix (4) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.24 @ 20.5 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush:

BBX.4C (18/56 days) : 0.50 gal

GKA.1B (18/63 days) : 0.50 gal
WW.0A (18/63 days) : 0.50 gal

SLH.1A (18/77 days) : 0.50 gal
AH1.0B (18/77 days) : 0.50 gal
TDR.1B (18/77 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (3) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.14 @ 20.3 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed:

GKA.1B : 0.75 gal
TDR.1B : 1.00 gal
SLH.1A : 0.75 gal
AH1.0B : 0.75 gal

-Mix (4) gallons - EARLY
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
1 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
1 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 840 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.20 @ 20.3 C
1/2 t Companion

BBX.4C : 1.00 gal
WW.0A : 0.75 gal

-Mix (2) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
2 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1020 ppm
pH target: 6.40 (±.10) Actual: 6.28 @ 20.4 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Mature Veg:

SLH.1D : 0.25 gal ea
L.6A, L.6D

BD.7C, BD.7J : water to saturation
CH.1A, CH.1B

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 820 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.15 @ 20.1 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Medium Veg:

TDR.2C : water to saturation

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
2 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 740 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.24 @ 20.1 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Young Veg:

SLH.2F, SLH.2G, SLH.2H, : water to saturation

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 510 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.16 @ 20.2 C
1/2 t Companion

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