A Visual Journal With Pigeons420


I just made this picture for fun in the dark with my camera flash and I didn't even realise how good that actually looks...

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I just made this picture for fun in the dark with my camera flash and I didn't even realise how good that actually looks...

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Boy is that beautiful or what? :bravo:

I'll join in as well ;)



Is that yours? I mean, did you make that? That looks so tasty!

Sure is nice to see you Canad!! :high-five:
I just produce the herb. My buddy does the kick ass shatter. Its a nice trade off but this shit is way strong. I don't know how some people take more than 1 hit, by my 2nd hit I gotta lay down lol.

I had this made from my Tangie Ghost Train and WOW can you ever taste the tangerine in this.
I just produce the herb. My buddy does the kick ass shatter. Its a nice trade off but this shit is way strong. I don't know how some people take more than 1 hit, by my 2nd hit I gotta lay down lol.

I had this made from my Tangie Ghost Train and WOW can you ever taste the tangerine in this.

Wow sounds like a match made in heaven! Sure looks great bro!


I installed the LED lights and holy hell it is bright down here Plants still look happy so should be fine. Now, let's wait how everything turns out. If the lamps are not good enough then I'll upgrade to better ones

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Update today!!

Hope everyone is well today. I'm lying in bed trying to find the courage to pull myself out from the grasp of my pillow and attempt to take on the day! If all works out well I'll be having a hoot in 30 minutes!

Here I go!

Come on Pigeons! Get a nice cup of coffee and smell some buds, watch your plants and read some comments and I bet you can start the day feeling very good!!

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Stopping by for a quick hug. I've a new thread Pigeons. It's the top link in my signature line. Come join us my friend.

:love: :hug: :love:
Haha I really did get off the pillow guys! But man things got busy from there. I'll be right back I promise!


Thanks Pigeons.......passing to the left.....

The countdown to Harvest is on!

Good Friday to All of you!!! I hope each of you are well and warm. It has been a crazy week here in the garden and in life.

My son has begun is first full week back into his weekly routine and this is both exciting and scary for me because, well he's my son and I just want to hold him in my arms forever and tell him it'll be ok. :rofl: but for obvious reasons this is not the best option (for him). He's handling the week back like a champion and it means a lot to me that he holds his head high and continues to smile. Today is Sloppy Joe Day at school and he is incredibly excited about it. It's the little things to him that mean so much more to him and those things are
hard to teach. But he's grown so much.

Ok ok ok let's get into the garden. Thanks for listening to me ramble. I've got this Shoreline that is absolutely beautiful and getting closer and closer to harvest. I'm going to feed her for another week and then begin the flush. She is going to be one incredible bud when she's formed. I can't get over how thick and healthy this bud is! She smells very fruity and sweet. Almost like something you'd want to put in your mouth as a candy or something.

Check her out!!



Then we have these Bag seeds here which, along with a few others in my room, were thrown in here when we were in the hospital and probably won't amount to much but they sure look pretty.





Good to hear he's back on his schedule. Sloppy Joe Day. :laughtwo: That threw me back. :laughtwo:

Happy Weekend Pigeons. Your Shoreline sounds delicious. You don't have any purple growing, do you? This is really strange Pigeons, but I was compelled to seek this out and share with you.

It must be something the universe wanted you to hear. From Medical Jane:


Beta-caryophyllene is a sesquiterpene found in many plants such as Thai basils, cloves, cinnamon leaves and black pepper, and in minor quantities in lavender. It’s aroma has been described as peppery, woody and/or spicy. Caryophyllene is the only terpene known to interact with the endocannabinoid system (CB2). Studies show β–caryophyllene holds promise in cancer treatment plans. Research shows shows that β–caryophyllene selectively binds to the CB2 receptor and that it is a functional CB2 agonist. Further, β–caryophyllene was identified as a functional non-psychoactive CB2 receptor ligand in foodstuff and as a macrocyclic anti-inflammatory cannabinoid in cannabis.

The Fine/Rosenfeld pain study demonstrates that other phytocannabinoids in combination, especially cannabidiol (CBD) and β-caryophyllene, delivered by the oral route appear to be promising candidates for the treatment of chronic pain due to their high safety and low adverse effects profiles.

The Horváth et al study suggests β-caryophyllene, through a CB2 receptor dependent pathway, may be an excellent therapeutic agent to prevent nephrotoxicity (poisonous effect on the kidneys) caused by anti-cancer chemotherapy drugs such as cisplatin.

The Jeena, Liju et al study investigated the chemical composition of essential oil isolated from black pepper, of which caryophyllene is a main constituent, and studied its pharmacological properties. Black pepper oil was found to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive properties. This suggests that high-caryophyllene strains may be useful in treating a number of medical issues such as arthritis and neuropathy pain.

Beta-caryophyllene is used especially in chewing gum when combined with other spicy mixtures or citrus flavorings.

Take from it what you will. It was a powerful compelling that tracked that info down. I wouldn't ignore it. See you at the wake 'n bake.

:hug: :love: :hug:
Why don't you clone her and send her to flower!?! :rofl:

Always take a cutting of new strain/phenos going to flower. You never know when you may have the "holy grail" :yummy:

You have so many people following on Youtube now that I have started getting ads before all your videos. Usually that stupid "Poo-Pourri" ad.
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