A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Welcome back Cajun. You don't know me, but I feel like I know you. Thank you for sharing all you have learned. Everyone here has been so amazing and willing to help me, help my sister.
Now I would like to share her latest scan results. The tumors seem to be mostly resolved and her liver looks better, just some cysts.
My question now, is how long should she continue with the gram a day of high THC? She has really bad neuropathy from the chemo and I was wondering if there was anything pariticular we could try that might help. Something high in CBD maybe?
I am sending huge hugs and thanks to everyone who has been guiding me along.

Thanks for the news!

I would continue 1 gr/day until tumors beaten back completely. But now would be good time to increase CBD ratio to help with healing from the chemo. Looking forward to another No Evidence of Disease post, but too early to celebrate. :yahoo::party: Okay, maybe a little, but then back to work. :)

Both THC and CBD work on neuorpathy pain over time, but I did not get immediate results. Definitely add CBD to mix. At the end of my chemo I was using 1:1 oil that gradually reduced pain but not consistently (I was taking evening doses only then. I'm sure smaller doses spread out would work better). Weekly acupuncture treatments were more effective over 6 weeks. Pain came back after 4-5 days but less each time until it was more annoying than painful most of the time. In year since then it's down to almost nothing and I have normal feeling almost to ends of finger tips.
The whole ratio thing is still a little confusing to me. I buy the oil at a dispensary. What percentage should I be looking for? Would the CBD be mixed with the high THC, lecithin, and olive oil, or would it be taken separately?
Welcome back Cajun. You don't know me, but I feel like I know you. Thank you for sharing all you have learned. Everyone here has been so amazing and willing to help me, help my sister.
Now I would like to share her latest scan results. The tumors seem to be mostly resolved and her liver looks better, just some cysts.
My question now, is how long should she continue with the gram a day of high THC? She has really bad neuropathy from the chemo and I was wondering if there was anything pariticular we could try that might help. Something high in CBD maybe?
I am sending huge hugs and thanks to everyone who has been guiding me along.

Duarte.... :yahoo: Tempered celebration and a deep sigh to hear good initial news. That had to be a relief for you and your sister. Big hug.


I recently watched a panel of topical producers, and every one of them spoke highly of the ability of a good topical to begin to heal the damage of neuropathy. Based on their recommendations I made a cream following their suggested ratios of 60% THC, 40% THCA and a tiny bit of CBD to potentiate the THC and offered it to my BIL who's dealing with complications of diabetes, among them painful neuropathy that was keeping him housebound.

He's been using the cream for about two weeks now, and he's been able to walk to the store without pain for the first time in a couple years. I have him using it morning and night, and he's getting excited now. I'll have to make him a bigger batch. :laughtwo:

What a wonderful thing to be able to plan for. I make a simple cream and he gets relief from his chronic pain. I highly suggest you seek some out for your sister that meets these ratio guidelines. The THCA works better as an anti-inflammatory in topicals than CBD does. CBD works much better systemically from within.

One more hug before I let you go. :hug: :love:
The clinic is a non profit & has been under constant attack from the IRS & local government. We have been charged major money & cannot keep on. I don't have the$ anymore for attorney's.

So.... I'm taking a break from it all & will be hanging around.

The baseline of knowledge here has grown so much from where it started. I'm thrilled about it. Great responses from the "team".

Thank you.

Good to have you among us mon ami, but crap about the circumstances. :straightface: The canna landscape has potholes no one anticipated. It challenges the bright-eyed optimism I typically choose to express.

You made everyone in the room feel a bit proud to have demonstrated the ability to carry the ball for you.

Thank you Cajun. :hug:
The clinic is a non profit & has been under constant attack from the IRS & local government. We have been charged major money & cannot keep on. I don't have the$ anymore for attorney's.

So.... I'm taking a break from it all & will be hanging around.

The baseline of knowledge here has grown so much from where it started. I'm thrilled about it. Great responses from the "team".

Thank you.

Jesus God, Cajun, so glad to have you back.....I really missed you, truly......'A' for effort on the clinic, but don't beat yourself up because of our despicable government......GRRRR....in any case, take a moment to bounce back and I can't wait to see you around more in the future....who loves ya baby, don't go changin'

Glad to see you are back Cajun. I've just come back today as well and came running to see about you.
Really sorry about your story, just keep on pushing man.

Knowledge has brought you here and will push you forwards to a new path. From you, I can only expect the greatest of successes.

Hope seeing you more often around here.

Big hug bro.

I am now in the 9th day of the suppositories. We are still at 1 suppository (1ml) per day (before bedtime), 1:10 cannabis to olive oil ratio. That means we give her about 0.1 ml (=0.1 gram) of biobomb per day. We are gonna move soon toward 2 suppository per day, one in the morning and one at bed time. I have some questions/issues. Since she started the suppositories (after 10 days of oral administration). she started to have more bowel movements. I am not saying it is necessarily bad, since she has always been constipated, in particular since in the past 6 months she is laying down in a hospital bed she had only 1 bowel movement every 4 days or none at all (she needed the nurse to inject a liquid-filled bulb syringe in her rectum every 4 days in order to poo). The oral administration did not change her bowel movements, but since she is taking it rectally she started to poo daily, and in the past 2 days she had 5 bowel movements per day, with good stools I would say (not too soft, right solidity). Any advise? Is this good or bad? Is it common?

I am now in the 9th day of the suppositories. We are still at 1 suppository (1ml) per day (before bedtime), 1:10 cannabis to olive oil ratio. That means we give her about 0.1 ml (=0.1 gram) of biobomb per day. We are gonna move soon toward 2 suppository per day, one in the morning and one at bed time. I have some questions/issues. Since she started the suppositories (after 10 days of oral administration). she started to have more bowel movements. I am not saying it is necessarily bad, since she has always been constipated, in particular since in the past 6 months she is laying down in a hospital bed she had only 1 bowel movement every 4 days or none at all (she needed the nurse to inject a liquid-filled bulb syringe in her rectum every 4 days in order to poo). The oral administration did not change her bowel movements, but since she is taking it rectally she started to poo daily, and in the past 2 days she had 5 bowel movements per day, with good stools I would say (not too soft, right solidity). Any advise? Is this good or bad? Is it common?

It sounds to me like a body system that was working poorly, is now working better.

Did she/they reduce her opiod use? Opiods cause constipation (as I'm sure your medical folks advised.)

I am now in the 9th day of the suppositories. We are still at 1 suppository (1ml) per day (before bedtime), 1:10 cannabis to olive oil ratio. That means we give her about 0.1 ml (=0.1 gram) of biobomb per day. We are gonna move soon toward 2 suppository per day, one in the morning and one at bed time. I have some questions/issues. Since she started the suppositories (after 10 days of oral administration). she started to have more bowel movements. I am not saying it is necessarily bad, since she has always been constipated, in particular since in the past 6 months she is laying down in a hospital bed she had only 1 bowel movement every 4 days or none at all (she needed the nurse to inject a liquid-filled bulb syringe in her rectum every 4 days in order to poo). The oral administration did not change her bowel movements, but since she is taking it rectally she started to poo daily, and in the past 2 days she had 5 bowel movements per day, with good stools I would say (not too soft, right solidity). Any advise? Is this good or bad? Is it common?

That's a normal response to biobomb suppositories. The help homeostasis of all cells and organs, not just the ones you're treating. It levels out after a few days of catching up. I usually have 2 per day, sometimes more. More than one member has posted that stools become noticeably softer.

I would encourage you to increase to 4 doses per day using smaller doses. CCO is much more effective when it is used evenly throughout day.

I am now in the 9th day of the suppositories. We are still at 1 suppository (1ml) per day (before bedtime), 1:10 cannabis to olive oil ratio. That means we give her about 0.1 ml (=0.1 gram) of biobomb per day. We are gonna move soon toward 2 suppository per day, one in the morning and one at bed time. I have some questions/issues. Since she started the suppositories (after 10 days of oral administration). she started to have more bowel movements. I am not saying it is necessarily bad, since she has always been constipated, in particular since in the past 6 months she is laying down in a hospital bed she had only 1 bowel movement every 4 days or none at all (she needed the nurse to inject a liquid-filled bulb syringe in her rectum every 4 days in order to poo). The oral administration did not change her bowel movements, but since she is taking it rectally she started to poo daily, and in the past 2 days she had 5 bowel movements per day, with good stools I would say (not too soft, right solidity). Any advise? Is this good or bad? Is it common?

I was shocked to discover how cannabis suppositories would regulate the elimination system. I discovered myself after a round of antibiotics brought me close to C-diff that it could stop loose stools on the spot. It'll do the same with constipation. Wish I'd known that when opioids impacted my husband's colon.

As KR explained, cannabinoids work towards homeostasis in all systems that need it. Take his advice and get her on four a day. Keep that pressure on the tumor cells with consistent dosing that creates a more level playing field.

How's she handling the doses? A reminder to stay hydrated. Cannabinoid therapies need lots of water in the system to wash away the trash.
I would encourage you to increase to 4 doses per day using smaller doses. CCO is much more effective when it is used evenly throughout day.

I apologize for just jumping in when I don't know the background.
But, yes, as KR has pointed out, it is better to go with more weaker doses than less, but stronger dose.
I think your ratio of 10:1 could be stronger. As there is less psychoactivity in sups, experiment to find the strongest dose she can take while remaining comfortable.

The additional BM's she is experiencing is a very good sign. Her system is purging her liver & digestive system. Unless the color of her BM's become very dark (black), you should be excited her system is responding so well.

I'll help out a lil more as I get caught up with everyone's posts.

I still consider myself lucky that there are members of this forum not needing to go to Oz for a brain. Impressive, relieving, comforting, exciting....hopeful.
Thank you all for your efforts!
I apologize for just jumping in when I don't know the background.
But, yes, as KR has pointed out, it is better to go with more weaker doses than less, but stronger dose.
I think your ratio of 10:1 could be stronger. As there is less psychoactivity in sups, experiment to find the strongest dose she can take while remaining comfortable.

The additional BM's she is experiencing is a very good sign. Her system is purging her liver & digestive system. Unless the color of her BM's become very dark (black), you should be excited her system is responding so well.

I'll help out a lil more as I get caught up with everyone's posts.

I still consider myself lucky that there are members of this forum not needing to go to Oz for a brain. Impressive, relieving, comforting, exciting....hopeful.
Thank you all for your efforts!

You trained us well mon ami. :hug: We appreciate your efforts and your dedication fired all of us up. We're a happy and curious lot. Glad to be of assistance during your absence. It took us a few tries to get comfortable. :battingeyelashes: I can't tell you how relieved we are to get you back in a more active form, for as long as that can be. Your knowledge is way beyond ours and always will be.
Your knowledge is way beyond ours and always will be.

I wouldn't go that far. Y'all taught yourselves, stayed with it, tuned out the latest fads, read..alot.

But, thank you for the sentiment. It's appreciated.

Long gone are the days when I read someone's well-meaning, but VERY incorrect reply to something asking a question. Lol.
:laughtwo: I still have that sign on my door Cajun. Lol! The one that reminds me that I may not have all the answers so stop assuming it. It's been really helpful actually, in most cases. :laughtwo:
I wouldn't go that far. Y'all taught yourselves, stayed with it, tuned out the latest fads, read..alot.

But, thank you for the sentiment. It's appreciated.

Long gone are the days when I read someone's well-meaning, but VERY incorrect reply to something asking a question. Lol.

While there are lot's of them out there, you and Moto were the first "pioneers" in the field that I learned from. I will always think of you and him in that way. :Namaste::circle-of-love::peace:
I just tried to order more Apigenin for my sister. It is out of stock at Swanson's until June 19th. I guess the word is out about this powerful supplement!
I just tried to order more Apigenin for my sister. It is out of stock at Swanson's until June 19th. I guess the word is out about this powerful supplement!

Good to hear. I'm not surprised.

I take it you can only find it online. I was driving all around the city looking today. I was surprised how many ppl working in these stores have no idea what these two supplements are at all. Or ever heard of them
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