A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Thank you, VerdantSpires and SweetSue!
I grow my plants myself. I grow continuously CBD Crew's Critical Mass, which is 1:1.
I did and will have again Super Silver Haze, after 2 months 2 plants will be ready.

it is interesting that GBM forum is recommending 1:1 for GBM. Mara Gordon, who is treating many brain tumor patients, is (was?) advising to keep THC and CBD doses separately. She said it allows to keep total dose of cannabis oil lower. It is in one of her youtube videos.
I grew CBD Crew's Therapy, which is as pure CBD as you can get. It still has enough THC for me to get stoned and it makes me very sleepy. More sleepy than SSHaze, which is sativa, but strong THC.

DMSO is a carrier. It carries THC into my brain quickly and makes me to sleep at any time these two are together in my body. At the moment I want maximum cannabis oil to be in my body, so DMSO is out of my protocol.

Sweet Sue,
I am tacking only. Before night I use two rice grains of Critical Mass on upper gums. This makes me to sleep like a baby and when I wake up I am still stoned. In the afternoon I take one rice grain on lower gum. Any more will make me to sleep 2-3 hours in the day.
Suppositories make me stoned as well and they are also far away from my tumor. Biobomb - same as with DMSO I suppose, increased bioavailability + sleeping through days.

I had to study, what is DMR. Uncle Google knows luckily. Sue, I shall try topicals on this DMR-bone. Never made them. I shall have to learn your topical recipe.
Thank you, VerdantSpires and SweetSue!
I grow my plants myself. I grow continuously CBD Crew's Critical Mass, which is 1:1.
I did and will have again Super Silver Haze, after 2 months 2 plants will be ready.

it is interesting that GBM forum is recommending 1:1 for GBM. Mara Gordon, who is treating many brain tumor patients, is (was?) advising to keep THC and CBD doses separately. She said it allows to keep total dose of cannabis oil lower. It is in one of her youtube videos.
I grew CBD Crew's Therapy, which is as pure CBD as you can get. It still has enough THC for me to get stoned and it makes me very sleepy. More sleepy than SSHaze, which is sativa, but strong THC.

DMSO is a carrier. It carries THC into my brain quickly and makes me to sleep at any time these two are together in my body. At the moment I want maximum cannabis oil to be in my body, so DMSO is out of my protocol.

Sweet Sue,
I am tacking only. Before night I use two rice grains of Critical Mass on upper gums. This makes me to sleep like a baby and when I wake up I am still stoned. In the afternoon I take one rice grain on lower gum. Any more will make me to sleep 2-3 hours in the day.
Suppositories make me stoned as well and they are also far away from my tumor. Biobomb - same as with DMSO I suppose, increased bioavailability + sleeping through days.

I had to study, what is DMR. Uncle Google knows luckily. Sue, I shall try topicals on this DMR-bone. Never made them. I shall have to learn your topical recipe.

@Mariamlu, I don't bother making a cream/body butter anymore. I use roller ball applicator bottles to hold infused oil with a high THC profile and grape seed oil. Grape seed absorbs beautifully into the skin.

If you want to make a body butter you simply use soy wax at a rate of 100 grams of wax for every cup of infused grape seed oil. 90 seconds in a microwave will melt the wax. Add essential oils as desired, mix and pour into containers.

I like my healing to be simple. :battingeyelashes:
I'd like to introduce you all to Fanny, and I'm hoping she finds her way here. I left her a link to follow. Fanny has language difficulty with English, adding another layer of care to be taken when we answer. I've already overloaded her.

These are the relevant posts from the thread she started Ovarian Cancer 3C FECO CBD/THC, where the rest of the conversation has gone on.

Hello, thanks that i be accepted.
Also forgive me i m noth speak verry wel Enghlish.
I m a 66 Y. woman
Have ovarium cancer since december 2016, at begin of 2017 my first chemo’s and in april operation after that again chemo...
the tumormarkers going little bit down ... in december the markers are going again upwarts ... januari operation again , but the dokter would’nt do anithing, to dangereuses hè said, and stopped te
Operation after taking away 2 greath tumors and left a 300 (!!) in my body.

I have taken in the month mars 2gr/ day THC/CBD , 1 gr vaginal suppo en 1 gr oraal/day....until now i still taking the oil!
Still my tumormarker going high!
Before, i taking also the feco oil at +/- 1 gr/ day about a year ....

I also no sugar
No white Food ,

Green leaves
fresh pressed leaves and fruits drinks .

I Will tel you more but so sorry my English is so little.
Could please any one tell me what i do wrong ?
I feel that my forces lives me, ple

Thanks for helping.

I take the oil approximately 4 times /day melting under my tung..
The suppo I stopped them 3 weeks ago.

When I started taking it I was very high and sleepy....I augment the doses until 1 gr. , for the moment I’m used to it, no more problem , still sleeping well !

The strain the oil is made of is : OG LEMON KUSH. It should be almost 100% Indica , I can get pure Sativa strain : AMNESIA . If that would be better ??

could you have some suggestions what I can eat for my liver because he’s really very damaged , please ?

Thanks you so very much !

On ansewer to your quistion ,
I have availble amnesia oil, and OG Lemon cush . And also CBD oil .

I m taking the OG lemon oil , not the
Amnesia oil because they Saïd. Indica is better!!

Thanks again

Dear mr KRIP
, iT is always pur oil of 1 gr OG lemon kush and mix with 1 gr CBD and hemp oil to make iT more liquid maken a bottle of 10 Mg. Taking one bottle/day in the beginning very high, and now i used !
Just only tired

Still dont now what to do... who much must i take, and is it good what i take ?
Can someone help Please , i now is difficult because i dont understanding everithing in English... this forum website , i dont now where begin to look ! ?

We have the challenge of making what we do as simple to follow as possible, particularly the process of biobombs. If suppositories are going to be the suggested pathway, and I have every faith that they would be the most beneficial pathway, that process will need to be explained in simpler terms.

* Ovarian cancer with damage to the liver. Markers are rising instead of falling.
* Available oils are Amnesia, OG Lemon Kush, and CBD oil.

This is what cannabinoids were evolved to handle. We need all the brainstorming assistance we can gather to work out a regimen. :battingeyelashes:
One small thought:

Reviewing my notes from Mara Gordon's class on cannabis for cancer she mentions that if high THC and low CBD isn't doing the job try flipping the ratios.
@Fanny, there's an organization you may want to consider contacting called Aunt Zelda's. Here's a link to their page about consultations. Aunt Zelda's

What they'll advise will be very different from our suggestions. We're like lab rats experimenting on ourselves and sharing what we're learning. Aunt Zelda's is staffed with medical professionals who work in cannabis therapies and cancer.

I think you deserve to check them out. We'll be more than happy to continue working with you in either case. We have members who've done both approaches.

Aunt Zelda's is like a gold standard for this new work of cannabis and cancer. I believe in what we share, or I wouldn't be here. If I had ovarian cancer I'd be handing over the consultation fee and asking their advice.

I'd also be
* using BioBomb suppositories at least once a day in conjunction to the regimen Aunt Zelda's advised
* laugh as heartily as possible for ten minutes a day
* and get at least one hug a day that lasts for three, slow breaths or longer :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

You were made to heal Fanny. It's just a matter of finding the right approach. :battingeyelashes:
Thank you SweetSue , i have going looking to this page of Aunt Zelda.
But I must be member and pay 300€ For consult , before i can ask questions.
Thank you SweetSue , i have going looking to this page of Aunt Zelda.
But I must be member and pay 300€ For consult , before i can ask questions.

I honestly don’t know Fanny.
Additional information and corrections to Fanny’s background. She’s taking 2 grams of oil a day.

I’ll be back. :hug:

”IT isnt 10 Mg but 1 gram day THC mixed with 1 gr CBD , mixed with oil , first time i was very high but little by little i went use to it, and have Good sleep at night!
I was take that over 3 a 4 months and approx. + 1 month vaginal 1 gr THC pur . ( 2 month at 2 gr.!)

I was by the oncoloog yesterday, there was no much changement the tumors little bit growing and a little more tumors !! I dont understanding what is going wrong ?”
Hopeless ....

NO! Far from hopeless! Plenty of hope in your situation.
Hi Fanny!

My situation is very like yours. Ovarian cancer - Grade III Stage ? Not quite Grade IV, anyway. CA-125 cancer marker count - 4000!
I, too, had chemo- it helped a lot, but not enough. I hoped to have surgery, just like you; but "No, statistics suggest it won't help as we can only remove part of cancer, not all".

Being denied surgery is the most depressing thing - it feels like they've given up... Then it was found that I had become platinum-resistant. Chemo would never work sufficiently well to give me more than a few months, yet I was given more chemo because that was all they had...

Cannabis is keeping me alive (and well) just now. My cancer was progressing slowly when I had my last blood test - my CA-125 reading was up to 1,100 from 900. At that stage I was just building up to a full dose of medicinal cannabis. However, the previous reading, a month earlier, showed that in that month when I was not on cannabis and could not have chemo as my immune system was so compromised, it had gone from 300 to 900!

If your reading is rising slowly, not quickly, it means the cannabis IS working. It is just a case of getting it to work better, or maybe combining it with something else.

I went to Mara Gordon on the advice of this forum. They allowed me to pass on the advice given - although it has to be remembered that it is based on the needs of the individual. Age makes a difference (I am 62) and older people need less cannabis than younger ones, apparently, It was $300 well spent. I posted it on here and will put a link to it, when I have found my own post.

First I am going to read over what you have written again to see how it compares to what I have learned.

This is my dosing protocol from Mara Gordon, taken from an earlier post:

"I asked if I could post my protocol from Mara Gordon's people - it changed a couple of times but ended up as follows, bearing in mind this is for a woman in her 60s. Apparently the older the patient the lower the dose; a younger person will need a much higher dose. Also this is specifically for ovarian cancer; hence the emphasis on CBD. Quantities are for the active ingredient."

80mg THC, with most of it taken at night and just 8mg or so in the morning, first thing.
140mg CBD daily, sublingually in 2 doses; 70mg 3 hours after the morning THC and 70mg 3 hours later.

This was to be introduced gradually (especially the THC). Mara Gordon makes a point of separating the THC and the CBD. I didn't understand this at first as it is known that the two complement each other, but it seems to be something to do with the availability of receptors; I suppose you get a more even dose of each substance so that they are not in competition. If you decide to try this you might find the effect of the THC overwhelming without the CBD. I take mine two hours before bedtime and crash out.

Mara Gordon doesn't seem to believe in anal / vaginal applications, but people on here have used them successfully, especially when the oil is combined with lecithin to help the body absorb it. Mostly I just ingest it as the oil I have made so far is quite weak; it works, but I need to take it by the spoonful. I follow Cajun's / Sweet Sue's advice to take apigenin prior to taking the cannabis, to keep the liver busy and so to prevent it from processing and removing the cannabinoids.

Diet is important but what is the best? - I was advised to try the ketogenic diet for cancer but this is totally different to the vegan-type diets which others recommend; basically you keep protein low, carbohydrates REALLY low - and you live mostly on fats and oily foods, which the cancer cannot utilise to feed itself. I do eat red meat and some dairy (sour cream, cheese, but not milk unless lactose-reduced) - however fruit is so high in carbohydrates that I am not allowed much fruit and even green vegetables can push me over my carbohydrate limit. Yet I understand that lemons and tomatoes can help to heal cancer and I love salads - plus I felt I was losing too much weight, so I have relaxed my diet, maybe a bit too much.

I track my diet - or at least I did - using "Cronometer" - search it online - it is very good, but time-consuming.

You seem to be taking a massive dose of cannabinoids and have been doing so for a long time. I know it is not usual to tell cancer patients to take a break to re-set their receptors - but in your position, I would do it! (In fact I have.) If we were to have that surgery, the hospital would take us off chemotherapy for maybe 3 weeks before the operation! Therefore I suspect we can manage 3 days and the improved efficiency should be worth it. That you are not affected by the cannabis in the way that you used to be suggests that you have become too used to it. Alternatively, how about trying different varieties of cannabis - I have been amazed by how different they can be in their effects. (Someone on here also recommended that - was it Sweet Sue?)

Lastly - other things. There are lots of other, additional treatments out there. I am looking at infra-red sauna and have joined a gym for the first time in my life, to see if targeted exercise helps (I think it does).

Plus: you need this book!
Here it is in French and German - but it is also in other languages if these are not suitable.


9 Wege in ein krebsfreies Leben

Fanny - keep in touch! We are in a similar position - maybe in 5 years time we can meet in a cafe in Holland and have a cup of that strong coffee and a cookie - our "maintenance" dose for our continued survival! Chin up, girl!

This is my dosing protocol from Mara Gordon, taken from an earlier post:

"I asked if I could post my protocol from Mara Gordon's people - it changed a couple of times but ended up as follows, bearing in mind this is for a woman in her 60s. Apparently the older the patient the lower the dose; a younger person will need a much higher dose. Also this is specifically for ovarian cancer; hence the emphasis on CBD. Quantities are for the active ingredient."

80mg THC, with most of it taken at night and just 8mg or so in the morning, first thing.
140mg CBD daily, sublingually in 2 doses; 70mg 3 hours after the morning THC and 70mg 3 hours later.

This was to be introduced gradually (especially the THC). Mara Gordon makes a point of separating the THC and the CBD. I didn't understand this at first as it is known that the two complement each other, but it seems to be something to do with the availability of receptors; I suppose you get a more even dose of each substance so that they are not in competition. If you decide to try this you might find the effect of the THC overwhelming without the CBD. I take mine two hours before bedtime and crash out.

Mara Gordon doesn't seem to believe in anal / vaginal applications, but people on here have used them successfully, especially when the oil is combined with lecithin to help the body absorb it. Mostly I just ingest it as the oil I have made so far is quite weak; it works, but I need to take it by the spoonful. I follow Cajun's / Sweet Sue's advice to take apigenin prior to taking the cannabis, to keep the liver busy and so to prevent it from processing and removing the cannabinoids.

Diet is important but what is the best? - I was advised to try the ketogenic diet for cancer but this is totally different to the vegan-type diets which others recommend; basically you keep protein low, carbohydrates REALLY low - and you live mostly on fats and oily foods, which the cancer cannot utilise to feed itself. I do eat red meat and some dairy (sour cream, cheese, but not milk unless lactose-reduced) - however fruit is so high in carbohydrates that I am not allowed much fruit and even green vegetables can push me over my carbohydrate limit. Yet I understand that lemons and tomatoes can help to heal cancer and I love salads - plus I felt I was losing too much weight, so I have relaxed my diet, maybe a bit too much.

I track my diet - or at least I did - using "Cronometer" - search it online - it is very good, but time-consuming.

You seem to be taking a massive dose of cannabinoids and have been doing so for a long time. I know it is not usual to tell cancer patients to take a break to re-set their receptors - but in your position, I would do it! (In fact I have.) If we were to have that surgery, the hospital would take us off chemotherapy for maybe 3 weeks before the operation! Therefore I suspect we can manage 3 days and the improved efficiency should be worth it. That you are not affected by the cannabis in the way that you used to be suggests that you have become too used to it. Alternatively, how about trying different varieties of cannabis - I have been amazed by how different they can be in their effects. (Someone on here also recommended that - was it Sweet Sue?)

Lastly - other things. There are lots of other, additional treatments out there. I am looking at infra-red sauna and have joined a gym for the first time in my life, to see if targeted exercise helps (I think it does).

Plus: you need this book!
Here it is in French and German - but it is also in other languages if these are not suitable.


9 Wege in ein krebsfreies Leben

Fanny - keep in touch! We are in a similar position - maybe in 5 years time we can meet in a cafe in Holland and have a cup of that strong coffee and a cookie - our "maintenance" dose for our continued survival! Chin up, girl!

Thank you very much...
I'm from 3 c to stages 4 because there is metastasis on the belly..:
It makes me glad I read that people there body react wel to the THC/CBD
Progress, moreover, it is the only thing that can save us as a cancer patient and where I also 100% in
faith ,
I thought that i must taking 1 gram/day , THC/CBD ,
I think also because, at morning i m not hungry , i dont eat, mayby the raison that the oil dont work ?
Fanny I see Nixie has found you and offered the much-needed perspective of a cannabis patient treating cancer.

Take a deep breath. This will all sort out, and I ask you to give it the time. There’s always reason to hope. :hug::hug::hug:

I have a family situation that requires my full attention today. I’ll be in and out until then.

It’s going to be ok Fanny. :battingeyelashes: :love:
@Fanny, I haven’t forgotten you. I’ll be back later this evening. :hug: Have you had a chance to speak with Aunt Zelda’s?

Thank you very much...
I'm from 3 c to stages 4 because there is metastasis on the belly..:
It makes me glad I read that people there body react wel to the THC/CBD
Progress, moreover, it is the only thing that can save us as a cancer patient and where I also 100% in
faith ,
I thought that i must taking 1 gram/day , THC/CBD ,
I think also because, at morning i m not hungry , i dont eat, mayby the raison that the oil dont work ?

Nixie touched on what would be my strongest suggestion - you are taking too many cannabinoids in a day.

Before we had clinics that treated cancer with cannabis the only guidance we had was Rick Simpson, and his recommendation of 1 gram a day became the rallying cry for cancer patients in particular.

We now know that
* only extreme cases require such a large dose
* most cancers are responding to less than 300 mg a day total cannabinoids
* with cannabis medicines less is more

When you overload the Endocannabinoid system it shuts down receptors. The best way to reset them is to take a brief, 3-day break for any cannabis medicines. This will reset your receptors and you can begin to slowly reintroduce the oil at a much lower dose.

The goal is a CBD-rich medicine with the least amount of THC necessary. The ECS prefers a light touch with THC when it's being called on to do major healing work. Too much can confuse the signalling by dropping the number of available receptors.

I suspect your system may be begging for a break.

Nixie's regimen is a good guideline for you. Let me review it:

THC target dose: 80 mg, the majority in two doses
* 8 - 10 mg first thing in the morning
* remainder of the dose before bed to assure sound sleep,and keep any pain under control

CBD target dose: 140 mg in 2 doses
* 70 mg 3 hours after THC morning dose
* 70 mg 3 hours after first CBD dose

If you're using full plant extractions there'll be some THC in the CBD medicine. The THC medicines usually have negligible CBD. You'll need to determine the level of THC in the CBD meds and adjust the bedtime dose accordingly.

This is not to suggest you follow this precise regimen. The cannabinoid levels are in line with successful regimens, but your individual levels will be determined by your system, not someone else's. We're all still learning, which is why we recommend Aunt Zelda's.

To recap, I strongly suggest you take a cannabis holiday for 72 hours and come back in with a much lower dose of THC and a ratio near 1:2 THC:CBD. If it were me I'd be shooting for 75-100 mg of THC with 200 mg of CBD a day, and I'd stay there until the next labs came back. Any change would be as a result of those labs.

If nothing changed I'd increase the THC and CBD in balance just a bit and wait until the next labs. If the cancer was reducing I'd stay the course. It often takes a much lower dose than we think it will to affect healing.

If you decide to go with higher THC I'd suggest you make an oil following our BioBomb guidelines and use it as suppositories. Understand that even using that method we've seen positive response below 300 mg a day total cannabinoids.

Lastly, find yourself a copy of Radical Remission by Kelly Turner. The message of conventional medicine lacks the truth that you were evolved to heal spontaneously. That's what the ECS does. It creates a healing balance to the cells through signalling. Kelly has a marvelous way of explaining the things cancer survivors all do that will enhance your healing journey.

There's lots to be hopeful for Fanny, and there's more time than it feels like. All is well. :hug:
@Fanny, I haven’t forgotten you. I’ll be back later this evening. :hug: Have you had a chance to speak with Aunt Zelda’s?

Oh SweetSue, dont matter, i now you are busy... at the moment i m busy reed book about cancer ... and i will order a book to that the other woman adviced me from Kelly Turner,” Total Remission”( sorry forgatten name of this dear person that also adviced me )
Nixie touched on what would be my strongest suggestion - you are taking too many cannabinoids in a day.

Before we had clinics that treated cancer with cannabis the only guidance we had was Rick Simpson, and his recommendation of 1 gram a day became the rallying cry for cancer patients in particular.

We now know that
* only extreme cases require such a large dose
* most cancers are responding to less than 300 mg a day total cannabinoids
* with cannabis medicines less is more

When you overload the Endocannabinoid system it shuts down receptors. The best way to reset them is to take a brief, 3-day break for any cannabis medicines. This will reset your receptors and you can begin to slowly reintroduce the oil at a much lower dose.

The goal is a CBD-rich medicine with the least amount of THC necessary. The ECS prefers a light touch with THC when it's being called on to do major healing work. Too much can confuse the signalling by dropping the number of available receptors.

I suspect your system may be begging for a break.

Nixie's regimen is a good guideline for you. Let me review it:

THC target dose: 80 mg, the majority in two doses
* 8 - 10 mg first thing in the morning
* remainder of the dose before bed to assure sound sleep,and keep any pain under control

CBD target dose: 140 mg in 2 doses
* 70 mg 3 hours after THC morning dose
* 70 mg 3 hours after first CBD dose

If you're using full plant extractions there'll be some THC in the CBD medicine. The THC medicines usually have negligible CBD. You'll need to determine the level of THC in the CBD meds and adjust the bedtime dose accordingly.

This is not to suggest you follow this precise regimen. The cannabinoid levels are in line with successful regimens, but your individual levels will be determined by your system, not someone else's. We're all still learning, which is why we recommend Aunt Zelda's.

To recap, I strongly suggest you take a cannabis holiday for 72 hours and come back in with a much lower dose of THC and a ratio near 1:2 THC:CBD. If it were me I'd be shooting for 75-100 mg of THC with 200 mg of CBD a day, and I'd stay there until the next labs came back. Any change would be as a result of those labs.

If nothing changed I'd increase the THC and CBD in balance just a bit and wait until the next labs. If the cancer was reducing I'd stay the course. It often takes a much lower dose than we think it will to affect healing.

If you decide to go with higher THC I'd suggest you make an oil following our BioBomb guidelines and use it as suppositories. Understand that even using that method we've seen positive response below 300 mg a day total cannabinoids.

Lastly, find yourself a copy of Radical Remission by Kelly Turner. The message of conventional medicine lacks the truth that you were evolved to heal spontaneously. That's what the ECS does. It creates a healing balance to the cells through signalling. Kelly has a marvelous way of explaining the things cancer survivors all do that will enhance your healing journey.

There's lots to be hopeful for Fanny, and there's more time than it feels like. All is well. :hug:

Thank you very much ☺️for your advice, i have order the book from K. Turner... () and at the moment i have a book cancer and cannabis from Monique Posthumus, she healed to from cancer !!!
I Will follow your advice, thank you so very much ❤️
Thank you very much ☺️for your advice, i have order the book from K. Turner... () and at the moment i have a book cancer and cannabis from Monique Posthumus, she healed to from cancer !!!
I Will follow your advice, thank you so very much ❤️

We're always here Fanny, if you have any questions. :hug:
We're always here Fanny, if you have any questions. :hug:

IT is so confusing, i have visite many sites ... i was on Facebook , “succes story’s “.... there the have giving advice at last, 1 gram/day THC/CBD each ... iT was there that someone mentioned this site , hadden with characters between ().
I think you are right , it was or is to much, because when i thinking at the time the tumormarker was going down , i was taking less.

I hope ot is not to late now. I feel that the tumors are growing !
I also have been at the site you recommanded but i have see that the payment is with banc Card i dont have.... but i go make a appointment with a professor here in belgium , who is for CBD/THC , but hè only believe , that is good for pain etc... but i go to ask his Advice , because hè is the only one in Belgium who is pro cannabis , hè also had site “ www.medcan.be
For the moment until then, i follow your advice and taking less of the oil.
And 40 min before i taking a pice of mango , i also reed that here, i think from mr Calun ....(?)

glad to find this side, you al are so helpfull , thank you all of you !
I hope you understanding the way i wright this , i have so little base of English .
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