700W LED - Auto Topping Grow - 2 Plants

Harvested the rest of my crop today. Hopefully this time next week or next thur they should be ready for jarring and curing. Just got 1 left to chop next week and that the lost coast hashplant. Am liking that just now. Small but very dense buds - just what they should be like. My others were very airy but enjoying the thc bomb.
If they were the same seed, same soil, same nutes and same light I would say top one and leave the other. However, since they are different strains and you have had excellent results in the past with topping autos...I say top them both. :riskybusiness:

Happy welcome appreciate ur thoughts.ur the second person wanting to see the topped untopped side by side.oviously cnt with the 2 in question gota be treated the same;) but next run in a diffrent story;)
I would like to see a side by side topped untopped grow. Both would need to get fed exactly the same time from the start but as things progress you may find their needs differ as in more/less nutes and more/less water. Would be interesting to see what weight difference there would be and if there much effect on the buds eg more or less dense or even size.

Thanks beast. Am enjoying my own buds. From smoking indoor to smoking sun grown there is a difference. Not much but feels more "natural". Just wish i could have left it till after we been on hols next month. A longer cure be better for sure but was out of ak47 so had to dip into my own stash. Hoping to get some dr feelgood tomorrow meaning i can leave my stash a wee bit longer. At least i can leave my latest crop to cure longer so should be better when i do smoke it. It has also grown longer too.
Glasgrow enjoy the holiday mate.and i have decided the next 2 beans to be popped will be the topped vs untopped mission.i have a great selection of beans to choose fro
And have more than 2 of each so will be the same strain and given same treatment as in feed and water right to the end.1 topped 1 untopped.il be popping the beans in about 3 and a half weeks when northern light blue is harvested.that will give me room for the 2 new beans;) i think il do them on a seperate journel and call it topped vs untopped autos;) happy growing every1;)
Hey Beast,

Thought I'd drop a few pics of my current. These are pics of the SAS (Buddha Haze) at day 49. This is the one that I posted a few weeks back after cutting off all side branches and leaving only 6 mains...a bit of a experiment for me. They are gonna be rocks! This is an extremely fast growing strain. This was my first time running this one. It seems to eat calcium as fast as I can add it. Should be ready for chop in 2 weeks at day 63, so its quite a short cycle.

Glasgrow enjoy the holiday mate.and i have decided the next 2 beans to be popped will be the topped vs untopped mission.i have a great selection of beans to choose fro
And have more than 2 of each so will be the same strain and given same treatment as in feed and water right to the end.1 topped 1 untopped.il be popping the beans in about 3 and a half weeks when northern light blue is harvested.that will give me room for the 2 new beans;) i think il do them on a seperate journel and call it topped vs untopped autos;) happy growing every1;)

Hi beast, good to see you gonna be doing a side by side, my money is on the topped, i only say that cos of the 2 ed ros autos I grew on me last run, had about half an oz more dry weight on the topped one... keep up the great work mate
Puregreen ha good lad.same mate i think the topped auto will smash it on yield.u get more dominant sites by topping.thats were the extra yield happens .big buds yes plz ha ha;)
So wednesday here again in the uk big girls 10 and a half weeks old.buds are coming in fast;) but first here my 2 solo cup autos.lstd there stem.were getting abit lanky;)
and norhern light blue auto;)
and automazar;)
family shot
happy growing every1;)

I realize strains are different but what I want to know is how the hell you get autos 10 weeks old that aren't completely done and then some. How do you get them to go so long before they start to flower beast? I know they are flowering good now but every auto I have done usually starts to show pistils by 3.5 weeks or 4 weeks at the absolute latest.
Your girls look very very good!
Thanks fanleaf mate.and these girls have been topped once then heavy lstd and supercropped that why they so big.as for time mate every auto is diffrent topping and training will slow her abit.but some autos ul find give u more veg time than others.if u wna train.but if u wna let grow with no training should finish around seedbank times.but not always correct.and i think these 2 autos vegged longer due to the huge pots.i have no solid proof of this until i harvest a plant and pull out the soil to see if me roots have used up everything available;) time will tell.happy growing every1;)
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