6 Ladies Cloned Trifecta, 2019, Indoor 4x8 LED

I don't use hydroton, but are you sure it's mold and not the minerals that water leaves behind when it evaporates?
Yeah, not sure if it was mold, but definitely not from the minerals. I’ve seen that before. They almost looked like little spider nest but with long fuzzy white hair. Not even close to this amount or size, but they were similar to this below. Probably the width of a pencil eraser. 4-5 spots in the three pots that had it. It was very minimal, but I don’t want to use them again if that’s going to happen.

Just an update...
Transplanted last night into a 3 gallon. To be honest, I may have jumped the gun a bit, because the root balls were quite where I was expecting them to be.


All 6 looked the same. They started drinking more frequently, less than 48 hrs, so i thought it was time. At any rate I moved forward since I had already mixed and heated my soil.

Black Magic- Whole bag
Miracle Grow compost- 4 Qts
EW Castings- 4 Qts
Dr. Earth Bloom- 1.25 Cps
Perlite- 5 Qts




I also sprinkled some Great White in the transfer hole, and the root ball itself. I hear this stuff works like magic. After all were transferred, I saturated using @Emilya watering techniques with a warm 78 degree, PHd at 6.2 URB tea.


I didn’t get a picture, but the girls looked very nice and perky this morning. I’ll snap one after work and post it.
Still in the air about using those clay balls again. They definitely have their benefits, but if they promote mold, no thanks.
Adam I see you are using URB, what do you think about it . I just got it and finally had gotten info on how to use it . Running it in my next grow in hydro with it . OGs are Vegging in it !
Adam I see you are using URB, what do you think about it . I just got it and finally had gotten info on how to use it . Running it in my next grow in hydro with it . OGs are Vegging in it !
Other than the god awful smell, my only complaint is that I wish they could get it to PH a bit lower naturally. I had to bring it down from 7.9 last night, which really isn’t a big deal I guess, just another process.
Without a doubt, the plants respond differently than when I use plain water.
I’ll take a pic when I get home and you can compare it to the one I took before feeding last night.
Other than the god awful smell, my only complaint is that I wish they could get it to PH a bit lower naturally. I had to bring it down from 7.9 last night, which really isn’t a big deal I guess, just another process.
Without a doubt, the plants respond differently than when I use plain water.
I’ll take a pic when I get home and you can compare it to the one I took before feeding last night.
Thanks I’ll check it out when you post it and yes it stinks .
I’ll get one when the lights go off too, but you can see how much more they stand up especially the Star47xCrypt. Pictures really don’t do justice here.


I’ll get one when the lights go off too, but you can see how much more they stand up especially the Star47xCrypt. Pictures really don’t do justice here.



Maybe a better angle.

Maybe a better angle.

After transplant, right before URB. @9pm

24 hours after transplant+URB
My humidity jumped up so it’s been 70-80% RH at 77-83F for the past 24h.

I like how defined this pant is. Her sister doesn’t look the same.

Does anyone know if running 75-85% RH is bad for them in veg. I can bring it down if needed, but just wondering if there are any pros/cons to keeping it that high?

I see 50-70% RH @ 70-80F degrees recommended the most.

I’d appreciate if someone had advice for a fine tuned environment if y’all think it’d make a big difference. Ie. Take it closer to 55%RH @ 75F degrees? That seems closer to what I see online.
Ahhh...the old "what's the best RH" question! The answer is here!
I’ve read up a lot, just see a mix bag of answers. Some say 50-60%, I see others hanging out at 70-80%.

Let me give this one a read. I think I need more detail on what RH actually does to/for the plant. I read somewhere that it opens something on the leafs....? Lol!

I’ll just read this thing really quick.
Thanks for the fast response brother, always appreciated.
I’ve read up a lot, just see a mix bag of answers. Some say 50-60%, I see others hanging out at 70-80%.

Let me give this one a read. I think I need more detail on what RH actually does to/for the plant. I read somewhere that it opens something on the leafs....? Lol!

I’ll just read this thing really quick.
Thanks for the fast response brother, always appreciated.
Ok, that clears it up. Here are the numbers I’ll go with:

Night Temps: 24C/75F- 50%-60%
Day Temps: 27C/80F- 55%-65%

I see now it all depends on your canopy temps. Time to go hang out in my room for a bit. Thanks again for the advice.
Ok, that clears it up. Here are the numbers I’ll go with:

Night Temps: 24C/75F- 50%-60%
Day Temps: 27C/80F- 55%-65%

I see now it all depends on your canopy temps. Time to go hang out in my room for a bit. Thanks again for the advice.

On a side note, those predatory mites are legit. They seem to have killed everything off in a week. Still no signs of ANY bugs, not even the Pmites.
Sounds like a great testimonial to me! Oh btw, cute Corgi!
Lol, thanks. She was my answer to the let’s have another kid comment. She think those are her plants. I can hardly keep her out of the room, and if I close myself in, she just sits there and barks. She’d definitely eat the ladies if she got the chance. She already tried to get my 2 Afghans in the front. SMH.
So an update from the transplant:
We left OOT last Thursday... needless to say I was a bit worried about leaving them, but that was kind of the main push to uppot sooner.

They really seemed to take well. I had a friend stop by on Sunday (was hoping sooner) and she said they were dry on top but still bottom heavy. I left about a gallon of water in to room just for this reason, so asked her to divide it up between the 3 catch trays.

Unfortunately the humidifiers had been off since Friday due to no refills, but she said that it only appeared to dip to 35%. What can you do without asking someone to stop by every day...? Oh wait, I did. Lol!

I made 5 gallons of URB tea, fed them about 3, got the room climate normalized, and they had about 2 hours of light. Here are a couple before I sprayed.



I gave them a straight water spray, put them to bed and woke up to these pretty ladies.



I left them Thursday morning looking like this.

I’m about to go down and spray. Will post a new one after I’m done.
Before spray (H20-URB-CalMag)


Ready for night time



My plan this week is to set up my LST netting and get these ladies off the ground a bit so they aren’t sitting in their runoff. I plan to build a 3’x5’ platform out of some type of grate, then build a PVC structure for the LST net. I’ll most likely just use some old soccer netting for this.

I’ll post an update when all of that is completed.

@InTheShed @West Hippie Do you have any write ups on what/how I should be trimming? (I’ll read through sheds LST write up again to see if I missed it) I’ve read a lot about it, (everyone has a way) but I trust your references a lot more than article surfing and picking one. Besides, I get a lot more in detailed information from the articles you’ve directed me to.
BTW I got lost in a Alkalinity write up of yours earlier today... man it was good. I’m glad to see people actually debate facts vs. YT videos they’ve seen.

Back to trimming.... IYO Should I just let them roll, or is there more of a benefit to cut out everything that’s not a “stem”, minus the top set or two of fans?

Any advice is always appreciated.
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