6 Ladies Cloned Trifecta, 2019, Indoor 4x8 LED

I was concerned about the LBs too... and I would be tempted to let them keep going at it if they look to be doing ok... especially if more mites are coming in. My concern again though is whether the LBs know the difference between a good mite and a bad one? 10,000 seems like a goodly number of them though.
Yeah, I’m sure I’ll be providing a variety of meals for them lol, but it think 10k should be enough to get both jobs done.

I’m pretty upset with Natures good guys and there response in regards to the dead batch they sent. I’m trying another company this time, and a new breed.
I don't spray anything with oil once I get pistils (which neem can make brown), but I certainly wouldn't spray anything with oil once I get buds. It won't wash off and changes the flavor of the buds.

Why the 5th week? Is that for an 8 week plant or a 10 week plant?
yep, I guess that was a bit vague... can I say up until 3 weeks before the end?
So the oil-on-the-buds thing doesn't bother you?
they say it dissipates over time... but the one time I had to do it, I sent those buds to the oil process, and they got used...

and then for those die hards out there: would you rather smoke mite poop or neem residue? It's a judgement call I guess... a dispensary wouldn't take either of them.
There are a ton of options in this tread...

Which are new ideas to you, and I will give them a shot. Everything I read has me believing they are immune to Neem. I’ve been using it for awhile, and like I said... literally exploded over the past week. Almost to a point I wouldn’t believe was possible if I hadn’t seen it myself.
Mite-poop FTW! It probably doesn't add a flavor all its own :).
It’s organic... LOL! :yummy:
Ole’ dude on Gardenmyths says Neem isn’t. That’s about the most contradictory site I’ve seen.
A couple pictures from last night after their shower. I know the mites are bad! Hopefully not for too much longer.





A bit of size perspective.

I had to bump my timer up a few times because of extended watering, from 7a-7p up to 10a-10p. I want to get it back to the 7:00 schedule. Will it harm them to go ahead and cut the day short and turn them off at 7p tonight, then on again at 7a to get them back on schedule?
My feeling has always been better off with a short day to change the timer.
K cool, that’s what I was thinking.
I released 8,000 Phytoseiulus persimilis today. The new company I went with Green Methods is awesome. A bit more expensive, but the packaging/bottling were on point. NGG ended up emailing back today, saying they shipped 1000 replacements for the dead batch I received earlier this week. I’m going to release all of those at the bases of the plants. It sounds like a lot of mites, but this infestation has a lot of mites. I’m still shocked at how fast they popped up.
There are going to be a lot of fat ladybugs lounging on those leaves... I hope the good mites kick the bad mites first. This is an epic battle... HBO should pick up on it... Game of Bugs!
I sanitized everything last night and pulled out quiet a few fallen soldiers. I’d say there’s less than 50 LBs now.

I’ve spent the past week doing a deep dive on all the different species of beneficials, and how they react.

These particular species of mites aren't as “desirable” as say the two spotted mites to traditional LBs. Something about a pheromone the spotted mites release as they’re eating the plant juice is what the “tracking” bugs use to find them, whereas others wander around aimlessly and accidentally “bump” into them, so they become food.

The persimilis aren’t as hardy as the californicus and the other species that I’ve been using, but they have the most instant effectiveness.

I have 1000 cucumeris, californicus, and swirskii coming tomorrow. They are more tolerable and will be more effective for developing a “management colony” if my research is correct.

There are definitely species of predatory mites that don’t mix well according to a “battle of the mite species” report I found online. I think this combination will be the most effective species for cannabis, given the size of the infestation.

There’s another species of the LB called the Spidermite Destroyers (Stethorus punctillum) that is non discriminative and would kill them all. They’re smaller, black, and way more expensive.
Sick, but still pretty. That’s the corn husk the mites come in btw.

If these don’t work, give me some home brew ideas you’d like to test. Lol

Seems that the alcohol/water would work the best after reading up some on it.
I'd certainly take off a leaf, spray it with iso/water, and stick it in a zip lock and see how it does.
Ever hear of anyone using Diatomaceous Earth?
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