480W & 720W LED Grow - Land of Clovers

re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Yeah the Earth Juice veg bottle definitely has a... distinct odor compared to my 'organic based' Fox Farm Veg bottle

I'm surprised bat shit smells so familiar...

Hey jdizzle22,

I use the full EJ line, and like it a lot! I attest to using the ph up, as the RO water I use, comes at around 5.0/5.5 ph. After mixing up, the solution is usually around 4.5/5.0. I grow with the soil micro-organism concept, and the crystals work perfectly! Did once forget, and added ph up concentrate from AN for a couple of water cycles, and killed a good portion of my soil micro's.

With EJ though, I have found that it is not as popular, and can sit on shelves for a while. It does tend to go bad (haven't bought a 1 gallon grow, that has not been rotten yet!) My best defense is that I have my hydro shop order it from the supplier as I need it, to ensure fresh product.

** a tip with EJ, is their newest/freshest product has a measurement change on the label. Old stuff is in 1 tsp, 1 tbsp, etc. New info is with 4ml, 8ml, etc. The new stuff is also stronger - microblast now is 1-0-0 (before 0), and meta-k is 0-0-10 (from 0-0-5). The grow does have a distinctive smell (kind of sweet, almost), and if it goes bad, kind of smells like sewage.

Thought it might be helpful! ;)

re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

ya that budswell i have is foul with the seabird/bat guano. thats true organics. the ORMI label is what to look for when wanting all organic.

Hey Irish,

If 100% organic/OMRI label is required, I have found a product that works well when you need a little here or there, without all the rest. Check out Nature's Nectar. No one uses it as a main line, but I have used the N with excellent results. The benefit is that it comes as a stand alone N (5-0-0), P (0-2-0), or K (0-0-5). A little of what you need, here and there, without adding too many extra micronutes, or other stuff that is in your main line grow/bloom ferts, that you may not want.

Cheers! :tokin:
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

General Organics is vegan but not ORMI?

Whats ormi then?

And check this out :O
A top nutrient study - Which is the best? Produces most?
it has salts and isnt fully organic, i was told the organic minerals were more dirty then the lad stuff so they went that rout. not sure if their any truth. that link is what we were just talking about with no pics.
Hey jdizzle22,

I use the full EJ line, and like it a lot! I attest to using the ph up, as the RO water I use, comes at around 5.0/5.5 ph. After mixing up, the solution is usually around 4.5/5.0. I grow with the soil micro-organism concept, and the crystals work perfectly! Did once forget, and added ph up concentrate from AN for a couple of water cycles, and killed a good portion of my soil micro's.

With EJ though, I have found that it is not as popular, and can sit on shelves for a while. It does tend to go bad (haven't bought a 1 gallon grow, that has not been rotten yet!) My best defense is that I have my hydro shop order it from the supplier as I need it, to ensure fresh product.

** a tip with EJ, is their newest/freshest product has a measurement change on the label. Old stuff is in 1 tsp, 1 tbsp, etc. New info is with 4ml, 8ml, etc. The new stuff is also stronger - microblast now is 1-0-0 (before 0), and meta-k is 0-0-10 (from 0-0-5). The grow does have a distinctive smell (kind of sweet, almost), and if it goes bad, kind of smells like sewage.

Thought it might be helpful! ;)

great post, did not know that and some great info that will help many others.
i guess i have the old micro blast because mine dosent have a NPK, i would think it was new because it was from a new store, but dosent mean it did sit at their suppliers warehouse for ever.lol.. i heard EJ lost their ORMI label is that true? i know the state is cracking down on this and this is why allot of products are not on the selfs or lost that label.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Hey Irish,

If 100% organic/OMRI label is required, I have found a product that works well when you need a little here or there, without all the rest. Check out Nature's Nectar. No one uses it as a main line, but I have used the N with excellent results. The benefit is that it comes as a stand alone N (5-0-0), P (0-2-0), or K (0-0-5). A little of what you need, here and there, without adding too many extra micronutes, or other stuff that is in your main line grow/bloom ferts, that you may not want.

Cheers! :tokin:

ya ive been looking at that for some time, make ur own formula for every plant. i think its a great idea if you know what ur doing. no store around me sales it, and online shipping sucks some times. i am working on teas right now, then might mess with that. good looking bro
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Man this thread flies fast.

Just going to throw in a couple of thoughts.

Salts can be organic. Things with long chemical names can be organic. Just means that they came from natural sources. The food industry term is that they are "derived" as opposed to "synthesized". The lines can be fuzzy sometimes. Cotton seed meal is an organic nute but the cotton it comes from does not have to be organically grown.

Vegan just means that there are no animal based products. Does not have to necessarily be organic even though most people think that way.

Even the guy who did the did the High Times article on Veganics admits that he uses a couple of things that aren't fully veganic. I theory it has some interesting points. In reality..... I have trade some bud strains I could get with a buddy who belongs to a coop that sells the veganic guys weed. Tried four different strains. Nothing special. Smoked clean but no better smell, taste or high than the stuff from my collective that is mostly hydro. Not as good as the stuff that I just grew.

I think it is good to grow as natural as possible but I am not opposed to some chemical use in an emegency or as supplementation. Just want to keep it away from the end of the grow if possible.

Oh, and the federal standards for organic actually allow a certain percentage of none organic to be involved.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

How about using apple cider vinegar or lime/lemon juice to ph down. Wouldn't that keep things organic. I've used both just messing around and they both drop the ph level real well.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Man this thread flies fast.

Just going to throw in a couple of thoughts.

Salts can be organic. Things with long chemical names can be organic. Just means that they came from natural sources. The food industry term is that they are "derived" as opposed to "synthesized". The lines can be fuzzy sometimes. Cotton seed meal is an organic nute but the cotton it comes from does not have to be organically grown.

Vegan just means that there are no animal based products. Does not have to necessarily be organic even though most people think that way.

Even the guy who did the did the High Times article on Veganics admits that he uses a couple of things that aren't fully veganic. I theory it has some interesting points. In reality..... I have trade some bud strains I could get with a buddy who belongs to a coop that sells the veganic guys weed. Tried four different strains. Nothing special. Smoked clean but no better smell, taste or high than the stuff from my collective that is mostly hydro. Not as good as the stuff that I just grew.

I think it is good to grow as natural as possible but I am not opposed to some chemical use in an emegency or as supplementation. Just want to keep it away from the end of the grow if possible.

Oh, and the federal standards for organic actually allow a certain percentage of none organic to be involved.

nice post. the only reason why i try to keep it as organic as i can isnt for the taste or whatever all the way the biggest reason os for my micro life can thrive and crate less work for me because of not PHing. i hate PHing.lol. i do it for my soil life.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

thank you for the voice of reason TT, because there is no clear-cut line between "organics" and "chems", so OMRI isn't the final authority on what side of the fence things fall.

it's a sticky wicket indeed, lol

you've stated things much more diplomatically than I probably would have ;)
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Yeah there is a debatable line when it comes to farming with organics.I think organic base is some of the vitamins and minerals they dont consider organic but it is still natural and not a chemical.I am pretty sure.

Humboldt has some pretty good organics.Myan microzyme is some really good stuff for conditioning your soil.Feeding the micro organisms and in return feeding your plants.There expensive thow.:tokin:

MAYAN MICROZYME is an ecologically safe bacterial complex with multiple species of beneficial microorganisms that can increase fertility, mineralize nutrients, produce and regulate Nitrogen, build organic matter in your soil, regulate soil pH and improve plant growth
Mayan MicroZyme in a bacterial-enzymatic concentrate full of microorganisms that can increase fertility while providing vital nutrients to all types of plants and crops. The micro-organisms present in Mayan MicroZyme (MMZ) mineralize nutrients, produce and regulate nitrogen, build organic matter in your soil, and can improve fertility and fruit yields by increasing nutrient uptake and availability. The micro-organisms in Mayan MicroZyme are dormant with a long shelf life because of the micro-encapsulating solution. When the concentrate is diluted in water and aerated, the micro-encapsulation dissolves and the micro-organism populations become active and increase in number.
When brewed into a rich tea the Mayan MicroZyme cannot be matched by competing products.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

nice post. the only reason why i try to keep it as organic as i can isnt for the taste or whatever all the way the biggest reason os for my micro life can thrive and crate less work for me because of not PHing. i hate PHing.lol. i do it for my soil life.

I am right there with you on the micro life. However, some chemical use is not going to wipe out all the micro life. Massive hydro levels of chemicals would require constant replenishing of the micro life but organic compound mediums it should survive fine on moderate dosages combined with water and sugar.

SS, we didn't even start to get into the different grades of chemicals that can be used in nutes. The exact same chemical can have different levels of purity. No way of knowing and disclosure is only required if the impurities fall with in a small number of real nasty things.
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Yeah I know I dont get some of the stuff they say with all the organic regulations.If something comes from the ground in its natural form like a rock which provides minerals from eroshion they do not consider it to be organic.I read for hrs on end and there always comming up with something.Just because something is naturaly from the earth does not meen it fits the code of the organic law book.And some of it has to do with ecoli and selemnela and nutes need to be certified.But any enzymes or minerals will not be listed as organic but they are.Enzymes are a by product of bacteria and minerals are from the ground.There are a few ingredients to look out for but cant remember them off the top of my head.They are normally the really long names which I believe are more than likely chemical....LOL I think.:tokin:

Yeah lol I agree.Just throw some chicken poop quano molases and alfafa meal(not really in that order but for example lol)in a pair of panty hose and bubble it up lol.:high-five:
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Yeah I know I dont get some of the stuff they say with all the organic regulations.If something comes from the ground in its natural form like a rock which provides minerals from eroshion they do not consider it to be organic.I read for hrs on end and there always comming up with something.Just because something is naturaly from the earth does not meen it fits the code of the organic law book.And some of it has to do with ecoli and selemnela and nutes need to be certified.But any enzymes or minerals will not be listed as organic but they are.Enzymes are a by product of bacteria and minerals are from the ground.There are a few ingredients to look out for but cant remember them off the top of my head.They are normally the really long names which I believe are more than likely chemical....LOL I think.:tokin:

Yeah lol I agree.Just throw some chicken poop quano molases and alfafa meal(not really in that order but for example lol)in a pair of panty hose and bubble it up lol.:high-five:
its crazy out in the sales world.
panty hose?

just the stuff girls where, works great to put all the stuff in and drop in a bubbler and make tea.

hey hows ur girls taking to the new light?
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Well I think I only got the Spectra in just as they were finishing with their early flower stretch. The leafs are definitely stretching out flat nice and seem to have rebound from watering a few hours faster (but that might also be from nutes?). The peak height of each plant ranges 1-2 inches and I seem to have the light resting at 13 or 14 inches above the highest tip. I am impressed with the health of the leafs below the canopy and around its lower base. I think the undercanopy is filling in more with this 395w LED than with my 400w Hortilux Super HPS

I'm really excited to do my first scrog next grow, especially with this LED!
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Well I think I only got the Spectra in just as they were finishing with their early flower stretch. The leafs are definitely stretching out flat nice and seem to have rebound from watering a few hours faster (but that might also be from nutes?). The peak height of each plant ranges 1-2 inches and I seem to have the light resting at 13 or 14 inches above the highest tip. I am impressed with the health of the leafs below the canopy and around its lower base. I think the undercanopy is filling in more with this 395w LED than with my 400w Hortilux Super HPS

I'm really excited to do my first scrog next grow, especially with this LED!

sounds good brother. keep me updated on how the girls are doing and how you like it. you are one of the select few that has these new lights, and i cant get my plants to grow worth of shit, so its up to you and a few others to keep us posted. feel free to post pics when ever you want on my thread.

hows the temps treating you? get things figured out yet?
re: 480W & 720W Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

I ordered a new fan/filter combo that should pull heat out of the tent. But I still seem to be getting fine temps anyway, above the light is 15 degrees above my room temp outside tent, with below the light being 5-7 degrees above room temp. I was rash and ordered this without doing enough research, really it was the only decent looking fan/filter combo I had enough money for the next couple weeks (and I figured if I waited until then the smells might become too great before it showed up). It should work I just hope it isn't too noisy Amazon: New Hydropronic 4" Inline Fan With Carbon Filter Combo Odor Control Air Quiet


here is a pic from a few days ago, I'll have a new one up tomorrow. Some of the lower fan leaves aren't sticking out because I have them tucked under the bud sites a bit.
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