420's West Hippie Grows Candy Kush & Krush, Goliath 1k MH/HPS DWC

03/22/23 day 24 of 12/12
I’m sure both have slowed on nutrients uptake from the defol, but the buds are filling in just fine . I need to check the PH at lights out but I’ll have the kids after lunch, the spoiler begins.
I went to pick the lid up to slide back and broke the lid , I think this girl is pushing the top to the tote in . I tightened the net hoping for some relief.
TDS 1072 ppm was 1102
Water level down 2-1/2 gallon
Water temp 74.1 f
PH 4.8 was 5.9 adjusted to 5.8
Canopy temp 77.2 f
Thinking about lowering the light back to 4” above the canopy at 8” right now.
Room temp 76.8 f RH 48%
Outside temp 75 f RH 74%
Wind S 22 mph

TDS 1095 ppm was 1132 ppm
Water level down 1-1/2 gallon
Water temp 73.9 f
PH 5.2 was 6.0 adjusted to 5.9
Canopy temp 76.1 f

Have a great day everyone. Sunshine for the next two days , 100% chance of rain Friday.
Yours grow so fast I can barely keep up. :laugh:
Nothing like DWC when dialed in, using the same nutrient for over two years . Next grow it won’t be the same newer version of the same nutrients .
03/23/23 day 25 of 12/12
Candy is holding her pose , PH was falling again on both girls. I guess we could call it a clean sweep through the nutrients. I like adjusting to a lower PH and watch the rise but this is working.
TDS 973 ppm was 1072 ppm
Water level down 2-1/2 gallon
Water temp 73.6 f
PH 5.6 was adjusted last night to 6.1 and readjusted to 5.8
Canopy temp 80.3 my fault external temp sensor was disconnected but it’s coming down.
Room temp 78.3 f was 80.3 RH 44%
Outside temp 77 f RH 68%
Wind S 20 mph

TDS 1062 ppm was 1095 ppm
Water level down 2 gallon
Water temp 73.0 f
PH 4.9 adjusted to 6.1 last night also , adjusted to 6.1 again
Canopy temp 78.8 f
Have a great day everyone.
03/24/23 day 26 of 12/12
Candy’s working out building buds . Went back to her heavy drinking. With all of these tops I think I need about 10 five feet dowels to help separate the tops . Really don’t know if they make them that long but mama is going to Micheals to check. And more pipe cleaners.
TDS 897 ppm was 973 ppm
Water level down 3 gallon
Water temp 73.7 f
PH 6.0 was 5.8 no adjustments
Canopy temp 77.6 f
Room temp 76.9 f RH 40%
Outside temp 71 f RH 88% was raining since 3 am now clear as of 10:30
Wind SW 15 mph

Krush’s jojos are on standby Thanks
@InTheShed . Noticed the leaves are laying flat compared to Candy’s pointing to the light . Krush is Still eating lightly .
TDS 1012 ppm was 1062 ppm
Water level down 2 gallon
Water temp 73.3 f
PH 5.3 was 6.1 adjusted to 6.0
Canopy temp 76.6 f

We’ll RIP to my little friend Mr Lizard, I left my buckets mixing for B’s and came back he tried another swim .
Have a great day everyone.
03/26/23 day 28 of 12/12
Okay took a day off , had to ride yesterday knowing I have to mix Monday’s Miss Candy Kush water and nutrients change. Was a little chilly in spots.
With Candy can’t spot any deficiencies. The fan leaves at the top , far back side was a little fried touching the light . As long as it didn’t touch it was not hurt , not even a curl . All of the work getting Candy inside the net pvc lasted for a week. I guess the weight has them slowing laying to the outside. Was trying to weave these dowel rods and separate the tops a little better, tougher than I’d anticipated. Not giving up yet , while I mix these nutrients I’ll keep trying.
TDS 777 ppm was 897 ppm
Water level down 6 gallon
Water temp 73.4 f
PH 6.0 was 6.0 adjusted to 5.6
Canopy temp 77.3 f
Room temp 76.9 f RH 40%
Outside temp 71 f rising to 85 f RH 37%
Wind ESE 12 mph

TDS 985 ppm was 1012 ppm
Water level down 3-1/2 gallon
Water temp 72.9 f
PH 5.9 was 6.0 adjusted to 5.6
Canopy temp 76.7 f

Have a great Sunday everyone.
03/27/23 day 29 of 12/12
Saw a gnat the other day so I got the SNS 209 out . I put 5 mL a gallon = 75 mL in both reservoirs . I gave up on the foliar spray of the 209 , the reservoir is where they’ll show up if you get them in hydro. Candy’s lid is not doing too healthy . Besides the blue hue shines right through the lid and just noticed when I took a pic of the roots . Back side of the roots are full and can’t push the lid any wider open .
Candy’s old tote
TDS 685 ppm was 777 ppm
Water level down 3 gallon
Water temp 73.1 f
PH 5.3 was 5.6 no adjustments
Candy’s fresh tote
TDS 1152 ppm
75 mL MSA, 60 mL calmag , 90 grams MC , 15 mL Z-7 and 30 mL Hydroguard
Water level 15 gallons of RO 7 ppm 6.3 ph
Water temp 69.3
PH 5.4 adjusted to 5.8
Canopy temp 77.0 f
Room temp 76.4 f RH 40%
Outside temp 62 f RH 47%
Wind NNE 18 mph

Krush’s take in this
TDS 906 ppm was 985 ppm
Water level down 1-1/2 gallon
Water temp 72.9 f
PH 5.8 was 5.6 no adjustments
Canopy temp 76.5 f
Not watching Krush as much as I should, light was too close .
Did this check at 10:30 this morning.
Have a great day everyone.
03/28/23 day 30 of 12/12
TDS 1073 ppm was 1132 ppm
Water level down 2 gallon
Water temp 73.4 f
PH 4.9 was 5.8 adjusted to 5.9
Canopy temp 75.3 f raised the light with only an inch to raise it more left .
Room temp 75.3 f RH 41%
Outside temp 50 f RH 38%
Wind N 20 mph

Krush gets a tote change tomorrow
TDS 855 ppm was 906 ppm
Water level down 1 gallon
Water temp 73.0 f
PH 5.8 Static
Canopy temp 73.9 f
Have a great day everyone.
03/29/23 day 31 of 12/12
Nothing new
TDS 1003 ppm was 1073 ppm
Water level down 3 gallon
Water temp 73.3 f
PH 4.7 was 5.9
Canopy temp 76.3 f
Room temp 76.5 f RH 40%
Outside temp 65 f RH 57%
Wind ESE 7 mph

Krush’s old tote
TDS 805 ppm was 855 ppm
Water level down 1-1/2 gallons
Water temp 73.1 f
PH 5.9 was 5.8
Canopy temp 75.6 f
03/28/23 day 30 of 12/12
TDS 1073 ppm was 1132 ppm
Water level down 2 gallon
Water temp 73.4 f
PH 4.9 was 5.8 adjusted to 5.9
Canopy temp 75.3 f raised the light with only an inch to raise it more left .
Room temp 75.3 f RH 41%
Outside temp 50 f RH 38%
Wind N 20 mph

Krush gets a tote change tomorrow
TDS 855 ppm was 906 ppm
Water level down 1 gallon
Water temp 73.0 f
PH 5.8 Static
Canopy temp 73.9 f
Have a great day everyone.
Gorgeous plants!! I think I will hang around here awhile and learn about growing the special ladies. I hope I'm still alive when it does go legal. I want to grow some landrace cannabis. The old stuff that I experienced when I was this age<<<see avatar. My stoner-hippie boyfriend took that pic. I have a lot to learn. I had no idea you had to have the water at a certain temp.
I had no idea you had to have the water at a certain temp.
That's only with Hydroponics. Water Temps, EC, pH, etc. need to be closely monitored. From what I'm seeing he's got it down really good. He's surely someone who does Hydro would want to follow.
I do soil so I just let my water sit 24 hours so it gases off chlorine & gets to room temp.
03/29/23 day 31 of 12/12
Nothing new
TDS 1003 ppm was 1073 ppm
Water level down 3 gallon
Water temp 73.3 f
PH 4.7 was 5.9
Canopy temp 76.3 f
Room temp 76.5 f RH 40%
Outside temp 65 f RH 57%
Wind ESE 7 mph

Krush’s old tote
TDS 805 ppm was 855 ppm
Water level down 1-1/2 gallons
Water temp 73.1 f
PH 5.9 was 5.8
Canopy temp 75.6 f
Looks like you should get that 2 lbs. to me. Sweet looking gal ! Do you run a Chiller in your Hydro System ? I did DWC before but keeping the water cool was too hard. I was growing in my shed in AZ. in the summer so it was just too hot for it to work well.
So what kind of yield did you pull on your first attempt ? (Found it 28 oz.) I'm on my first try now. I never planned to try it, until I pulled 1.25 lbs. from a plant on accident. Was just trying to grow an average 8 oz. plant & it just took off on me. That got my curiosity up so thought I'd actually try to pull 2 lbs. from 1 plant.
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