420's West Hippie Grows Candy Kush & Krush, Goliath 1k MH/HPS DWC

I saw @Rifleman did over 1000 gram’s yesterday.

FYI just so no one thinks I'm some kind of super grower or something. :hmmmm: :laughtwo: My 1110g dry was from Four:yummy: auto plants, dwc with Advanced Nutrients as always. :peace:
FYI just so no one thinks I'm some kind of super grower or something. :hmmmm: :laughtwo: My 1110g dry was from Four:yummy: auto plants, dwc with Advanced Nutrients as always. :peace:
Hey you couldn’t have ask for more from the four girls . Even my 942 grams was 4 girls . We had you tagged a long time ago as a super grower don’t cut yourself short. Plus they were autos and you don’t hear a lot of volume when autos are involved.
03/18/23 day 20 of 12/12
Candy’s outdoor but is indoor grow is 28” at the tallest . I’m seeing a lot of supercrop knots getting ready for building buds . Seeing daylight at the net on front to back outside corners to the mid section . My little lizard has been in the DE cleaning up the ants that came in from the freeze. DE stopped them in there tracks . Safer Brand is the best alongside it’s insect soap , just don’t spray on the buds you’ll have early red hairs . In veg yes make it rain with the soap . In flower legs only for me .
Candy’s numbers
TDS 787 ppm was 877 ppm Falling
Water level down 2-1/2 gallon Falling
Water temp 73.4 f
PH 6.1 was 5.8 Rising adjusted to 5.7
Canopy temp 77.1 f
Room Temp 76.5 f RH 46%
Outside temp 47 f 44%
Wind N 7 mph
Had already started the defoliation before the pics rookie move , pics as soon as I walk in the door has been the normal for me . She starting to look more like she’d fit in a 5’x5’ tent .

TDS 1070 ppm was 1139 ppm Falling
Water level down 1-1/2 gallon Falling
Water temp 72.6
PH 5.5 was 5.8 Falling adjusted to 5.8
Canopy temp 76.5
I’m going to finish Candy before defoliating Krush today .
I’ve noticed since I haven’t been able to ride the bike my oxygen levels have dropped from 97% to 92% and my smell is gone again which was very lightly smells . I was even able to smell my steak cooking but couldn’t yesterday . So winter go the hell away I need to ride .
Have a great weekend everyone. Back to the defol.
Wow 😳 that's some big beautiful plants.
Wow 😳 that's some big beautiful plants.
Welcome to the site, since I’ve gotten this Goliath light I ran into a couple problems but none this time so far . The guest for two pounds remains for Candy . Krush wanted in but she’s a side line grow .
Love the clean up and time with the grand baby, hate that you can't smell and your O2 levels keep you from the long rides you crave.

Here's to a better tomorrow! :high-five:

No the rides is what brings it up to 97 wondering if I need a fan blowing in my face at all times , is this why the riding the bike makes me feel better or is it just therapy to ride ?
I got DE all over my ass but I made it under neath the back side .
It will be better today :high-five:
I usually stick to cannabis on the forum, but music, motorcycles, and firearms will draw me out. :D I'm an old guy but there's nothing quite like riding the Kawasaki Concours 14 on these mountain roads. :love: I do get a certain satisfaction in blowing the doors off slowpokes holding up traffic too.:yahoo: I know it's not, but the the C14 almost feels as if it could keep up with the Suzuki Hayabusa, I sold in Oct. 2022
I don't shoot much anymore, but I generally have both sound systems going all day playing the tunes. I even have an old two channel Techniques running two very old Bose 601s, in my grow area.
Ride and Rock to live. It don't hurt to have plenty of buds too.:rolleyes:
03/19/23 day 21 of 12/12
Candy looks great this morning no wait it’s 12:38 pm . It says pm at the moment but when I submit the post the pm will have a funny face instead . Went and worked on the back side to get daylight down the stalk . The tote is all light up from the defoliation. I have 3” to go up but I believe I don’t need it she’s going to work right where she is. Damn forgot to load pics be back in a minute. Okay 12:47 pm done with the pics .
TDS 655 ppm was 787 ppm Falling
Water level down 2 gallon Falling
Water temp 68.2 a/c came on with the lights with an outside temp 30 f .
PH 5.6 was 5.7 Falling no adjustments
Canopy temp 77.5
Room Temp 76.9 f RH 50%
Outside temp 43 f RH 30%
Wind NE 5 mph

TDS 1074 was 1070 Static I guess
Water level down 1 gallon Falling
Water temp 66.4 right in front of the a/c
PH 4.8 was 5.8 Falling adjusted to 5.8
Canopy temp 76.0
Have a great Sunday everyone.
03/20/23 day 22 of 12/12
Going to post right quick and get back to Candy to clear a few dark spots .
Candy’s old tote
TDS 551 ppm was 655 ppm Falling
Water level down 2-1/2 gallon Falling
Water temp 68.0 f tooo low to soon
PH 5.9 was 5.6 Rising no adjustments
Candy’s fresh tote
TDS 1125 ppm
75 mL MSA, 75 mL calmag , 90 grams MC , 30 mL Hydroguard, 15 mL Z-7 .
Water level 15 gallons of RO 7 ppm 6.3 ph
PH 5.8 was 5.4 adjusted to the 5.8
Canopy temp 77.1 f
Room Temp 76.7 f RH 44%
Outside temp 41 f RH 39 %
Wind SSE 14 mph

TDS 996 ppm was 1076 ppm Falling
Water level down 1 gallon Falling
Water temp 68.2 f
PH 5.8 was 5.8 Static
Canopy temp 76.0 f
Grow room protection
Have a great day everyone.
Stellar! Is Candy's tote always open or is that what the towel is for?
I was closing the top but then all of a sudden it was a struggle to open . I slid the lid back over but not to let it lock down. The towel was for wiping the cup off and not drip water over to the table but it’s back up in case there might be light trying to get in .
Another 70 clones could have come off of Candy And the fans and larf wet was just over three pounds for both girls. I know Krush doesn’t look stripped of leaves but anything light up stayed .
Just venturing a guess Shed, but he probably uses it to wipe up spilled or splattered water. I keep towels nearby on my hydro grows. Seems there's always water cleanup. 🤠
You already knew , once we dip that cup in the water and leave trails to the table it’s when am I gonna slip or just make a mud trail from my shoes .
03/21/23 day 23 of 12/12
Candy still has two dark spots to work on , thought I had them yesterday . Mama and Snow have the grandkids so I got up started draining Krush but before I realized she didn’t get a change till tomorrow it was too late fruit trees thanked me on the way back the the grow room. I’ve never had peaches in March that I can remember.
Last day of the freeze 73 f today rest of the week 80 f .
TDS 1102 ppm was 1125 ppm
Water level down 1-1/2 gallon
Water temp 72.7 f
PH 5.5 was 5.8 adjusted to 5.9
Canopy temp 77.6 f
Room Temp 76.8 f RH 40% turbo does kick butt on on the dehumidifier, she had been struggling.
Outside temp 59 f RH 95% foggy
Wind S13 mph

Krush’s new tote , old one sucked .
TDS 1132 ppm
75 mL MSA, 75 mL calmag, 90 grams MC , 30 mL Hydroguard & 15 mL Z-7
Water level 15 gallons RO 7 ppm 6.3 ph
Water temp 70.5 f warming her up no time to stunt her growth.
PH 6.0 was 5.4 and I know it’s going to drop might as well prepare for it .
Here’s my peach tree on March 21

I have a fond memory of eating fresh peaches right off the tree at my H.S. best friends house after smoking some of the first Columbian weed either of us had ever seen. Back before it was all brown. We had the dry mouth so bad we just started devouring them. Had juice all over our faces and shirts. Arkansas in July late 70s.
Nice towel placement, and it seems about 3 months early for peaches!

Spring has sprung. :thumb:
Most definitely early peaches , normally mid May to June before we go to the farmers market.
Well I broke the lid this morning lifting it off the edge . Towel for the back up .
I have a fond memory of eating fresh peaches right off the tree at my H.S. best friends house after smoking some of the first Columbian weed either of us had ever seen. Back before it was all brown. We had the dry mouth so bad we just started devouring them. Had juice all over our faces and shirts. Arkansas in July late 70s.
You needed to get one of these softball size peaches I got with the advanced Nutrients plus the taste hasn’t been the same without out Advanced Nutrients I’d pull into the farmers market and couldn’t get them out of the truck fast enough and they were sold .
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