420 Magazine's Photo of the Month: August 2019

Photo of month entry

I wish I could say it always stayed that exciting. Haha. Silly stuff like not having enough room, insects and other pathogens, wanting the next great light and not being able to afford it... may these issues never be your issues.

I remember when I harvested my first grow, Great White Shark and Northern Lights. I kept telling myself, I'm gonna spend 45 minutes on each bud making sure its trimmed perfectly. It sounded good. But three buds into it the novelty had worn off and I was wishing I had a Centurion trimmer. Again I hope you're immune to this.

May all your seasons be good seasons! Cheers.

Hahaha lmao i so did the same thing my first harvest. But man let me tell u that effect got lost real quick lol. I soon hated trim jail haha.
Hahaha lmao i so did the same thing my first harvest. But man let me tell u that effect got lost real quick lol. I soon hated trim jail haha.
EXACTLY! You got about 20 minutes, before the glow of trimming your new big ass buds is gone and you find trimming is the absolute worst part of growing.
EXACTLY! You got about 20 minutes, before the glow of trimming your new big ass buds is gone and you find trimming is the absolute worst part of growing.
*second to collecting rosin! LoL
So one thing I've gathered.....get the best scissors the market has to offer? :thanks:
Another down side of trimming, is trimming your fingers ( at least for me). I dont do crazy sharp shears anymore, I cant afford to lose anymore digits. Honestly my favorite scissors came in the box with my hair clippers. I like the length.
Another down side of trimming, is trimming your fingers ( at least for me). I dont do crazy sharp shears anymore, I cant afford to lose anymore digits. Honestly my favorite scissors came in the box with my hair clippers. I like the length.
I'll have to remember that. I use clippers on my head every few days and never use those scissors. I just have 20 pairs of them laying around.
Here's my hat for the ring folks.
I wish everyone loses and I win.
Seriously, good luck to ALL.!

"Prince Albert" (UK joke about dicks!)
She is my very first bean, an Amnesia haze that a few will know already.

I snapped this girl about 3 weeks before flower across the stem about 80% through..
I used some tape (not the stretchy kind! DOH!!!) But it held and got her to the finish line. As its my first i took a sample from here this week and she is so fudging sweet. I did a few nugs in the oven (thanks @Emilya for the tip and even after the nuclear dry she still tasted fantastic and my misses had trouble talking for a while after.
She is flushing at the moment in prep for the final chop but had the good fortune to take a clone (now 3ft + tall) so she will be with me for a long time to come.

Meet Prince Albert - Amnesia Haze

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