I truly believe there is enough nutrition for these plants to carry them through to the finish line. Thoughts

I say go with your intuition. Every time I go against mine I kick myself. If you turn out to be wrong your intuition will be better informed next time.

Cool bumper sticker photos!
Great harvest Baked! She's a monster! Nice work man!
Thanks Otter. She was such an amazing plant. She could have been so much bigger. I was constantly holding her back with bending and supercropping. I wish I was on a property without any neighbors close enough to see what I'm doing. THEN I can grow some real monsters. Haaa haaa.
:bravo: what did you do with that finger hash in the end?

Looking great baked.
I ended up putting some on my enail. I didn't really taste or feel anything. Maybe I was already too stoned?!
I say go with your intuition. Every time I go against mine I kick myself. If you turn out to be wrong your intuition will be better informed next time.

Cool bumper sticker photos!
Appreciate it Dick! I'm going to trust it and see what happens. My guess is they will suck these containers dry of nutes before it is all said and done.
Well they seem fine but they did get a nice large drink this evening. I decided to not top dress them. Instead, I did what I could to work in the existing top dress that has been accumulating. I can say that the worms and other biology in the soil live breaking down the @GeoFlora Nutrients I am only 3 weeks away, maybe a little more before harvest. I truly believe there is enough nutrition for these plants to carry them through to the finish line. Thoughts?

When mine were still what I thought was still 2 weeks away, I fed them even though the GeoFlora feed chart said not to feed them the last 2 weeks. I fed them because the leaves on mine were yellowing like crazy.

However, after I fed them, someone suggested that I should look at the trichomes and to my surprise, the trichomes were all cloudy already and the plants were ready to come down before those 2 weeks had barely started so the food was wasted.

Therefore, I suggest you look at your trichomes to get a better idea of where they are in the cycle.
I suggest you look at your trichomes to get a better idea of where they are in the cycle.
Great suggestion. I didn't even think to check them yet because I didn't think I was close enough yet. Never hurts to just look though right?! Thanks again.
Great suggestion. I didn't even think to check them yet because I didn't think I was close enough yet. Never hurts to just look though right?! Thanks again.

I didn't think mine were ready either and honestly, I wish they had gone longer as I feel the colas are whispier than I like. But, the trichomes said chop so I chopped.
First off congratulations on the beautiful and well-documented harvest process! And I did a bit of cropping but I like your chances for PhOTM with this:

In terms of overwintering, I have no idea what your coldest temps are there but it doesn't cost anything to leave it in the ground and see what happens! Who doesn't love an experiment. :)

Looks like you got your press just the tiniest bit early because you will be pressing your own goodness very soon. Remember, you don't have to cure what you're going to press.

And I'm always amazed at what comes off in the wash. Sometimes it's worse than others!

And I did a bit of cropping but I like your chances for PhOTM with this:
That means a lot Shed! I really appreciate it. You know, I'll go enter it. I always tend to forget about the monthly contests. I need to set reminders on my calendar. NOT kidding...

I'm going to build a cold frame around her in the next few weeks. Exactly as you said, who doesn't like a fun experiment?!

Thanks again Shed for the encouragement. You made my day. Blessings.
That means a lot Shed! I really appreciate it. You know, I'll go enter it. I always tend to forget about the monthly contests. I need to set reminders on my calendar. NOT kidding...

I'm going to build a cold frame around her in the next few weeks. Exactly as you said, who doesn't like a fun experiment?!

Thanks again Shed for the encouragement. You made my day. Blessings.
That means a lot Shed! I really appreciate it. You know, I'll go enter it. I always tend to forget about the monthly contests. I need to set reminders on my calendar. NOT kidding...

I'm going to build a cold frame around her in the next few weeks. Exactly as you said, who doesn't like a fun experiment?!

Thanks again Shed for the encouragement. You made my day. Blessings.

Hi Baked.

I subscribe (aka watch) to the different forums that I want to follow. That way, I get notifications and then I can decide if I want to read them or not. In case you don't know how to watch a forum, here are some instructions for you. Click Entertainment and then Watch.

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And, you're all set.
Hi Baked.

I subscribe (aka watch) to the different forums that I want to follow. That way, I get notifications and then I can decide if I want to read them or not. In case you don't know how to watch a forum, here are some instructions for you. Click Entertainment and then Watch.

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Choose your notification options:

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And, you're all set.
I use my phone and I do watch a lot of different threads. What I have not done is watch the main forum/thread that would have ALL the monthly contests and the notifications when Teddy posts something new! Duh! o_O:laugh::idea:
Indoor Bloom - DAY 44 since flip

SNS209/DC Foliar Spray and turned down the main light for a couple hours. Then back up to 100% and I moved the plants around a little bit to see if they like it better. It is quite obvious which two are the sickly of the group. #1 & #9 have simply not thrived in my care for quite some time. I believe I am seeing similar results to what happened outdoors for me last year. I am a firm believer that I don't know how to properly water a plant in a fabric pot. I am 100% underwatering them...consistently. It just doesn't make sense to me that the other two are doing so much better.

But first...my favorite lady in the tent! She's looking glorious and eating up all the nutes and herself.

Post foliar

#1 & #7

#3 & #9

All the GSC that has been harvested are in bags! I'm praying that everything dries well so I can get them into jars and gets these buds curing. Feeling blessed to have so much amazing medicine in my fridge. Blessings!
Love those Made in the USA paper bags! Good old American business responding to supply chain issues. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Oh yeah, the plants look great, and watering cloth pots is really easy. Lift. Light? Water to runoff (especially around the edges). Not light. Sit and admire the plants.


In flower water a day earlier than in veg (i.e. don't let them get quite as light).

[Sorry if this is obvious and the problem you're having is different.]
[Sorry if this is obvious and the problem you're having is different.]
It may not be obvious...but it should be obvious to YOU that I'm not quick to figuring out the obvious. :passitleft:

Oh wait...never mind. I'll smoke all to myself instead.

Yikes...I haven't updated some of the recent changes. FINALLY installed the AC unit! Only a week late. Blew the breaker a few times but no big deal right?! Figured out the balance of power between all the lights, fans, and the ac unit. And it has been humming along since. I set it for it to keep the tent at 84° max. The plants looked A LOT happier today. I have had the lights away from them because I didn't want to cook them with heat and wattage. I think they were getting a decent amount of light but not quite enough. I think that's one of the reasons for a short stretch and not much bud growth.

Well, with the temps under control, I lowered the @BESTVA LED Pro4000 from 24" at 100% to 18" to get my PPFD up for the two main plants, #7 & #3. I also lowered the two Bestva Pro1000. They are directly over #1 & # 9 now. I also changed the ac down to 82°. I think that's it for now. It's been a nutty past few days. I have a lot to get caught up on in the forum.

@DabPress - Any way to order just a 25mm coil?! This thing is amazing but I want to put it on a larger banger.
I wish I would have bought this year's ago!!! Such an amazing way to dial in temps and enjoy terpenes.
Day 46 since flip! Can't explain how excited I was to come home and check on the tent and the outdoor garden. They all got a thorough watering outside. Remember, there are still live plants out there. And they look great!! The inside plants got watered until runoff. It equated to nearly all of the inside plants getting 4L each. It was great to come home to a much cooler tent thanks to the A/C. Kind of sucks that it take up so much room but it will just have to be a limiting factor to this space.

Burned up my first early tester last night. It was not too shabby for a quick dry! It was a nice, relaxed, and uplifting high. The pain relief was real and so was the release of muscles and spasms. It was only a small piece so the relief was minimal and for a short time, but either way it felt amazing to smoke something I grew.
Tent Update! Day 48 since flip. I put the AC unit on a different circuit. Now no issues with running it at a higher power. Currently have it set for 75° and the RH is normally getting down into the low 50s and 40s. I still have some adjustments to make though because I started getting power issues with my exhaust fan and lights running at full blast. So that's a little annoying. Other than that...I need to seriously tend to the floppiness of these plants. Everything was fine until they started to get weight. Cages incoming...

Huh....whatever could this be?! But I have my effluent connected to a hose that will drain into a 5 gallon container outside of the tent. So this couldn't possibly be...

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