OK OK guys, legit ENOUGH. Let's try to bring it back, the constant slandering and finger pointing and name calling is just really childish and 100% inappropriate from all parties.
If there is a discrepancy amongst an entry, that is what the "report" button is for. USE IT and refrian from getting into an argument with your fellow growers. Air your grievances with the staff and NOT with each other.
All this does is leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth, gives us anxiety ridden folks more anxiety and absolutely negates the idea that we are all here to support and help eachother through our common love for growing cannabis.
It doesn't look good for anyone involved or the forum. It makes new members feel guarded and may even be enough for them to leave us, I mean honestly, who wants more stress!!!
What irks me the most is that there is no tact or diplomacy when you guys are just shooting lines back and forth at each other. Do we really think that just going back and forth and back and forth is going to change anything? Do we think if we start being rude and mean to each other that that will ensue a change of heart from any party involved?
Let's put this fighting into perspective. What could have been an easy report to the staff and let them handle it, turned into this what I'm going to call a 'shit show'. Especially the fact this all continued AFTER
@Braddah Waiheesohai just told us about his family dying and friends being unhomed and injured! Like come on now, this is the shit that matters! This is the stuff worth posting 3 pages about, I'm sickened that some people didn't even acknowledge that Braddah mentioned that and just skipped right over it and back into bashing eachother! Where is the love my brothers and sisters?!
It's ironic because I hear people complain all the time about the fighting that happens on this site, everyone's opinion is the only opinion that matters sometimes and God forbid someone has a different idea or thought, some not only dismiss the idea but start these damn arguments over who is right and who is wrong.
You know what's wrong, how I have seen us treat eachother-especially in these last 3 pages. What's wrong is our inability to communicate and address situations in an adult and orderly fashion. What's wrong is that regardless of honesty or accountability, our main focus was trashing the grower next to us-saying a myriad of hurtful things that have absolutely no bearing on the issue discussed in the first place. What's wrong is no one could be the bigger person to say hey brother I'm sorry, let's let it go. The only person I saw do that was Braddah-in all the stress he has to deal with right now, HE is the one trying to calm it down. Why? Probably because he sees what is really important in life and because he finds solstice away from the problems of life here, at 420MAGAZINE.
This is where lots of us come to detach from this crazy world and regroup. All of this over a contest...how selfish of us. To care more about our own cause than the cause of all those around us.
Let's think twice before we attack our fellow growers. Really think twice. I'm not the girl you want to upset, believe me. I love you all and this literally hurts my heart (and as some know I was just in the hospital for my heart).
Is it possible we can all give our best to
@Braddah Waiheesohai during this difficult time and focus on what's really meaningful?
Can we please use the report button in the future and refrain from trying to handle this on your own accords? Can we save someone an anxiety attack today? Can we make someone's life better today?
Thanks guys, let's get back on track for real. I hate to see this be the death of what I find to be my sanctuary. I'd hate to see us lose the ability to help and learn from eachother. That's what this is about. That's the take away. Not who's ego will win in a war of the balls.