4000 Watt Top-Feed Rec Grow Cubes Cap'n Style OG Kush

I tell ya what I will take pics and record dates of my next transplant which will happen in the next day or so and once there ready to transplant into three gallon containers I'll put all the data together and create my first blog.

Ah ok I thought you had some magic going on there. Still 27 days from cut, these look great.
Great info as always great read
Thanks MoBudds, im really trying my best to keep it fun and informative at the same time.
Ah ok I thought you had some magic going on there. Still 27 days from cut, these look great.
Thanks capn and great seeing you.
I am totally focused on production and scheduling whats best for the plants. I have benn taking pics and I will do my best to keep track as I do wanna help.
so here is some of those pics the capn asked about re: my trimming. After looking at the pics you'll see why it takes me so much longer than most. I do love trimming them and drying them off the stem. Then its straight into glass not another step. I break off alot of resin glands when I have to cut em off the branch later.


Those were some pics of the bigger flowering room.
The internets on the blink again so im going to post this and go back an edit later
so here is some of those pics the capn asked about re: my trimming. After looking at the pics you'll see why it takes me so much longer than most. I do love trimming them and drying them off the stem. Then its straight into glass not another step. I break off alot of resin glands when I have to cut em off the branch later.

So you cut a branch, snip the bud off the branch, manicure and straight into the jar, correct? Would love to know your proccess a little more in detail as those buds really look nice.
Close jamthe3. I'm pretty sure he does it the same way I do.

1. cut some branches off.
2. snip buds off branches.
3. Manicure
4. Dry
5. Jar

I jar in 1/2 gallon jars and I've been using 62% humidipaks for some time now. Absolutely love them!
Seems it would be easier to manicure before removing the bud from the stem. S1ing, how tall is your room? I'm collecting mental notes for future possibilities.
sling that manicure you put on your flowers is awesome--ever work on bonsai trees??

ive never seen those little panda bags before,where did you find them??

im not sure if its funny or sad, but your clones look way better than my finished plants:high-five:
So you cut a branch, snip the bud off the branch, manicure and straight into the jar, correct? Would love to know your proccess a little more in detail as those buds really look nice.
Sorry, cut the branch off and take off all big fans or leaves I don't want to save. Once its down to the point all remaining trim will be saved for future projects I take the bud off the stem and then finish taking off the rest of what I call sugar leaves. Then its into my drying rack forth reset o four days and then usually into paper bags till its time for glass jars, usually a week after I chopped it off the plant its in glass and getting burped multiple times daily. There's times it will come out of the jar and into paper bags or a large stainless steel salad bowl to dry a little more.
Hope that helps, if not keep asking

Close jamthe3. I'm pretty sure he does it the same way I do.

1. cut some branches off.
2. snip buds off branches.
3. Manicure
4. Dry
5. Jar

I jar in 1/2 gallon jars and I've been using 62% humidipaks for some time now. Absolutely love them!
Hey bass do u use the big 62% humid a paks or is the little ones? I've gotten the pacs to rehumidify even thought they say you can't. I wouldn't want to use em to much if it might split open. But can ya tell us a little of how your using em?
I bought a small cASE of the 62% pacs but haven't built a diy c-vault yet, thanks.
Oh yeah I'll watch the video soon once im at home with some bandwidth

Seems it would be easier to manicure before removing the bud from the stem. S1ing, how tall is your room? I'm collecting mental notes for future possibilities.
8' but it could be a little smaller and still work if you keep to shorter strains

sling that manicure you put on your flowers is awesome--ever work on bonsai trees??

ive never seen those little panda bags before,where did you find them??

im not sure if its funny or sad, but your clones look way better than my finished plants:high-five:

Thanks a lot, the bags were half off at the hydro shop. Any shop should be able to get them for ya. I love em for their handiness and there cheap BUT im using #1 nursery pots and like em better

Happy Tokerday Sling :thumb:
You too cronic, toke it up BUD
few hrs later and im back again but its Weednsday!!!
Good weed to you Sling :thumb:
I use 1/2 gallon mason jars and the large humidipaks. I put 1 pack in when I drop nugs into the jars. I also have those mini digital gauges. From that point I pretty much keep the jars closed. Super happy with them.

I have also used them for bud that was too dry and it worked wonders.

When the pack get hard, they are toast. So as long as they are obviously like new they are working well.

Thanks to Stevehman for mentioning them in one of his journals some time ago.
Where did Stevehman go? I know he was using huge LED's I think 1 was 800 watts. I've read all his journals.
If you set the dried up crystally PAC on top of a small bowl thats sitting inside of another larger bowl of water and set plastic wrap over the top of the bowl it will swell back up like new. I've done it twice and then I chucked it. Thanks bass and the guy who told u

But does it maintain the same humidity after that?
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