36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!

That's one hell of a broccoli head! :thumb:
Ya duggs, the veggies are doing great. I forgot I can't post off topic pics here so it was deleted. Broccoli head the size of a basketball, with the stalk almost as big as a baseball. Lettuce, kale, leeks, blueberries, peppers, and tomatoes in the same bed. I have a 3x3x2.5 box with a compost tower in the middle with four more tomatoes. 2 50g pots of cilantro, lots of 1g with more lettuce, sunflowers, marigolds, a 4x6 strawberry bed, blackberries, raspberries, and nettles. I also have a palm and Japanese maple tree, and another that I thought was a Japanese maple, but after top dressing with minerals and compost, showed itself to be something else. I'm no tree expert so idk what it is lol. Everything as organic as possible. Large pots and my raised beds have logs and wood buried underneath aka hugelkulture. It's my second year veggie gardening but organic farming and gardening run in both sides of the family.
7:30pm my time (1.5 hours after lights on) and my temps are 96@canopy, 90@top of soil, and 86@bottom of tent. Nighttime temps (daytime for me) is between 74-86. Very far from perfect, but the plants keep pointing up. I'm experiencing very little stretch on my GG4xBD, that's the fourth in a row. Nothing compared to my purple, which shot up 3-4x the height in the first three weeks. My environment is usually manageable, but the current heat is worrying me in my attic tent. I'll get pics up soon, a bit of burn from spraying at the wrong time.
I accidentally broke a side branch of Acapulco Gold the other day and hung it to dry. Two days later, it was dry enough to smoke, but not properly dried by any means. It still has the fruit punch flavor, no harshness, and it isn't done yet. I think I'll be happy with this one.
I accidentally broke a side branch of Acapulco Gold the other day and hung it to dry. Two days later, it was dry enough to smoke, but not properly dried by any means. It still has the fruit punch flavor, no harshness, and it isn't done yet. I think I'll be happy with this one.

Accidentally? I believe you. :winkyface: :laughtwo:
Ya duggs, the veggies are doing great. I forgot I can't post off topic pics here so it was deleted. Broccoli head the size of a basketball, with the stalk almost as big as a baseball. Lettuce, kale, leeks, blueberries, peppers, and tomatoes in the same bed. I have a 3x3x2.5 box with a compost tower in the middle with four more tomatoes. 2 50g pots of cilantro, lots of 1g with more lettuce, sunflowers, marigolds, a 4x6 strawberry bed, blackberries, raspberries, and nettles. I also have a palm and Japanese maple tree, and another that I thought was a Japanese maple, but after top dressing with minerals and compost, showed itself to be something else. I'm no tree expert so idk what it is lol. Everything as organic as possible. Large pots and my raised beds have logs and wood buried underneath aka hugelkulture. It's my second year veggie gardening but organic farming and gardening run in both sides of the family.

36, you can post off topic pics but they must be saved to OFF TOPIC instead of Member when uploading..:)
36, you can post off topic pics but they must be saved to OFF TOPIC instead of Member when uploading..:)

Not, I'm afraid. :thedoubletake:
I've had several pictures in my journal deleted because they were not specific to MJ growing. They were from my off topic gallery.
Hey there 36 - I'm in my attic too - last week was hot as hell. The only way to cool is turn on my AC and still had temps in the upper 80s which isn't too bad really. Just have to water everyday pretty much. MY veg room doesn't have AC temps were 100F. I've got a couple AK plants going, they will handle the heat. Some strains are temp tolerant some are not. The ones that are not will complain big time.
Thanks Ziggy and Major. I swear I did upload them to off topic, I'll try later.

Bo, ya the heat has been terrible, over 100 in the room during the day with the lights out, I'm able to keep it around 80ish in the tent. Lights come on at 6pm and the tent needs to be opened up to stay in the mid 80s. That is with the AC on as well. I've been looking into LED lights, so I may do a diy build soon. The plants still look great, tolerating the heat fine.

I took my SWICK pan out of the tent, the pot on top had dug itself to the bottom and was staying too wet. I love the idea, and keeping proper hydration is key to maintaining a healthy soil. I'll be making something up today or tomorrow from stuff around the property to accomplish the same goal. I'll do my best to take pics.
I'm pretty sure anything in the grow journals has to be 420 specific. Off topic photos need to be posted in off topic threads. They want to protect the firewall for the grow journals from people looking for photos that won't be on topic. Does that explanation make sense?

LOL! Explanation is another one of those words my brain insists on spelling incorrectly every single time. Thank goodness for auto correct. :laughtwo:
Mornin 36...Ya bud ,i know what ya mean....they are expensive. When i made the big switch to LED ,i had a friend finance my Budmaster purchase and the G8's i got and he took it back in "produce" since he's a close friend ,trimmer helper.and patient. The arrangement worked out very well . It took two crops to pay everything back but was totally worth it! Just a thought for you bud. As well, ya know , Budmaster offers their led clusters and drivers seperate so you can design and then build your own shape ,using their parts for the guts....you just have to combine a housing and fans etc. I thought about doing a light that way but after researching a bit....it still works out to around the same price. I'm really wanting a P600, so i may offer another "produce " for light deal with that buddy of mine.
Anyhow 36....sorry if i was a lil harsh with you and led lights bud....cheers eh.....Duggs.
My problem with LEDs is, I need the HPS/MH heat much of the year. If I used LEDs during the winter, I'd have to throw a heater in the room ... and probably a humidifier. If I can do one crop per year outside, the other two will work out inside with cheapo HID lights. I'm still not convinced quality is improved using LEDs, but I'm willing to be convinced.
I'm pretty sure anything in the grow journals has to be 420 specific. Off topic photos need to be posted in off topic threads. They want to protect the firewall for the grow journals from people looking for photos that won't be on topic. Does that explanation make sense?

LOL! Explanation is another one of those words my brain insists on spelling incorrectly every single time. Thank goodness for auto correct. :laughtwo:

The Mods told me, off-topic photos in our grow journals lower 420's Google search results and rankings.
Mornin 36...Ya bud ,i know what ya mean....they are expensive. When i made the big switch to LED ,i had a friend finance my Budmaster purchase and the G8's i got and he took it back in "produce" since he's a close friend ,trimmer helper.and patient. The arrangement worked out very well . It took two crops to pay everything back but was totally worth it! Just a thought for you bud. As well, ya know , Budmaster offers their led clusters and drivers seperate so you can design and then build your own shape ,using their parts for the guts....you just have to combine a housing and fans etc. I thought about doing a light that way but after researching a bit....it still works out to around the same price. I'm really wanting a P600, so i may offer another "produce " for light deal with that buddy of mine.
Anyhow 36....sorry if i was a lil harsh with you and led lights bud....cheers eh.....Duggs.

Canna just built one herself.

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