36Gr0w's First Journal - Hi-Brix - LOS - Indoor & Out!


I like the way you just methodically go about knocking everyone's socks off. :high-five:

My next addition to the tent will be a 15 gallon no-till. I'd like to eventually have another at 20-25 gallons. I might be able to stop there. :laughtwo:
My Chocolate Thai and Purple Sour Diesel are in 15-20 gallon pots. Blue ones in the pictures. PSD has holes drilled into it all over. It is also the only one on a SWICK. Chocolate Thai has no holes drilled on the side, just drainage holes on the bottom. Acapulco Gold is in a 7 gallon smart pot. It is so small and needs watered more often, even with mulching and a fabric lid attached with velcro.
Just throwing this out there. This is my third indoor tent grow. I grew outside last summer and it was horrible. That will make this my fourth harvest, and I am happy that this will be a staggered harvest and trim. It is so easy and care free growing this way, I don't bother worrying, and I'm a worry wort. My environment is far from perfect but my plants seem to deal with the stress well.
Just throwing this out there. This is my third indoor tent grow. I grew outside last summer and it was horrible. That will make this my fourth harvest, and I am happy that this will be a staggered harvest and trim. It is so easy and care free growing this way, I don't bother worrying, and I'm a worry wort. My environment is far from perfect but my plants seem to deal with the stress well.

This was my major take-away from my initial grow, and with my current no-till LOS. I have absolutely no concern at all of any deficiencies or concerns. Plant, water, surround with light and harvest unbelievable bud. Totally stress-free and relaxing. Although I have a schedule for regular amending, I also get lazy and miss, knowing it won't hurt anything at all to do so.
Hey 36-
I didn't read or hear about your outside grow last year. Since I'm outside this summer, can you tell me what made yours such a disaster?
Termites, caterpillars, deer and those spittle bugs or nymphs where my biggest problems over the years. I now hate Bambi! The deer would rip them apart then termites moved in. That has cost me pounds.
Termites, caterpillars, deer and those spittle bugs or nymphs where my biggest problems over the years. I now hate Bambi! The deer would rip them apart then termites moved in. That has cost me pounds.

Thanks, FF!
I can't stop the little beasties, but I think my garden is Bambi-proof. Termites?!?!
So far the HB plants are doing really well against insects. I've only found like one leaf on each plant with any evidence of being chewed. Of course I have a long way to go...

What really pisses me and the wife off is when the deer take a big munch off a plant, then spit it out and leave it.
Outdoors last year was my first time growing anything really. I set up a small veggie bed and threw 22 cannabis seeds out with my carrots. 21/22 came up. These were all transplanted and allowed to get root bound and forced to live in small pots. I tried everything on these 21, lst, topping, fiming, supercropping, cloning, over watering, under watering, over feeding, slight defol, massive defol, take every leaf off, ect. Not to mention the bugs and deer, and crazy fog in September. Needless to say, other than the pink plant I posted at the beginning of this thread, the buds were so pathetically small I didn't bother keeping them.
Duggs wherever you are........I was just given a bit of a friends organic grown Mazar, the funk, how can I describe it but dank? 120ish day cure. I know you are enjoying yours as well, the smoke had me wondering about you.

Hey 36G...i'm right here brotha....never too far away...ya the Mazar....really nice smooth, soft smoke very nice buzz and effects...very nice. Glad you liked it. I wish i could describe it like some guys can. Cheers and have a great day .
like food photography.

Like u doctored that plant all up first.

Thank you! My buddy and I have now gotten two laughs from your comments!

All my pictures are taken, cropped, and uploaded with my S4. My light is one 1000w hps in a 4x4 tent.

I posted bloom pictures of three plants by the way.

No doctoring here, but thanks again for the compliment. It means my modified coots organic soil mix is kicking ass! It's so damn easy, sprout some seeds, maybe an alfalfa/kelp tea, random foliars. Think of what I could do in a room or shed with space!
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