2nd Inside Grow

Just driving bye thought I'd shout out. Hey is that a DWC system with that cooler? Cool set up. Might help keep the water cooler. Start freezing chunks of ice Miwa. Them HOT HOT days you can throw a chunk in the reservoir during peak heat hours. Hey that plant is going to be a bush the way it's tops took off. GL and Keepem Green

yep...just seeing if this works better than 5 gal bucket...been thinking about adding ice... idk.. what will that do to PH??? a possible delution of nutes...idk..i'll work it out...I was checking MS #1..she has another surgery due...this brings the total cuttings to 19...growth has not slowed down but is increasing..

also on MS #1 is my Watch Bee...looking for mites...sorry not here buddy...

looks like MS #1 is my main feature...:thumb:
I missed a topp[ng on MS #1...went back and did it..while there i notice MS #2 wanted some action so she got topped...total inground toppings MS #1=20....MS #2=1...MS#3=1...hermi seeds haven't sprouted yet...out of the other 6 seeds it looks like 4 will make it.kind of slow ...but remember i'm only using sunlight...:thumb:
Hi Mihaw, been seeing those bulging eyes all over the place, decided to check your thread out, I don't know if you're kidding about raising your fence 3 feet, but how about digging down in the ground 3 ft or more in your original pot, makes it easy to pull out, you can add more holes in the pot's bottoms and sides, a air pot might work also. That's my idea, never tried it, but did see it on youtube/good luck/grace:cheertwo:
Frozen bottles of water, not ice chunks. Exchange them when they warm up with a new one from the freezer.
Hi Mihaw, been seeing those bulging eyes all over the place, decided to check your thread out, I don't know if you're kidding about raising your fence 3 feet, but how about digging down in the ground 3 ft or more in your original pot, makes it easy to pull out, you can add more holes in the pot's bottoms and sides, a air pot might work also. That's my idea, never tried it, but did see it on youtube/good luck/grace:cheertwo:

Great idea...only thing is the plants are in the ground...over 4 feet...the ones in pots are 1 ft...:thumb:
i cant believe i have not come across your journal before, ill have a read through it, i was thinking about your res temps and the ice, instead of using ice that would melt, couldnt you use one of those ice packs they use in cool boxes, the type you keep freezing, the big plastic things that you freeze and put in cool box then freeze next time you use them.

also the seeds that keep falling over, have you tried growing these in soil, just in case they are getting to much liquid and this is causing them to die, couldnt you just give 1 a try in soil just to rule out the seeds been a problem, if they grow in soil then you know its not the seeds that are the problem,
i cant believe i have not come across your journal before, ill have a read through it, i was thinking about your res temps and the ice, instead of using ice that would melt, couldnt you use one of those ice packs they use in cool boxes, the type you keep freezing, the big plastic things that you freeze and put in cool box then freeze next time you use them.

also the seeds that keep falling over, have you tried growing these in soil, just in case they are getting to much liquid and this is causing them to die, couldnt you just give 1 a try in soil just to rule out the seeds been a problem, if they grow in soil then you know its not the seeds that are the problem,

I have some of those ice packs and those seeds were planted in pots...they are imature...i have 4 that is still growing...the seeds were from plants that were fertilized from a plant that went hermie...want to know if seeds produced will be feminized..also the Femilized JH that hermied is still in my garden revegging...i'll see if she hermies again...Jock Horror is a good smoke...
i know i just read back a few pages so they are in pots, could they be over watered or under watered, as you have got 4 thats still growing then the seeds should be ok, if they wasnt then the plants wouldnt grow at all.

if the pollen from the hermie pollenated a female plant then this means all the seeds are femenised, they should all be female, if the seeds are from the hermie on its own then they could be either, but if the pollen from the hermie got on some female plants and made seeds then all these seeds should be female, they dont sell them as female seeds due to the fact that their is always the chance it could throw out the odd male here or their, if they could guarantee they would be female then they would call them female seeds, but they use femenised to cover their backs in case the odd male does grow, but by the sounds of it the pollen from the hermie got on your female plants and then gave seeds so all these should give you female plants,
i know i just read back a few pages so they are in pots, could they be over watered or under watered, as you have got 4 thats still growing then the seeds should be ok, if they wasnt then the plants wouldnt grow at all.

if the pollen from the hermie pollenated a female plant then this means all the seeds are femenised, they should all be female, if the seeds are from the hermie on its own then they could be either, but if the pollen from the hermie got on some female plants and made seeds then all these seeds should be female, they dont sell them as female seeds due to the fact that their is always the chance it could throw out the odd male here or their, if they could guarantee they would be female then they would call them female seeds, but they use femenised to cover their backs in case the odd male does grow, but by the sounds of it the pollen from the hermie got on your female plants and then gave seeds so all these should give you female plants,

we will see if they are femalesi got 4 survivers out of 30 seeds which 90% were green...3 pineapple express and 1 white shark...the Jock Horror on the left is a rooted clone with flowers i transplanted i don/t think she will make it...her sister..also with flowers is rooted...still in the cloner...i might put her in a DWC...

my oldest plants in pots...l - r...purple haze...pineapple express...critical mass...and white shark...

my plants in the ground...mystery seed #1 hAS been topped 20 times and has caught the basil and sage in height...

next is MS #2 and #3...they got 1 topping each...

my 2 largest girls...revegging and reaching for the clouds..Jock Horror #1 and #2...#2 has caught #1 in height and width...

tomorrow i will post pics of DWC and cloner...:thumb:
reps mate, you got some amazing plants, is your reveg plant monster cropped or has it been topped.

when i was reading about topping i read that you can only top a plant so many times before it affects the yield, so you top a plant once and have 2 tops, then both the buds off these 2 tops would be about the same size as a plant that has not been topped and had the 1 main cola, i did top my other plants but this time round im not going to as 2 of my clones have moster cropped and got some real crazy branch growth.

you was lucky with the seeds then mate if they was green, most people would throw them, but even if you only get 1 fem it will be worth the effort,

id love to have somewhere out door to grow, we dont get the weather here, we should do but we dont, i have planted 2 plants outside well out the way as i have no garden but we have had some crazy storms so ill be shocked if their still alive, i only checked on them once and that was a week after planting them, since then we have had rain and its hard to get to so the ground been wet dont help, the plants wont be water logged but i wasnt expecting this crazy weather, so ill check on them when i can, im hoping their ok, i only put them outside as i needed to cut my plant numbers down as i had more than i had room for, so instead of throwing them out i took my dog for a walk and took some compost and a nutrient mix with me and planted these plants, i put a wire cage around them to stop rabbits and other vermin eating them, so ill check on them soon and if they lived ill take some pics
yep i read that too...to me it doesn't add up...maybe in a pot...but in the groundi don't think so...my MS #! has been topped 20 times...and today i saw 3 more cutting...there is no way i can grow straight up and i can't LST 2 more months ...stems are like pencils...i'm not too worried about the pots..but in-ground ha ha...i still remember last summer...i got 4 of those hermie seeds to survive..they are in pots...a guy brought me a sandwich bag full of bag-seed..might as well start a couple of them...i know they are indica...why not...i got plenty of MG...
Fantastic day...temp lower...light rain falling...now if i can get this upload right...

all plants and surrounding area have been sprayed and i will spray 3 days straight...new bag seed was in water over night and put in pots this morning...all clones encluding seeds in aero cloner has roots...j will now go on the porch..smoke a blount...enjoy the coolness..later... i have a bedrm i'm going to make a drying rm..got to paint the windows black and install hanging devices for drying also install ventilation sys...i got plenty of fans...enjoy y'all day..:thumb:
nice update, looks like you got plenty of plants to be getting on with, how often do you harvest, do you have some sort of system where you have plants rotating all the time or do you mainly grow out doors
nice update, looks like you got plenty of plants to be getting on with, how often do you harvest, do you have some sort of system where you have plants rotating all the time or do you mainly grow out doors

Right now ,,i have no system..real bad record keeping..outside grows keeps my inventory up...i really don't have a good setup for a inside grow...i have lights and such..since i don't sell any i don;t have funds to run lights...if gas goes down i can run my generator...i want to set up a sys where i can harvest twice a month...maybe next year...i been following your grows... your inventory seems to be increasing..growon...:thumb:
have you ever thought about these hempie grows, i got 20g off my 2ltr dwc hempie 12-12 from seed, if you say did 10 of these then you would hit 200g every 8 weeks, i will try doing this with clones as it would cost load in seeds, but ill do 3 hempies this time with my bigger plants and take clones and if i can keep around the 20g mark per plant then i think it would be worth doing 10 plants, it would take up very little space.

i got to agree with the inventory, it soon increases, but i managed to get what i can when i can, i could never of afforded to go out and get it all in one go, so i added to it as and when i could, im happy with what i got now, i was a bit disapointed with the yield of the first time round but i had problems with slow plant growth and this time i have not got that problem, so if i get a great result off the plants i am vegging then i may just stick with the bigger plants, but if i dont get more yield then i think the hempie grow would be a good idea.
i could easily fit 100 hempies in my grow space, but if i did at least 10 then i think that is more than enough for what i need as i dont sell, i use it myself unless one of my close friends come round then we have a smoke, but 99% i smoke in my own so keeping the costs down is something im trying to do, if i could get a quicker turn around time say 8 weeks then over 12months i think this would work out a better return than having to veg and then flower, so it all depends what i get off the plants this time round, then i can decide which way i want to go
10 2L=200g every 8 weeks..i will keep that number in mind...first i want to see how many G's i can get from a 5 gal DWC...the less plants inside the better...3 plants 14/10 from seed or clone is what i got in mind...i will probably do 1 just to get the numbers ...time from start to harvest and yield...i'll get it done..
thats what i need to find out, off my hempie i got 20g, but that dont mean every strain will give me that, and i might get even less if i used clones with no veg time as seeds need to mature before they start to flower where as clones would start to flower pretty quick, so i think if i was using clones id want say 2 weeks veg before flipping 12-12 but if i rotated it and had the clones under a couple of cfls before going under hps then i could still keep the 8 week cycle, but what i want to try and find out is, do i get more over 12months with the hempies basing it on 20g per plant or would i get more by having them in normal pots and some veg time,

i could fit roughly 100 hempies in my room, but that many would be hard to keep looked after and watered etc, so that would be a bit of a pain, but i dont need huge amounts for myself so between 10 and 20 would be enough for me, but if i had them in bigger pots and vegged for 4 weeks would i get more, its just hard to say, my 1st plants i harvested i got just over an oz each, but the plants where slow to grow, this time round they are growing like crazy so i may get more this time round, plus the monster cropping i got going on, is monster cropping going to increase yield or end up giving me more smaller buds, but looks like im going to find out, i just want to know whats best and which gives me the best yield per year say, i can do normal plants with the veg time then start some hempies just before i flip the lights to 12-12 so i could still do hempies as well,
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