24-on 12-off light cycle

Thanks for the invite @HappyHazmat88

The Green Crack that I am getting ready to harvest, was only grown under a 100 watt LED.
The things I learned on this preliminary grow; gave me a better understand on how the plant stores energy when the light cycle is on and releases it during dark periods.

I will be doing Light Manipulation again soon; maybe around the New Year with better control measure.

If anyone is going to try this on a long flower sativa, you may want to rethink that.
I'm am going on 7 month with one.

Stay safe, and Grow well my friends,
It sounds interesting; if not to try at least to think about and maybe incorporate into our scheduling.

By any chance do you have a link to the article. If it was on another message board or someplace that would be against the rules then so be it. But, if it was a news story or a information article then those are usually acceptable. Or, do you remember where you saw it as in a hard copy printed marijuana magazine.
It was in weedworld episode 104
The plant will need more dark than light to flower. I’m currently doing 11 on/ 13 off with my only photo plant. If I put it to 24 on 12 off it is probably going to be confused and stay in veg forever. You’d likely have better luck trying 12 on 24 off.
I am currently doing 16 on, 12 off. In the 5th week right now. Things are looking pretty good. Just watching the swell.
Unfortunately neither article deals directly with our question, which seems to be: Is cannabis flowering dependent on short days? Or is it dependent on long nights?

In other words, is it the number of daylight hours that’s important, or the hours of darkness? I’ve been under the impression it’s the hours of darkness, though I am not sure that the unusually long hours of light would not somehow “restart” the plant’s internal clock.
It does not restart the clock. Plants just dont know how many hours there are in a day. I myself am doing a 16/12 light cycle. It just works out well. So the point is that (on my light cycle), the plant will get 100 extra hours of light than doing 12/12, over an 8 week period.
There are some threads on here asking similar questions, including one guy who was going to try 18/12 and promised to get back to the forum with his results. Haven't seen anything about it since.
If you do decide to try this please keep us updated, let us know how it goes. It would be nice to have a final answer.
I did not start with 12/12. I went directly into 16/12. I am almost 5 weeks since the flip. I defoliated at 3 weeks, but i am now in need of a massive defoliation again due to overcrowding, but i promise you that extending the light hours does work.

So what do you gain by doing this? You say it works, but what does that mean... the plant grows, I get that, but is it somehow better in a quantifiable way? It seems to me like it could only be really helpful if you have a weak light, since a strong light fills the plant up quickly and then the extra hours could be detrimental.
one of my friends says you could do a 21.6/12 or a 19.6/14 light cycle that should fit in with a 7 day week .6 =36 minutes so its a 21:36/12 or a 19:36/14 this would give an increase of roughly 30% and 20% more light on time and it would keep the plants in a regular day night cycle just the light cycle would be based on a 5 day week with a 33.6 hour day one with 2 hours more dark time than the other as the extra light stored as energy can be used during the 2 extra night hours .

something worth trying out if you have weak lights and need extra light time .
you could round off the 36 minutes to 30 minutes increasing the lights of by 6 minutes just to round things off.

this would need a 7 day timer preferably digital as the mechanical ones only do 2 hour time periods you cant do 1 or half hour but can be worked around some fantasy days and nights in our 5 day week would be longer and shorter than others .
Ok so I never thought to operate on a longer timeframe than the standard 24hr Cycle. I'm sure there are longer term cycles that already exist now but this different. I just been thinking thru what the original post was saying,it would be easy to test in a single plant, I'm thinking the only chance a plant has at functioning on a longer than 24 hr time frame is if plant was raised from sprout with a light cycle something like 24/12.I think Because the hormones and plant cycles themselves would be trigged in 24 hr increments. Like with 24/12 the plant at 24 hours would say oh it's been light for 24 hrs I'm gonna veg, it wouldn't at 24 hrs say oh im gonna flower now cuz I know I'm getting 12 hrs darkness after. The only way I could see it possibly working is if the plant was raised under those conditions from sprout. Not to mention the genetics themselves being based on 24 hr cycles it might be something that would have to be bred into or edited the gene ....I don't think this is a very clear explanation of what I'm trying to say lmao and I have no clue I'm just brainstorming. I apologize if it makes no sense lol I'm just thinking thru it now so bare with me lolol but in short I never thought of this and am very curious and if anyone does anything plz post I will follow.....
my friend is currently experimenting half way through his grow and has set the light cycle to 22:30/12 so its technically a 5 day week for the plant, i will let you know what he says when he has finished his grow , He says its going to be it works or does not work as telling if its increased or decreased yield i couldn't tell first time growing the plant and only one of them. as he also has not dont this often and is just trying it out see what happens . he does say the plants tend to stretch at night that's why they have a growth spurt as they have 12 hours to stretch for light that's why we increase light intensity when we go down to 12 hours of light to make sure the plant gets enough photons to make energy it can use and also store extra for the night period. if it has low energy it tends to stretch more and become too thin . if the light intensity is increase it tends to be more compact between nodes. so the night period means it can stretch for more light in a natural environment. he thinks the result in a 24/12 or 21:30-/14 would make a shorter bulkier plant with the lower light time option of 19:30/14 making it stretch more but when energy goes into flowering it will have more energy to increase bed and resins thc/cbds during the night but also kee the buds denser . as the night goes on stored energy drops towards getting back to lights on again . either way its best to have at least 12 hours lights of when flowering to make sure the hormone that is only produced at night wakes the plant up into flowering. i am guessing the absence of light means certain hormones are not produced and when the hormone reaches a certain level the flowering process is triggered. also the plant may ripen earlier as one article mentioned earlier on in this post says .
an experiment to try would be to get a plant to start flowering then just leave the lights on it will just think its one long day lol or does there have to be around 10-12 hours of darkness just to trigger the initial process and as long as you dont have a night accidental period of less than 10 hours ( if the lights went off for some reason then give it at least 12 hours of dark ) it should keep flowering , it would be interesting to find out can we get a plant to flower and then just leave the lights on 24/7 lol. 100% more light giving bigger buds and less time to flower would be nice.
Yea that's what I was thinking, the fact that is still responding to a bad 24 hour cycle instead of adjusting to the 22/12 . Lmao I know what I'm trying to say but can't put in words lolol...the plant does all the hormone triggering on a 24 timeline no matter how we divide extend or shorten the light....I think that makes sense but that's what I think is gonna happen.....does that make sense to y'all lolol
i understand "ish" the guy i know is going to let me know see what happens on a 21.6/12 light cycle, i dont thinkit goes on a 24/7 cycle but ido think it depends on the quantity of its hormones developing in light on and lightn off periods so i wouldnt think we could turn it over to 12/12 to get it to flower and just leave it on 24/7 after that. i think it would have to have a certain amount of hormone for it to know when to flower, once thats depleted it thinks it needs to veg again. so a 24/14 maybe 24/16. maybe better to give it more lights of hormone development, as your trying to think and also put into words your wondering if lets say we get it to flower on 12/12 and we adjust it to maybe 24/12 , is the plant getting probably towards the 16 hour lights on mark and now is trying to flip over to veg for the last 8 hours of lights on before it goes into a 12 hour dark period . so 24/12 is not suited but a 24/14 staggered day may get a better result or even 24/16 light cycle , trouble is their is only so much you can do with a 7 day timer to do a 24/14 or 24/16 it would be better with a month timer as you have more leverage to adjust times slightly over the 1 month period lol. we neeed 4x 7day timers coupled through relays to get a 1 month timer lol. i do know there ar plants that grow in funnny daylight hours . during ther daylight cycle plants are subject to a big range of daylight and night time hours alway from lights off around 10pm and back on again at 4am to been dark till 9am and dark again at 3pm thats 6 hours of daylight at the shortest and 18 hours at its longest daylight with 6 hours of night roughly . so i recon we can minipulate the days to be longer days and get slightly more growth while still keeping it in flower by keeping the night to at least 12 lights off hours in a adjusted 5 over 7 days fantasy cannabis growing week. lol

i have also heard of reveging clones that have flowered and getting bigger buds on them so maybe its in the middle of all this somewhere. reveging at the end of the day and going back to flower at the start lol .
Yea,it would be sick lmao imagine I could veg for a week straight turn lights off for 3 days n she be 4ft tall lol the more I think about it the more impossible it sounds but sheesh that would be 😎 I think it's just evolved at its most basic Genetic string to be on a 24jr cycle. Lmk how your friends grow goes cuz I was looking around on Google and couldn't get the wording I was looking for but I found one about these guys running 18 hr cycles but they was over all chasing a hormone who's production peaks on a 24 hr cycle in cannabis so even they couldn't avoid the 24 hrs
Yea i get what your saying but according to the link i think that was posted in the first page about the guy using 24/12 he said it ripend 2 to 3 weeks earlier with about the same amount of buds , so i mentioned it to him and he said he would try it out . once he has done the little experiment i will ask him how it went and post back , would be nmice ot get them to flower earlier and stilll have same size. but i do think its chasing the lights of hormone like yopu say and its goingto have its limits 24/7 ;ights on flowering is not telling the plant what it needs to do as its just light all the time which is what auto's are for lol. i think he mentioned once he grew an auto and had it in with some photoperiods and it stretched really tall with really large spacing between the bud sites but the buds where huge . size of a fest on each one nearly nut cause of the internode spacing been really large it did not give any more bud it just gave larger ones but he was impressed with the plants health and vigore he said it looked realy strong and healthy with massuve buds lol just not as many nodes with buds kindof a trade off , each branch had about 4 nodes with huge buds instead of 8 nodes with smaller buds is what i am tryingto say . the picture he showed me was impressive .

i am always stoned as i use it for medical use and get it cheap of him so if i go on abit you know why lol. keeps my mind rolling over .
I have done 3 harvests of 28 hour days. This gives 6 "days" in a week. I would start flowering with 16/12. Then switch to 14/14. It unfortunately does not shorten flowering time. To the contrary, it extends it quite a bit. It stays in almost perpetual flower, but does not go back to a vegetative state. It changes the way the top grows. It becomes a top full of tops, rather than a top full of budsites. Questions?
I have done 3 harvests of 28 hour days. This gives 6 "days" in a week. I would start flowering with 16/12. Then switch to 14/14. It unfortunately does not shorten flowering time. To the contrary, it extends it quite a bit. It stays in almost perpetual flower, but does not go back to a vegetative state. It changes the way the top grows. It becomes a top full of tops, rather than a top full of budsites. Questions?
Yea nah that's exactly where we started at lolol we was talking about these shorter runs and had heard many good things. With grows like what your describing the total hours of daylight we experience when adjust these light hours does not mean the plant is functioning on a less than 24 hr cycle. To you the numbers show shorter days but to the plant it's still on a 24 hr cycle but now it's just getting more lights out time. The plants hormones and growth patterns only register the shorter days as just longer nites. Meaning the plant is still growing on a 24 hr cycle.
We was just brainstorming about if we could grow a plant on a light schedule like 24 /12 and have it grow based on that cycle but upon further exploration we realized it may just be impossible lmao....
Yea nah that's exactly where we started at lolol we was talking about these shorter runs and had heard many good things. With grows like what your describing the total hours of daylight we experience when adjust these light hours does not mean the plant is functioning on a less than 24 hr cycle. To you the numbers show shorter days but to the plant it's still on a 24 hr cycle but now it's just getting more lights out time. The plants hormones and growth patterns only register the shorter days as just longer nites. Meaning the plant is still growing on a 24 hr cycle.
Mine are 28 hour days. The plant functions just fine. Its acually very strange what it does. So the last grow, i had them at 16/12 for like 10 weeks. Then i switched them to 14/14 for another 10 weeks. Its bizarre. They will keep budding, but they just wont "finish", depending on your percentage of amber you prefer. It was like every trichome was at the exact same stage. I feel that ,had i gone longer, they all would have over ripened at the same time.
Yea nah that's exactly where we started at lolol we was talking about these shorter runs and had heard many good things. With grows like what your describing the total hours of daylight we experience when adjust these light hours does not mean the plant is functioning on a less than 24 hr cycle. To you the numbers show shorter days but to the plant it's still on a 24 hr cycle but now it's just getting more lights out time. The plants hormones and growth patterns only register the shorter days as just longer nites. Meaning the plant is still growing on a 24 hr cycle.
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