2 More Absolute Beginner Questions

It just occurred to me that that spot could just be a caterpillar eating into that bud- if so, you should find him in there when you clean that area up. not as serious as rot, but not good either...
it's bud rot. crack open a few others, anything with brown in the middle needs to be discarded. bud rot starts on the inside of the bud, by the time you see it 2/3 or more of the plant could be effected.

it can easily destroy the whole grow.

if you see it elsewhere, or on the interior of any buds, cut your losses and pull what you can now.
Next Beginner Q: Carbon Filters

Just how well do carbon filters work to remove the pot odor? Do they remove ALL the smell? The answer to this determines Where I can possibly put a grow tent and even IF I can have a grow tent at all. Thanks in advance!
10/29/23 - Yet another beginner Q: SPIDER MITES!

Noticed a lot of leaves with issues. Trimmed them all off. While trimming I saw what must be spider mites on the top of one of the top colas. WTH?! I swear they weren't there yesterday!

Please give me advice on what my next steps are. I’ve now read everything from:
  • it’s no big deal if you’re close to harvest (which I am)
  • it will be ok if you wash the buds
  • OMG! Your harvest is destroyed. The End is nigh. Give up now.

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Yikes! Once they start spinning their webs the infestation is quite far along. In veg you have more options like neem oil, but you don't want to use that in flower. Our sponsors have products you can use right up to harvest for them but I wouldn't ignore it even if you are close to harvest.

Yes, a good bud wash after harvest will help, but might can destroy a plant is quick order if you don't take action. How much longer do you think you have until they're finished?
I'd sprayed earlier for thrips with SNS-203. Guessing I didn't get all of the leaf bottoms! I know I can use this right up to harvest and will spray again today (unless I chop for harvest?). Here is a picture from last night. I THINK I must be very close to harvest?

What drives me crazy is that I've been looking thru a loup at the trichomes every day and never noticed the Spider Mites til yesterday w. the webbing!

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ouch that is bad. there is nothing you can safely use that far along in flower without poisoning the bud. some folk will tell you sns, you might try it, it's banned here as it can make folk sick with enough concentration.

if you pull it to use you'll need a bud wash for sure.
10/29/23 - Yet another beginner Q: SPIDER MITES!

Noticed a lot of leaves with issues. Trimmed them all off. While trimming I saw what must be spider mites on the top of one of the top colas. WTH?! I swear they weren't there yesterday!

Please give me advice on what my next steps are. I’ve now read everything from:
  • it’s no big deal if you’re close to harvest (which I am)
  • it will be ok if you wash the buds
  • OMG! Your harvest is destroyed. The End is nigh. Give up now.

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This was an outdoors grow, so extremely attractive to insects. Only brought it into the garage because it got too cold / rainy and wanted to prevent additional bud rot. All I can think of is that I didn't hit ALL the leaf undersides when sprayed SNS-203 and insects pounced!

Thinking of just cutting all leaves off and then chopping to dry. Still need to figure out exactly when to do a bud wash!

And, who knows, this one just might be a goner already w. nothing left to salvage. This would really suck after 6 months of obsessing about trying to grow this out!
11/19/23 - Unfortunately, I’ve had pretty serious back issues and haven’t been able to care for these plants at all. Now, they look pretty horrible – tons of issues w. the leaves. Still on a 20/4 hour light cycle in hopes of switching from Flower back to Veg. Would like to transplant from one gallon fabric grow pots to either a 3 gallon or a 5 gallon. Put a humidifier in the room. Humidity was quite low (34%) w. temperature at 74 F. Will add GeoFlora Veg in hopes that it will help fix the leaves.

Not sure what's going on here. Too much light? Not enough of the proper nutes? Something else?

Any advice on what to do here?

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Yikes! When you reveg them they'll go through a bit of a cycle. First they'll start throwing single bladed leaves before returning to more normal looking ones. They also get quite bushy (called monster cropping) which may mess up your normal training routine if you do one.

I just rooted a cutting from a flowering plant just to watch the cycle up close but for me, I'd treat it as a mother and take cuttings that fit my normal structure better, but I know some growers like the extra bushiness. (Is that even a word? :hmmmm:)
Sorry, I haven't followed your grow Hawk, but one look at those and I'd start some new seeds

Thank you! I was kinda afraid that would be the advice... They were fine and then my back went out. So, not able to properly care for them.

Unfortunately, that also means I'm on a growing break til the outdoor season starts up in the spring. It's going to be difficult breaking the grow obsession!! But, lots of stuff to read so that I won't make the same rookie errors.
You should understand that the plants absolutely will reveg... they're not that far gone. But it's a very long process - you likely won't see a point where you could return to flower safely until spring at least. My last revegged plant went over six months before it started growing normal leaves again.
You should understand that the plants absolutely will reveg... they're not that far gone. But it's a very long process - you likely won't see a point where you could return to flower safely until spring at least.

THANK YOU @Sueet !!

Figured that they'd reveg. Had NO idea that it takes that long!! No need to wait that long. Is there anything I can do with these besides just tossing them?

Thanks again!!
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