1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL & LED Grow Tent

Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

I am almost ready to grow these girls without anything. But I guess my FF soil will get nut depleted at some point. I am just not sure when that will happen. From what i hear, I will wait to see if there are problems. or add my FF next week.. LOL. what do I know.

This site is great but if you read more than one successful journal you could screw yourself...
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

I have got some cal/mag for my grow as also i gone to LED. I have never used it before though. I normally start with nutes when they start to flower as i know auto's can be a bit funny with nutes but i think i will add cal/mag before that but i aint no expert so its a bit off trial and error for me.
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

I have got some cal/mag for my grow as also i gone to LED. I have never used it before though. I normally start with nutes when they start to flower as i know auto's can be a bit funny with nutes but i think i will add cal/mag before that but i aint no expert so its a bit off trial and error for me.

So let me know what works for you if you can. I will pay attention to your grow
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

I am blown away from the growth overnight. If you look at page 9, the growth between day 16 and 17 is substantial. Of course I am new to this, but I think The growth is directly related to my Znet4. Amy @ Znet rocks!
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

wonders if i should ask to change the title of this grow to Znet4, since It has been under it from week 2....?
and how do I do that?
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

The girls are looking great pilot...keep it up. As for the power going off, if you don't have a generator then there is nothing that you can do about it. I am not sure but if it was just for one day, I don't think so. But if it was for a few days it may force them into flowering early. I wouldn't worry about something you can't control and deal with it has it comes along. If I lost power for a few days I would just start where it went off and let it roll.

I am sure someone else with have input as well...just be calm and remember it is a week :)
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

just be calm and remember it is a week :)

You can put me in the cockpit of a airliner above the rockies, in a thunderstorm, with radio failure. I will get my passengers down safely. I only hope my Plants respect my aviation knowledge. lol
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

BTW, I do talk to them and tell them they are looking good. I sometimes add the fact that I'm gonna smoke em if they are good enough.
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

So let me know what works for you if you can. I will pay attention to your grow

From what I have been told about Cal/Mag use is that if you water ppm is less that 200 ppm you should use it. Mine was 124 ppm and I had a few times when I was having Mag deficiencies and I have to start using it. So if you ppm are over 200 + you should be okay.
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

BTW, I do talk to them and tell them they are looking good. I sometimes add the fact that I'm gonna smoke em if they are good enough.

I have a radio play in the room for my plants 24/7, and talk to them as well...and from what I can see, they respect your skills very well.
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

From what I have been told about Cal/Mag use is that if you water ppm is less that 200 ppm you should use it. Mine was 124 ppm and I had a few times when I was having Mag deficiencies and I have to start using it. So if you ppm are over 200 + you should be okay.

well I hope it doesn't come down to that. I have no meters to check ppm.....
I am using Fox Farm Ocean Soil... If that matters..
All I know is, week 2.5 the girls look good...
If that changes, I will for sure ask here!
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

if you water ppm is less that 200 ppm you should use it..

You are adding to my KISS...Dunno if i need that info? LOL

But you know I will ask if my babies are in trouble. It looks like I have a great team behind me!
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

Not to sound arrogant, I have no idea what ppm is. I hope I don't need to know :)
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

Its soil after all. what does it matter. I mean i know you need to tune in to get yeilds, but does the closet grower really need to tune in his PPM?

I don't know. Don't take my question as an insult.
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

If the closet grower goes without checking PPM and PH, is his plants doom to die? or will they just give a few less buds?
Re: 1st Grow - Bubblelicious CFL and LED Grow tent.

Not to sound arrogant, I have no idea what ppm is. I hope I don't need to know :)

Hey I didn't know either when I needed to know...lol. It means parts per million, ppm. It can mean knowing what may be wrong and just guessing what is wrong. After I got a meter many of my problems were solved over night so to speak. It told me I needed Cal/Mag, and that I had been over fertilizing my plants.
If I am not mistake most liquid nutes have a chart that tells you what the ppm's should be after you add your nutes to your water. What nutes will you be using and I will check and let you know if yours gives that info...I know Organic Hydro Flora System tells you, that way you do not over fertilize.

Do you have a way to test your ph...I can't remember if you said or not. THAT is important too...do you have "ph up and ph down" solutions to adjust your ph...a ph test kit comes with it, not a meter, you add drops to the water and it changes colors...and you can test the soil ph with it when you water by checking the run-off water coming out of the bottom of the pot.
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