1st Grow, 2 Noobs, Mystery Beans In Soil & Vermiculite, LEDs & CFLs

Good morning everyone in 420 land. Well, upinsmoke365 gave me something to think about a couple of days ago.He said, and I quote "See alot of wood, marijuana don't like it much, especially certain types of wood." That got me to thinking so I did some reading on 420, GWE, and High Times. I got up this morning and decided that I was going to clean my plants up a little being that I'm not ready to replant just yet, so I got a large dinner fork and started scooping out pieces of composted bark out of the clay pots the more I scooped put the more there was. I grabbed the large empty can of Maxwell house that I was going to throw away and I started to gently rake out the top two or three inches of soil and found that there's more wood than soil. LOL I then discovered why my buddy JimmyJames905 kept insisting that I should have used "RED SOLO CUPS" for my seedlings. If I would have taken the time to do a little more reading and listening to others I would have known that they needed time to grow down before they grow up. I found a massive root ball in each pot, so I continued to gently rake around and get as much dirt and bark as I could with out disturbing the root mass. I then took a 3" plastic potting cup and sifted two to three inches of debarked clean soil back into the pots and covered my babies up. Needless to say I found out that I'm going to be replanting a lot sooner than I was expecting to. I have also been noticing something among the four plants. Three of them are much taller than the runt. The three taller ones all look pretty much alike, while the runt which hatched at the same time is smaller and looks slightly different. After reading several articles on many different sites, they all say pretty much the same thing, the male plants grow taller and mature faster so that they can drop their pollen on the girls. I can't wait till the begin to pre-flower to see if I'm correct I think the runt is the female. Well, that's enough of my ranting and raving. Getting ready to go out to lowes and spend some more money on my experiment. I was planning on watering, feeding and turning to 24/0 light cycle to veg tomorrow Saturday, However with cleaning them out and replacing some of the soil with clean soil, I'm going to do it today. Post some pics later this afternoon. Jimmy, upinsmoke thanks for the advice I'm learning a lot here thank you all who have put in you little nuggets of wisdom. Jimmy, much love to you Bro. Peace everybody, GOD BLESS! Keep it green and Keep it growing
Hey Jimmy, I watered and fed them with EJ Grow 2-1-1. I gave them each 1 cup of water & solution (8 oz) each the moisture meter is reading between 2 & 3, I know you said keep it between 3 & 5 but is that cool for now? I also put them on 24/0 light as of today to start their veg cycle today. 1-Did I water them enough?, 2- How often do I water them? 3- How often do I feed them?
OK, I have been going by these moisture meters that I bought at lowes and they are garbage! Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. I left them in the pot and when I watered the plants I presumed that they were working. However, they were stuck. they both work the same way. And by the silence on here I decided to go back and reread everything that's been posted and I got the answers to my questions in my previous post. I've decided to get myself some better meters Digital battery operated. sometimes you get exactly what you pay for.
Hey Jimmy, I watered and fed them with EJ Grow 2-1-1. I gave them each 1 cup of water & solution (8 oz) each the moisture meter is reading between 2 & 3, I know you said keep it between 3 & 5 but is that cool for now? I also put them on 24/0 light as of today to start their veg cycle today. 1-Did I water them enough?, 2- How often do I water them? 3- How often do I feed them?

Try and water them every 3 days. They're still very small so just a cup or so. Go easy on the EJ Grow. It's potent and not needed this early. Make sure your pH is 6.5 of your mixed solution.
Water, water, feed at that age.
I was using 1ml per gallon of EJ Grow.

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OK, I have been going by these moisture meters that I bought at lowes and they are garbage! Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. I left them in the pot and when I watered the plants I presumed that they were working. However, they were stuck. they both work the same way. And by the silence on here I decided to go back and reread everything that's been posted and I got the answers to my questions in my previous post. I've decided to get myself some better meters Digital battery operated. sometimes you get exactly what you pay for.

Got a pict of the moisture meters?

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OK here are the pics of the meters

here is 2 pics of plant #1

here are 2 pics of plant #3

and here are the pics of the runt

now remember I said that the runt looked different than the other 3. Here is a full pic of the runt

Could be bugs. Looks like a deficiency. How much EJ did you use?

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OK Jimmy here's the break down"
12/28-29/2016) they srouted out of the soil.
1/7/2017) I over watered them
1/14) I watered them with Alaska fish fert 5-1-1, Mixed 1 teaspoon to a liter of filtered tap water, gave them 1 cup (8 oz) each
1/21) watered them plain filtered tap water 1 cup (8 oz) each no nutes
1/27) yesterday watered them with EJ Grow 2-1-1, mixed 16 drops EJ with 1.5 liters filtered tap water gave them 1 cup (8 oz) each
OK Jimmy here's the break down"
12/28-29/2016) they srouted out of the soil.
1/7/2017) I over watered them
1/14) I watered them with Alaska fish fert 5-1-1, Mixed 1 teaspoon to a liter of filtered tap water, gave them 1 cup (8 oz) each
1/21) watered them plain filtered tap water 1 cup (8 oz) each no nutes
1/27) yesterday watered them with EJ Grow 2-1-1, mixed 16 drops EJ with 1.5 liters filtered tap water gave them 1 cup (8 oz) each

Looks good. Just go easy on the EJ. It has a very low ph and will easily cause ph lockout if you don't adjust your solution to pH 6.5 with a drop or two of pH up.

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My soil has no bark in it. That's the type of soil you use for roses and Acid loving plants.
I'd invest in a good soil soon bro.
Could be bugs. Can you test the runoff?

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