1080w LED Inferno

Don't know if you've considered using insulated buckets that would help to preserve the coolness of your reservoir. The DIY cooler reservoir posted by jrsaces the other day brought this to mind. If you could find some small coolers the right size they could be made into hempy buckets. Even without the lids, they should help to hold the res temp down (at least for a while after you've watered). All that perlite should do a great job of insulating above the res.
Don't know if you've considered using insulated buckets that would help to preserve the coolness of your reservoir. The DIY cooler reservoir posted by jrsaces the other day brought this to mind. If you could find some small coolers the right size they could be made into hempy buckets. Even without the lids, they should help to hold the res temp down (at least for a while after you've watered). All that perlite should do a great job of insulating above the res.

thats a good idea. I like that one, thanks! I will let them be for now because they are so young i dont want to stress them out more them i need to.

i just checked on the girls and their doing great! i haven't seen growth this fast on my dirt grows. i might have 1 runt, not too sure she seems to be lagging compared to the others. but i think she was also a smaller cutting?
This is a question i have for tent growers? if i put up a grow tent and have an intake and exhaust in the tent will it keep things cooler then the room temp because of the air flow? Do this tents block out the outside of the tent room temps? I was reading on the web that the growlab tents block out radiant heat. that would be cool to if it would block out the out side temp. hook up my fans and move some serious air since the tents smaller.
the other option you could do..which may or may not be difficult for you ...

is to get some 1/4 or 1/2 inch copper tubing ... and wrap it in successive coils around each bucket ... while you are filling your res the water runs through the copper coils that wrap around your bucket ..which should in turn help cool them...

you could actually make a large res somewhere in the shade or in your home in an air conditioned room ...even in a spare fridge in your garage ..and run simple garden hose to the copper coils wrapped around your buckets ... use a simple res pump and continually circulate the cool water around the buckets.

probably would have worked better if the copper had been coiled along the inside ...

but outside the bucket would be fine ..and then in turn cover the buckets and coiled copper tubing with some sort of insulation (not fiberglass because you don't want that shit to fray and get in your plants) ..maybe the spray kind you get in cans that expands.
Don't know if you've considered using insulated buckets that would help to preserve the coolness of your reservoir. The DIY cooler reservoir posted by jrsaces the other day brought this to mind. If you could find some small coolers the right size they could be made into hempy buckets.

I've seen a hempy grow using those water coolers.. The kind seen at most baseball games in the dugout... The grower claimed very good insulation.. Also I think he said it was aprox 5 gal.
This is a question i have for tent growers? if i put up a grow tent and have an intake and exhaust in the tent will it keep things cooler then the room temp because of the air flow? Do this tents block out the outside of the tent room temps? I was reading on the web that the growlab tents block out radiant heat. that would be cool to if it would block out the out side temp. hook up my fans and move some serious air since the tents smaller.

The main thing i need to know is this?
I would think if your intake air is cooler then your room temps then IMO you could keep the inside of the tent cooler then the actule room temps.
I would think if your intake air is cooler then your room temps then IMO you could keep the inside of the tent cooler then the actule room temps.

thats my thought, i mean it still will be hot air because its coming from outside by the room seems to build up heat allot more because their a water heater in their. not too much i can do about that. its 75F* outside and my room is 92F*. so i am thinking if the temp will block out the room temp and i just run my intake into my tent and exhaust it out, since its more airflow from being a smaller area it will stay cooler. but if the tents dont block the room temps then it would be a waist of $350.00
This is a question i have for tent growers? if i put up a grow tent and have an intake and exhaust in the tent will it keep things cooler then the room temp because of the air flow? Do this tents block out the outside of the tent room temps? I was reading on the web that the growlab tents block out radiant heat. that would be cool to if it would block out the out side temp. hook up my fans and move some serious air since the tents smaller.

Yes! A well ventilated tent will indeed be cooler than the ambient air of the room it's in. I have contant airflow in my tent and have to turn on a space heater during lights-off in order to keep temps from falling too low. Of course, as mentioned previously, it's a huge help if you can find a source of cool air for your intake. I refitted the access cover to my home's crawl space and get my fresh air from under the house. Definitely helps.

And, Irish, I'm sure you're already doing this but just to be sure, you're running the lights when it's nighttime and a bit cooler outside?
Yes! A well ventilated tent will indeed be cooler than the ambient air of the room it's in. I have contant airflow in my tent and have to turn on a space heater during lights-off in order to keep temps from falling too low. Of course, as mentioned previously, it's a huge help if you can find a source of cool air for your intake. I refitted the access cover to my home's crawl space and get my fresh air from under the house. Definitely helps.

And, Irish, I'm sure you're already doing this but just to be sure, you're running the lights when it's nighttime and a bit cooler outside?

yes when i go 12/12 my lights run at night. but right now 24/0 for veg.

see if the tent will block the radiant heat from the room i can run my portable A/C unit. and just vent into the room.
Vent that portable A/C unit into the intake side of the tent and your problem is solved my friend..

ya i think i am gonna run a tent into my bedroom and run my a/c unit. as long as these tents are light proof? i am gonna get a growlab one. the 4'9"x4'9". that should hold my 4x4 tray nicely. i also think it might be able to get better yield since i will have reflective marital all over the place.
24/0 veg - ha ha! You're a slave driver! :grinjoint:

I'd definitely give the AC unit a try. The tent doesn't provide much in the way of insulation - the constant airflow seems to be the key. Even if you're venting the AC unit into the room it's gotta be better than nothing. It'd be great if you could post some pics of your ventilation system when you get it dialed in.
24/0 veg - ha ha! You're a slave driver! :grinjoint:

I'd definitely give the AC unit a try. The tent doesn't provide much in the way of insulation - the constant airflow seems to be the key. Even if you're venting the AC unit into the room it's gotta be better than nothing. It'd be great if you could post some pics of your ventilation system when you get it dialed in.

I agree. anything that runs cooler is gonna help. If i go this rout ill post pics for sure
Can always glue(?) rigid Styrofoam insulation to the outside of the tent, lol. If you could rig up a dead-air space in between it would be especially helpful.
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