10 Plant Grow With 3 x Mars Hydro LED & Autopot

I see I have forgotten to mention that all the seeds I planted for this round is feminised. That's the reason I haven't bothered to look for sex yet. I have however heard stories about people getting a few males from feminised seeds, but so far that never happened to me. Did this happen to any of you?

I also emailed Mars-Hydro today about entering their third Mars-Hydro cup. I am not 100% certain they will allow me to enter, but since they allow people to enter with rooted clones, I think they should allow a few weeks extra for growers who start from seeds. That contest is from January 1 to the end of April. I do not really have any ambitions to win. Just want in for the fun of it.

I think if I scrogged my grow I would have a chance at the grams per watt part of the contest, but since I won't do any training whatsoever - I think I don't have a chance to win that one. Maybe next year. I refuse to wait a month extra before I can smoke my buds just to win a contest - Thinking I will put my effort on taking the best photos instead. I have some really fancy camera-gear laying around, so in that part of the contest I have a fair chance. Thinking I may make a video as well later in the grow.

I am very interested in their upcoming Pro II Epistar 80 lamps. You can actually put them together to make bigger lamps. Interesting concept. 4 of these lamps equal 1 Epistar 320 lamp. Very good idea. You get a great flexibility from that. They'll give away 4 of these lamps to every winner.


Mars Hydro Cup 3
Winner Category : (we will get 1 winners for each category)
1, Best Grow journal :
Journal from start to end, record every grow step is very important to win .
2,Best grow result:
whoes grow get the highest gram per watt, who can win this category. Grow journal is necessary, only grow result post will not be choose by judge.
3: Best Spreader:
who get most likes and share (one share=5 likes) when you post information about us, please tag MarsHydro .
4: Best picture
We will take some pictures from your grow journal then put it on our facebook and Instagram, who get the most likes who win this category, but if you buy likes, your rights will be canceled.
4: Best Video:
who shows Video in internet for us, email us the link, we will find out the best one. Useful is very important for this category.
I might not enter the contest its not really well organised and people end up just spamming everywhere not much point really. But I dunno maybe. No never had a male seed had a few go hermi but that was my fault
I might not enter the contest its not really well organised and people end up just spamming everywhere not much point really. But I dunno maybe. No never had a male seed had a few go hermi but that was my fault
Enter Spart let's make it a fun thing. I'm not going to spam or even try hard to win. Just thought it may be fun with some friendly competition.

I understand it's not fun if people get overly competitive and spam everything and everyone. I know I won't

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DAY 21

The plants are growing really well. Beyond my wildest expectations. Let's begin with a photo of the Pure Power Plants & the Northern lights being very happy under 2 of the Mars-Hydro lamps.


Pure power plant (left) & Northern lights (right)

When I look a little closer on the plants, I do however notice that on 2 of the plants there is a leaf with something brown on the edges. Not sure what that is about. It's on 2 of the Pure power plants, and only on 1 leaf on each plant. The third plant is completely unaffected and on the affected plants all the other leaves look nice and healthy. Think I'm gonna write it off as "user error" meaning I probably have been a little rough with them when I did the makro shots. The 8 other plants all look magnificent so I doubt it is nutrition burn or heat stress. Take a look at the 2 next images and tell me what you think it could be.


Leaf 1


Leaf 2

It's about 1 week since the last feeding. Will keep an eye on them the next days and will open the 225 litre flexi-tank whenever it is time to feed them again. I do however want to let them dry properly out first to keep the roots digging for water. That should guarantee a good flow of water to the roots when I finally open the tank and let them receive unlimited amounts of water.

The final image is of the 3 Big bud plants and the lonely Amnesia. A pity I only had one seed left of this plant. It's the only of the plants that gives a high I would call uplifting. The rest of them gives quite a narcotic couchlock type of high. That's ok though. That is my favourite kind :)


Amnesia & Big bud

Last but not least I have some good news. The Northern light plant that was stunted is starting to catch up with the others. Still smaller, but it's growing good now.

That's all for now folks. Happy new year

Looking good Dev, you can take clones any time now from smaller branches that are getting dwarfed by more aggressive branches. I like to use the tender parts of the branch or stem; cut diagonal across the node or bump where the leaves grow out from the stem. Some folks scrape of the outside layer of material from the stem and clip the leaves then let em drink up some ph'd water with weak nutrients for a few minutes, then dip in clone gel or aloe vera slime . I poke mine into a rock wool cube and place in a cut out just smaller than cube in clone dome tray :) think square plug in round hole :), set tray over tub of ph'd weak nutes with air stones. The stones make bubbles that pop and moisten the cubes. keep around 75F under dome till rooted . 24 hour light , not too intense. I prefer 2 t-5's cool type just over dome.

Clones can be taken after the flip till end of stretch as long as you are still feeding sufficient N, depending on where you are in your perpetual grow. I read that you can also trim back the roots of a clone to get a good clone type root ball befor up potting to one gallon size.

Your plants look phenomenal under those lights. I need about 20 of those LOL before the price goes up.
Thank you so much :) That was very useful info

Looking good Dev, you can take clones any time now from smaller branches that are getting dwarfed by more aggressive branches. I like to use the tender parts of the branch or stem; cut diagonal across the node or bump where the leaves grow out from the stem. Some folks scrape of the outside layer of material from the stem and clip the leaves then let em drink up some ph'd water with weak nutrients for a few minutes, then dip in clone gel or aloe vera slime . I poke mine into a rock wool cube and place in a cut out just smaller than cube in clone dome tray :) think square plug in round hole :), set tray over tub of ph'd weak nutes with air stones. The stones make bubbles that pop and moisten the cubes. keep around 75F under dome till rooted . 24 hour light , not too intense. I prefer 2 t-5's cool type just over dome.

Clones can be taken after the flip till end of stretch as long as you are still feeding sufficient N, depending on where you are in your perpetual grow. I read that you can also trim back the roots of a clone to get a good clone type root ball befor up potting to one gallon size.

Your plants look phenomenal under those lights. I need about 20 of those LOL before the price goes up.

DAY 24

Today I installed a 47 litre autopot tank for the humidifier. Filled the tank, connected a 6mm hose, drilled a hole in the tank of the humidifier and....... SPLASH!

It seems the humidifier needed a vacuum to be able to hold the water inside :) Meaning all the water was suddenly on the floor in the grow-room. The humidifier then said BANG! and all of a sudden the entire room smelled burned electronics. The water short-circuited the humidifier completely. Luckily no fuses went out and nothing else got damaged. Puh!


Autopot 47 litre tank

Right now the humidity is kept high because of all the water on the floor. I did not clean it up as I kinda need the humidity in there. I'll let the heat in the room dry it naturally. In the meantime I did some research and I decided to purchase a smarter humidifier. The choice is a Stadler form Oskar. Quality humidifier made in Switzerland. This humidifier fits my requirements and it can be picked up in a local shop.


Stadler form Oskar humidifier

The great advantage of Stadler form Oskar is that is can be filled during operation via an opening on the side. In other words I can put the hose from the autopot tank into that opening and simply let gravity do the job. That way I should get away with filling it once a week instead of every day. Kinda sucks I fucked up the previous humidifier, but shit happens.


Stadler form Oskar humidifier - refill during operation

The problem right now is that we're having a blizzard and half a meter of snow has fallen in just a couple of hours. In other words, I am stuck here for now so I can't pick up the humidifier yet. I will use the wet towel trick until I can get the car out of here and pick up my new humidifier.

Today I could see the plants was getting very thirsty. The soil was almost completely dried out, so I finally opened the 225 liter autopot flexi-tank. As previously stated - It's filled with Canna A&B at 1/4 of the recommended levels and the water is pH'ed to 5,8.

Thinking the plants should get a kick out of having unlimited access to water and nutrients.

That's all for today. Will post some more photos next time I update my journal.


DAY 27

When I opened the door to the grow-room today I was kinda shocked. Not only from the massive smell from it, but also from the massive growth that has happened since the last time I went in to check on them. All plants are looking fabulous. No problems whatsoever.

I finally managed to get out to pick up a new humidifier, so now I can finally relax a little bit. If they keep it up at this speed I could possibly go 12/12 in only a weeks time. About time to start thinking about clones in other words.

Took a few shitty photos with my telephone. Will take proper close-ups next time I check on them

This is not my first grow, but it is my first grow-journal. I am hoping this journal will allow me both to share my knowledge about growing and also to receive constructive input/feedback from more experienced growers.

This grow-room is brand new and this is the first grow since it was built. The new room is about 3 square metres and I have put in 3 lamps from Mars-Hydro. Compared to HPS these lamps will give 800 watts each. So I have a total of 2400 watts in the room.

Planted 10 seeds on December 17th - 4 different strains.

As usual, I'm trying to keep the temperature as stabile as possible to avoid stretching. With the help of a simple climate control system connected to the exhaust and intake-fans, temperature is being kept stabile between 22-24 degrees celsius. Keeping lights on 24/7 in the veg stage during winter months to keep the room hot. Also installed an electrical heater.

The biggest challenge so far has not been heat but humidity. Due to the dry winter air being sucked in from the outside into the room, humidity was only around 10%. To correct this issue I was forced to put in a humidifier. So far so good, but it is quite annoying to have to refill it with water daily. Will try to find another solution for the humidity issue. If anyone have any tips I would appreciate that very much.

Will update this journal regularly as the grow progress. Hoping all plants will come up. So far 3/10 is above ground. Questions, comments and friendly tips are always welcome.

Autopot 12 pot system, 225 litre Flexitank
Pot Size - 15 liter
Medium - 50% soil, 10% leca, 20% perlite, 20% vermiculite.
Lights - 3xMars Pro II Epistar 320 (Compare to HPS/MH/HID: 2400 watts)
Nutrients - Canna
Strains - Big Bud, Amnesia, Pure power plant, Northern lights
# of Plants: 10

The first image is showing the first plant to pop out of the soil. It's a Pure power plant and this is day 3 since the seeds went into the soil. The second picture shows a bigger piece of the grow-room.



Regarding the lights from Mars Hydro - Switched from HPS to LED early 2016 when I bought a Mars Pro Epistar 160 lamp for a tent. Based on the fantastic results I had with this lamp, I invested in 3 more lamps. These lamps are simply fantastic and I get better results with them than I did with HPS. The plants look more healthy, the buds more dense and they grow faster. The best part however is how much easier it is to control the temperature.

"Mars Pro II Epistar. 320 LED Grow Light with veg and bloom switches to control different growing modes. Compare to HPS/MH/HID: 800watt"

Going to take a seat . I'm also having rh problems but the opposite. With yours the simplest soloution to raise rh is put a bowl of water in the tent with them or get a spray bottle and give the walls or sides of the tent a light spray with water your lucky you haven't got my problem my rh is to high hitting 90% sometimes lol and I have two mini dehumidifiers in there aswell I'm having issues getting it to stay below 50% if I let some cool winter air in would that help my issue you think ? I thought the lower the air temp higher the rh it's the only thing I'm having issues with hope you resolve your problem dev .

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Wow DeVille. Those babies are growing amazingly quick. Your plants are twice the size of my little girl and I buried seeds beginning of Dec. Guess the DWC is a quicker grow method. (I'm in soil.) Wonder if the LED's help too?

Keep up the good growing!
Actually I'm using soil myself this run. It's my first time in soil though.

Honestly - I think it's the lights. I never had speeds like this when I used HPS. I also had problems with plants stretching after the light and heat issues with HPS. You can say Mars-Hydro truly changed my life :)

Wow DeVille. Those babies are growing amazingly quick. Your plants are twice the size of my little girl and I buried seeds beginning of Dec. Guess the DWC is a quicker grow method. (I'm in soil.) Wonder if the LED's help too?

Keep up the good growing!
Holy shit! I received a lot of rep stuff and positive comments. Feeling like a grow-rockstar or something :) To be a little serious - Thank you all for your comments and for following my grow. It would be so boring to be here all alone
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