
  1. daTenshi

    10 days old Lowryder AF

    Hey guys, I have two lovely lowryder autoflower babies. They 10 days old and need to be transplanted ( I know now they should have went into final pot, my bad ) and I gave them their first feed 2 days ago when I last watered. I will be transplanting later tonight before they go to sleep. Do I...
  2. JJ Bones

    What Are Salts?

    80% of people who think of salts think about what we use on our foods. That is known as sodium chloride. However when we're talking about our plants and getting salt build-up or flushing salts we are talking about a variety of salts. This salt we have stuck to our definition has been forced...
  3. P

    Leaf turn over 180%

    My small 10" tall blue Dog clone is sick and her lower leafs, a few flipped on be bottom is now top? These were five gifted rooted clones that totally upset my room, they came complete with spider mites. But I've never seen this
  4. G

    Ebb and flow hydroponics using air to rise and lower the nutrient levels.

    I have a few videos online about this concept. Thought it would be interesting for someone to try. Advantages is that your air pump is secure somewhere else, there is not electricity near the nutrients, probably less fiddley and more easily to play with settings than bell syphons, etc. Video...
  5. P

    Can i start flowering a 2 week old clone?

    i have 2 clones actually, the mother plants were 3-4 months old, the clones have been growing for about 2 weeks, and im pretty sure they have good roots. My question is, should i put them on a 12/12 light schedule right now? They are about 10 cm tall, and i dont want them to grow much taller, i...
  6. D

    What is wrong with my plants?

    PLEASE HELP!!!!!! I am finding theses strange markings on my plants! I am freaking out (yes I am a newbie) as I have no idea what is wrong with my babies! I began with 8plants (indoors for 6 weeks and then moved outdoors) and slowly this number is dwindling down! 1 was a male (which was...
  7. TanR

    Q: Regarding combining nutrients and the resulting cumulative strength of solution

    Hi all, First time indoor grower that has benefitted greatly from all the knowledge, experience and insights so generously shared on this site. As stated, I'm new to indoor growing, but not growing our beloved plant. I have searched all the forums and threads for a number of different key...
  8. M

    MrPeab's Outdoor Grow Journal - 2013

    Central Valley of California Soil is Sandy Loam with Black Gold Waterhold used when plants were put into the ground. Currently 28 Plants 14 Sour Diesel (feminized seeds germinated by me starting last week of March) 5 White Widow (cloned by close friend) 3 Purple Sour Diesel (Supposed clones...
  9. O

    Piranha and Tarantula Discontinued?

    Hello Everyone, I used to use Piranha and Tarantula powder during the first two week of flower. I went to the store yesterday and it appears AN has discontinued these products and only sell the liquid for now. The liquid for is $500+ for only 4L. This is just too expensive. Does anyone have a...
  10. M

    Can i use the trace mineral tablets from the pharmacy for my plants?

    hey everyone im about to start my first grow and i was just wondering if i can use the mineral tablets from the drug store (zink, iron, copper, ect) instead of buyin nutes from advanced nutrients or another company
  11. K

    EC level through the roof

    Hello comrades. I am currently using Green Planet nutrients and in a bit of a quandry. I follow the amounts per litres very carefully but when I come to check the EC it's through the roof, it ends up on 3.9 and if I was to add PK 13/14 is goes up again to 4.2. Halving everything would get me...
  12. R

    New Help! Switching for DWC to dirt!

    ok i need some advice. I have been growing hydro (dwc) for a long time now and i just moved. My room is outside in a shed lock up with camras and a alarm. So winter is comming and my new plants that i put into budding are have a hard time with the weather. I do have a heater in there and a water...
  13. B

    Botanicare Pure Blend Additives - Silica Blast & Hydroplex

    Hello everyone I have been using Botanicare's Pure Blend nutrients for all past grows and have had great results. Now I have been thinking about stepping it up with some additives. I use LIQUID KARMA every watering, but thats the only additive I have used. I was looking for some input from...
  14. trichomes

    420 Members Favorite Nutrients for DWC / Aero / Hydro? GrowBig 3-2-6 Bloom

    I'm new to Aero, I am using the above nutrients, the solution is green. My concern is that my roots are tinted light-brown, I heard this can be caused by some nutrients, is there a better/different mfg.that is MOST popular w/ 420 site members? thank you
  15. WestBlunts


    Would Liquid Karma, Superthrive, Alaska Fish Ferts, And Pure Blend be a good veg feeding setup?
  16. WestBlunts

    Blue Dream outdoor potted grow. Cold Temps?

    Blue Dream from seed FFOFsoil Veg Nutrients: Alaska Fish Ferts, Liquid karma, Superthrive, Pure blend(OPEN TO MORE SUGGESTIONS!) NOT sure on Flowering nutes yet.(HELP) vvvShitty Pictures, She's Real green in person!vvv I was thinking about toping BluDy twice. I'm going to...
  17. sillyputty

    Hydro users: what are your feeding schedules?

    How many feedings and duration of each one (ex. 1/2 hr, 1 hr, etc) during 24 hours on, 16/8 and 12/12? I'd like to know how they compare to mine.
  18. S

    Help with outdoor nutrient info

    We have been lowering the ph of our water for our outdoor grow with vinegar, which works just great! However, now it is time to add nutrients and want to know if the vinegar will affect the nutrients? Anybody want to toss something out there? I'll listen to any help you can give. Also, need...
  19. T


    Hi everyone, I am new here so I'm not sure if Im posting this in the right place but I need help. My plant is doing really good except one thing I have noticed is the branches of my fan leaves are turning dark purple on the top side. I have heard this is caused by a deficiency but I would like...
  20. sillyputty

    Hydro nutrient conundrum

    Growing indoors using 400w MH and baby bloomer hydro system. Everything I've read says to use high nitrogen during vegetative and high phosphate/potash for flowering. However, when I switched to a flowering formula (with 12 on/12 off) the plants did poorly and buds were small. I first tried...
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