
  1. G

    What are your favourite grow products for DWC?

    mine are; rhizotonic for root growth in propagation dutch pro a and b grow and bloom dutch pro take root for veg dutch pro multizyme advanced nutrients bud blood for pre flower dutch pro explode and advanced nutrients big bud for flower boost advanced nutrients overdrive for late flower...
  2. G

    Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur

    hi guys, i recently purchased some advanced nutrients connoisseur grow and bloom A & B and i started to use the grow in veg at half the dose and by the next day i started to get blockages which i've not suffered from before in my rdwc. most nutrients indicate if they are for soil/coco or hydro...
  3. 420Steve

    What effects happen if I change from organic nutrients to synthetic nutrient?

    Currently using [Plant magic pro mix] with Perlite, Vermiculite, Bat Guano and Fish + bone meal soil with [Plant magic old timer Grow + Bloom] nutrients, if i change to [Plant magic Grow and Bloom] synthetic nutrients how will this effect my plant if i am half way trough a cycle already? What...
  4. M

    1st hydroponic grow

    Okay so I am New here to 420mag although I have been learning so much from all of you guys so thank you very much for all the wonderful information!! I have failed in the past trying to grow with soil and a 300w HPS/MH bulb so I don't want to give it a shot again. (At least not right now anyway)...
  5. G

    Mixing nutrition lines

    guys and gals, i've got a number of nute brands in my arsenal and rather than buy new ones id like to maybe mix them up a bit but i need your advice. obviously i'll be mixing them up in the right proportions to ensure my ec stays in check. I'm in rdwc by the way and looking to maintain a sterile...
  6. B

    Are these nutrients good? What should I avoid like the plague?

    Or the nutrients that will be using for my first grow in January: Note: for upcoming hydro grow Floranova grow and bloom liquid nutrients -bought - basic food for plant Superthrive Vitamin Solution - bought - to encourage root growths Plant revolution Great white - to increase...
  7. L

    Purple Kush - What nutrients?

    Can anybody give me some advice on what nutrients I should feed P Kush. Ready to flip these ladies and have read that they don't like heavy duty stuff. Any opinions would be appreciated.
  8. B

    New grower

    Also going to be using canna range for nutrients
  9. P

    My autoflower is 23 days old above soil does it look like it is ready for nutrients?

    My early miss autoflower is 23 days old above soil. I never gave it nutrients. It has a little phosphorus deficiency caused by over watering it is now recovering. Should i give it nutrients next time i water ? I have fox farms big bloom and alaska organic liquid fish fertilizer if yes which...
  10. B

    What's the best way to feed your plant organically?

    Hey guys, I ve just started an organic grow with Medi One from Green Planet for nutrients, now I m wondering about ph and how it changes if I mix my nutrients a couple days before feeding while mixing air in, does it drop, should I adjust for that drop ahead of time, is it a bad idea to mix a...
  11. J

    Dutch Pro - NPK

    Hey guys/girls, My last grow turned into a disaster and I ended up losing the plant after a total mess up with my nutrients. I'm from the UK and am about to buy some new nutrients to try. I've been looking at the Dutch Pro Complete (Grow & bloom) A + B and I've read some good things about...
  12. Curly Beaver

    PH'ing water and nutrients in advance?

    When you adjust the pH of your water do you make a fresh batch each time or do you make up some in advance for a week or so? Same question for nutrients? Always fresh or do you use it later if you have an excess? I am just trying to get my ducks in a row for an upcoming vacation, I will...
  13. Tris420

    Which nutrients should I buy?

    Hey guys ! Im thinking about buying new Nutrients for my next Grow ... Im using Plagron Lightmix Soil , Plagron Grow/Bloom Nutrients and Plagron Royale Sugar (this one only small test bottle but i like it ) ... So now Since i watched alot of Youtube Video Mr Tight etc. I saw that they use...
  14. O

    Major problem with deficiencies

    hi guys , i really need the wisdom of anyone here who knows of hydroponic or indoor growing in general , my top leaves are getting preety lemon like yellowing on the middle of them , a couple of ones are too ,but not as the top ones , i didn't think it could be the lighting, but today i found...
  15. ScienceGrow

    Where do the nutrients go?

    I'd like to know exactly what happens to nutrients when taken up by the roots. I wonder this because the only part of the plant that we check for health are the leaves, maybe the roots. Never the flowers. Why don't flowers show deficiencies, or toxicity? Maybe they do, but they're...
  16. R

    Help! Whitening of leaves overnight

    First time caretaker grower, & I'm in the 5th week of vegetation. I've had many, many issues with PH balance which has stunted the growth. FYI - aeroponic system 20 gallon soilless 15 min on / 15 min off water pumping into root system 18 hrs flourescent lighting 6 hours darkness good...
  17. breezy12

    How does one calculate nutrients based on EC - PPM?

    Hi, general question for those experts out there. My schedule says add growth nutes to your solution at a measure of 1.5 EC. The EC of my water prior to nutes is 0.4. Does this mean: 1) Add your nutes till your measure is 1.5; or 2) Add your nutes until your measure is 1.9 (a...
  18. C

    First Time Growing From Seed

    A few questions here, at what point do I transfer my new plants to my hydro system and When should I start giving them there first nutrients? today they are 12 days old :thumb: about the grow: 1000 watt hid (dimmable) big kahuna reflector (air cooled) htgs big boy hydroponic system grow...
  19. T

    Nutrient PPM drops drastically

    Hi, I use CES (Cutting Edge) nutrients. Similar to GH. I've never checked PPM before because I've never had a PPM meter. With over 10 years experience, I've had only 2 poor crops and neither were due to nutrient deficiency. Anyway, I started monitoring and I see a beginning PPM with...
  20. P

    Red/Purple Leaves

    Hi, I'm Pharazir, a new member, and I've got a question. It may seem foolish but it seems worth asking about. After all, these are our babies ... We've got several plants whose leaves have, in the last couple of weeks, started turning red or even magenta in color. I've read several postings...
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