
  1. A

    Root rot and GH-Flora DWC questions

    Hello, I'm a first time grower and I have a few questions regarding DWC. I use for medical reasons. Severe depression, anxiety etc. I decided to do some experimenting with just one plant, (bag seed) to see how manageable it is and what to expect. The plant is about one month into veg from seed...
  2. B

    First Grow - Sick Plants - Please Help

    This is my first time growing and for the life of me I can't diagnose the problem.. Leaves are turning yellow from the middle of the leaf, the main stem as well as the leaf stems are turning red. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong here.
  3. C

    What's up with these leaves?

    Hey guys, doing my first grow right now. I bought 2 healthy clones, one sour jack, one superman og. The leaves have started to look different and not sure whats causing it. I'm using organic soil, water ph at 6-6.6, 30-10-10 nutrients but about 1/2 strength.
  4. T

    DWC Organic

    I want to run a root spa with an air pump and an additional air stone. Can I run full organic nutrients? My main concern is foaming/slime. I'm pretty familiar with beneficial bacteria and such, does any one have experience running full organic in a deep water culture? Nature's nectar says to not...
  5. G

    Nutes problem

    Hey guys, First time grower here and im about to start the whole growing process but i cant figure something out. I have searched every site and every forum but still, i cant understand how to use nutes! I got myself fox farms trio (Tiger bloom, Big bloom and Grow big) and checked the...
  6. S

    Adding nutes?

    Hi hoping to get a little help here, I've got a Durban poison germinating away nicely but one question I can't get answered is about nutrients, I know when to add them but no idea how much at a time I give the plant, is it like a watering or just a few little sprays over the soil? I'm tempted to...
  7. StonerThor

    Steroids for Plants?

    Recently came across this fertiliser at my local stall selling for a very affordable price. The label reads: "An organic carbon based solution of a comprehensive range of plant nutrients for general use. To be applied as foliar feed or for fertigation. Carbon enriched fertiliser." This caught my...
  8. 4

    Need advance on setting up perpetual grow op.

    Hi there everyone, I actually meant "I need ADVICE*", I am posting from Australia. Just wanted to know a few things about what I'm setting up, and what potential yield I could generate. I plan on having one grow tent dedicated to 16 plants for veg, another tent for 16 plants for flower, and 16...
  9. D

    help with Aurora innovations master pack 5 mil

    I have been using Aurora innovations Master pack 5 mil nutrient program for a while and have been fighting a pH problem with the nutrient line where I'm at pH in the water is relatively high without treatment starting at 7.5 - 7.8 the nutrients drive it down immediately to a 3.8 - 4.2 area I...
  10. N

    In Hydro, PPM goes higher as water gets lower...why?

    Like the title says, in Hydro, why does the PPM go higher as the water gets lower? I understand that if you have a certain PPM of something in liquid, and the volume of liquid becomes less than when you first started, the PPM should be higher concentration. That is if nothing is using whatever...
  11. OneHitter

    Blue Dream grow and feeding tips

    has anyone grown blue dream before? I need to know how to train them to keep it contained in a four by eight foot space. how many branches 30 plants in that space should each plant have? and how many nutrients should I be giving it to anyone have any experience with how Blue Dream reacts to...
  12. ClanCannabis

    RO'd H2O

    I recommend it. The water in this grow started below 20 ppm.
  13. Resonance

    Is my plan foolproof, or am I a fool?

    Hello 420mag community! I am very excited to start my first indoor grow, but I'm worried that I might be jumping in to eagerly. I have selected a nice and tall 4x2 grow tent with 600W HID lighting, ventilation, odor control, and oscillating fans. I assume there will be space for 8 full grown...
  14. F

    New to 420 - first grow!

    Hi I'm new to this forum my name is aj I decided to grow my own plant because in Australia the weed is very crap here it's all wet and funny looking bud an have a crap smell and all laced with chemicals that try to get you high So I decided to buy a smart garden / aerogarden just to...
  15. A

    Problems with my plant

    Firstly, I'm not sure where to ask this, so move it to wherever you please if need be. This is my first grow, I'm using t5 fluorescent lights, giving me 350 watts of light, I have a feminized barneys farm blue cheese plant growing in a, not sure of size, but roughly 8 gallon "tub" with holes...
  16. A

    Newbie - All I need to know

    Hello cannabis users/growers everywhere. I'm determined to start on my first grow operation. I understand fully about the ventilation. And a basic rough understanding of the process (Seedling-Vegitative-Flowering) stages. What I really need from a kind soul is to please tell me about the...
  17. R

    Canna coco A+B - How much should I use - Please help

    Hi there people, hope you can help me. Im a uk indoor tent grower and im having problems with nutrient burn using canna coco a+b. Im using canna coco medium soil too. Have had really bad nutrient burn show itself during the first 2week of flowering so I flushed the HELL out of the soil...
  18. H

    Should I transplant or start over?

    This is my first grow, found a few seeds in our bud so my friend and I are trying to get a few grams out of them to cover the costs of the setup. My seeds were planted on Christmas and on newyears into a soil intended for mature plants. The first sprout started to instantly burn up when it was...
  19. H

    Gurella growing help!

    I was thinking about doing some gurella growing this spring in cottage country in central ontario Canada starting around may 24. I can only check up on them every other week so, ill be using an automatic watering system and a reservoir (water pump on timer) My question is what types of ferts...
  20. ItsTimmyMan

    Bloom booster timing? Wrong booster?

    Hey everyone, I hate to be the one to ask the repetitive question, but I've been searching and SEARCHING with no answer for days. I've gone out to buy a high phosphorus and potassium mix for flowering, and come back with this: N-P-K 15-6-25 Is this the right stuff for the stage I'm at? It was...
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