
  1. P

    Having some lower leaf problems - Panicking a bit!

    Hey fellow 420'er, hope everyone is well and growing good. Over the past week i have ran into some problems. At the moment they may not be anything to worry about and is just part of the process (lower leaves dying off etc, I'm unsure) but hopefully someone can help me out. I will try to give...
  2. Emilya Green

    Computerized X-10 garden control system

    This is the basic X-10 appliance module. They are readily available either new from the company or used on ebay for very good prices. Using these modules it is possible to control everything in the grow room, from lights to pumps to fans and anything inbetween. By using the same code, you can...
  3. paganini

    Clip before flower

    Hi my friends: I have 8 very compacted and bushy girls and just sent them to flower this past Saturday. I have been clipping the leaves because this plants are very dense. Have done 3 times already in the veggie period and the dried stuff is very good for just leaves. My question is...
  4. Herbies Seeds

    Herbies - Updates March 2016 Offers & Promos

    Promos new to Herbies Flash Auto Seeds - get 3 Auto Fems with every pack purchased Dutch Passion - Buy 1 pack of Automazar and Get 1 pack of Automazar free Medical Seeds - Free Channel+ with every 3 pack, 2 with every 5 pack and 3 with any 10 pack of medical seeds. You can see our...
  5. L

    Topical dermal carrier for application over skin

    Dmso could be very effective in for carrying through the skin directly towards a tumour for treating cancer etc. HAs anyome else tried it yet? I have seen shrinkage however cant confirm as its combined with conventional radiotherapy.
  6. R

    Medical Marijuana Bill Headed Back To Florida Senate Floor

    A medical marijuana bill is headed back to the floor of the Florida Senate after being approved in the rules committee Monday. The bill (SB 460) was debated on the Senate floor last week but was referred back to committee because of the number of late amendments sought. When Sen. Rob...
  7. TheFertilizer

    Ugh I wanna grow already

    I am sick of waiting but everything costs too much. I am disabled and after I pay rent, car insurance and utilities I have like 200 bucks for the entire month. I mean we're talking before I buy TP and soap and all the necessities... Not even counting purchasing the medicine I'm trying to grow...
  8. R

    What Can Canada Learn From U.S. And Uruguay About Selling Marijuana?

    As the federal Liberals map out their plan for legalizing marijuana, they can look at how – and how successfully – a handful of other jurisdictions have overturned the prohibition of pot. In 2012, Colorado and Washington became the first U.S. states to legalize marijuana. Within two years...
  9. R

    California State Laws Prompt Local Marijuana Backlash

    New state laws expected to make medical marijuana more legitimate have had the opposite effect across California and in San Diego, where the legislation has prompted most cities to reaffirm previous bans or make their restrictions even more rigorous. Exceptions include the city of San Diego...
  10. R

    Lansing City Council Working On Medical Marijuana Regulations

    Regulating medical marijuana dispensaries is no easy feat. Council member Carol Wood has been working on it for years. "Sometimes it feels as if you're going two steps forward and three steps back," Wood said. "But the importance is getting it right." The Lansing City Council, especially...
  11. R

    Cannabis Has Given My Son A Gift

    Imagine having a child with a diagnosis so rare that genetic researchers in three states ask your family to participate in medical research because they are officially learning from your child. Imagine having a child with neurological storms that no one caught until permanent brain damage had...
  12. T

    Plants under 600w advice

    How many plants should I put under my 600w mh/HPs...I have 3 growing right now in 5 gal buckets that are almost a month old two of them are autos... my tent size is 48x24x60... I have more seeds how would I put them in rotation so I can harvest some and keep some growing should i scrog how...
  13. D

    First time grower LED bulbs?

    Im a first time grower and have 4 BR30 9Watt Plant grow lights. Can someone help me is this going to be enough light. I have them in a 2'x3' foot cabinet lined with mylar.
  14. S

    Noob soil grow

    Do you have to transplant or can I just start off with 5 gallon bucket? Also, I am going to use happy frog potting soil do I have to mix it with anything or is this ok? Thank you
  15. W

    First Grow - Next Generation Dynamite - 400W - Top Feed

    Hello Everyone, I started a thread in the "Grower's Lounge" forum that was moved to the FAQ section but realized that since I plan to update this frequently I might as well attempt to complete a journal, right? Anywho, I am currently in the midst of my first grow. I have been visiting...
  16. DRM Ranch

    Soil drench with neem oil - Part of a nutritious bug control program

    I have some plants in veg that I try to kill as often as I have these crazy ideas to try out something wack-o. Plants are clones of OSH & SSH, in grodan rockwool cubes (Cap'n Style) at various stages of veg. Today I added;1.25ml/gal neem oil, and 2.5ml/gal Coco Wet to my normal nutrient...
  17. A

    First Time Grower

    I need to know if I am on the right track. I began germination the first week in Feb, and they are 2-3" tall after 3 weeks of growing. I thought I would start with just three plants so I didn't ruin all of my seeds as I learn. One of the questions I have is when do I begin the introducing...
  18. A

    First Time Grower

    I am an avid closet user. To know me, you would never suspect. Only two other people know. Several years ago I injured my neck in car accident, which blessed me with a constant daily headache. I don't know what it is like to not have a headache. Decided it was time to start growing. I feel...
  19. steppedinds

    Auto-watering advice

    i'm going out of town in a few weeks for 9 days and am in need of a way to water my plants while i'm gone. they're going through about 4.5 gallons a day atm, so i'm expecting to give them over 30g while i'm gone. anybody have any advice or links for an easy top fed system? doesn't necessarily...
  20. S

    Same problems every crop mid-flower

    Currently on my 5th crop of Master Kush that I got from a friend, the strain is of unknown genetics. Plants are in PROMIX hp in 5 gallon pots. Currently in week 4 of 12/12 under a 1000w HPS. Temps range from 24c lights on to about 17c lights off. Humidity is 40-55%. The problems begin about 2...
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