
  1. J

    Help - Leaves are cupping

    hello all, i am having bit of a problem with my plants, they seem to be cupping, the cupping is coming from new growth and seems to have started happening after i transplanted into bigger pots. i Thought at first it was from the heat and to close to the lights, so i raised all the lights and a...
  2. R

    How Not To Sell Legal Pot In Canada

    The last time the Liberals proposed decriminalizing marijuana, we faced the real prospect of being penalized by our neighbours to the south. Now it seems as though our American friends have a burgeoning legal marijuana market of their own. Recent figures show that cannabis sales in Colorado...
  3. R

    Why Isn't The Marijuana Legalization Movement Donating More Money To Bernie Sanders?

    Last summer, when Republican candidate Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky held a closed-door fundraising event at the Cannabis Business Summit in Denver, marijuana activists eagerly backed his campaign. In total, the board members and political action committees (PACs) of the marijuana organizations...
  4. HashGirl

    Muerte Review - Indica

    I added approximately one bud of Muerte to my new water bong and smoked it over the past 2 hours or so and I do feel very mellow and not as out of it as I often do when I get high. Definitely a good mellow high. It was bought for insomnia and anxiety issues. I definitely think this will help...
  5. V

    Vapoholic's Skunk 2016 - First Grow

    Hi all, so let's see if I can get this started. I germinated last weekend already and in all honesty I didn't think of a journal. I was so caught up in reading, calculating, measuring, building etc :) First of all, I hope it's ok to write with metric measurements. I just know that I will...
  6. G

    Dying fan leaves

    I have two girls of unknown origin. Just started week six of flowering. Last week, the fan leaves started dying. I see no apparent pests, ph is about 6-6.5 in a soil grow. I have tried to attach pics but no luck yet. Leaves are yellow with brown spots or blotches. BTW, the trichomes are still...
  7. R

    Seeking Medical Marijuana? Don't Expect Much 'Medical' Oversight

    Only a tiny fraction of people enrolled in medical marijuana programs in the United States are getting any real medical oversight. Why it matters: Nearly half of all states have some sort of medical marijuana program. But a study published Monday in Health Affairs finds that the most...
  8. R

    Supporters Still Push For Cannabis Cultivation Despite Watered Down Georgian Bill

    Medical marijuana is always controversial and this year in Georgia is no different, especially now that a medical marijuana bill that started off as a life preserver for sick and disabled children has been stripped of a key component that parents say is necessary for their kid's survival...
  9. P

    Brown spots and leaves getting slim

    Hello all, I have a grow cabinet with 3 cfl lights, and 3 plants of different types. All three are getting the same phd water 6 - 6.5, temperature if around 28oC and umidity of 55%. All have grown, and one of them has passed to flowering stage, while the othera are in vegetative. Now i have...
  10. N

    Ca Kaiser and the Feds

    I have Kaiser coverage. I was smoking weed for pain (I have my card) and was given a drug test and failed. Due to this they took away my Norcos which I was only taking when the pain was so bad I could not deal with it. My Dr. made an off the wall comment to me the other day, stating if I have...
  11. B

    Overwatered or Underwatered? - Pictures Inside

    Ok, I have an auto in a 7 gallon pot. I have been watering them with a Solo cup, usually no more than a 1/4 to 1/2 a cup. Been a day or two since I watered this one. If I dig down in the soil about an inch, the soil is moist. Should I water or wait?
  12. J

    What's going on here and should I do something?

    Hello Everyone! I have a plant that used to have another plant in the pot with it until it got chopped for being male. I bent it over and tied it down and it has been growing furiously, just a little on the light green side. I don't have enough experience to know if there is anything I can or...
  13. J

    Started smoking again after many years off

    Another newb here. I only recently started smoking again along with the wife. We are kind of weekenders for the most part. What we are getting is from a friend and we have no idea what kind it is. So I told the wife it's like if you walk into a bar and ask for a beer and all you ever get...
  14. S

    Greetings from Lebanon

    Hi everybody first of all sory for my bad grammer for english is not my first language . Second am trying to start a stealth grow box in lebanon where growing or smoking weed is so taboo that even if your mom caught u shi wil hand u to the police. Secound i cant get hold on some of the good...
  15. R

    Florida Lawmakers Use Right To Try Act To Get Around Medical Marijuana Obstacles

    Florida's medical marijuana system is small, and by some accounts, deeply flawed and broken. "It's going to be much more broken after the amendment [Amendment Two] passes in November. At the end of the day, we have to come back and do this the right way," said Republican Senator Jeff...
  16. R

    Montana Medical Marijuana Decision Hurts The Sick, Enriches Criminals

    While some Montanans horrified at marijuana's ubiquity in the state, and in today's culture, may be celebrating, we find the state Supreme Court's decision effectively gutting the voter-passed medical marijuana law regrettable. We certainly do not advocate the legalization of marijuana for...
  17. R

    The Marijuana Business Might Have A High-Stakes Pest Problem

    Moving the black market in marijuana into the light has been a boon for state tax coffers, entrepreneurs and cannabis users, but an inconvenient fact went unaddressed in the process: Potentially dangerous chemicals are used to grow it. That changed last fall, when a Colorado newspaper's...
  18. R

    Florida Medical Marijuana Expansion Ready For Approval

    Lawmakers are poised to approve legalizing full-strength marijuana for terminally ill patients after supporters fought off attempts in the Senate to expand the proposal Friday. The measure would make full-strength marijuana legal for the first time in Florida by adding cannabis to the list of...
  19. KbCobra

    KbCobra's 5 Soil Girl Scout Cookies Grow

    Bucket Size - 1gal-10 gal (soon) smart pots Medium - Roots organic with 25% perlite Lights -T5 then 600w MH/HPS Nutrients - general hydroponics/resinator nutes Strain(s) - Girl scout cookies # of Plants: 5 These are clones i got from a grower I have known for several years. The mother's fem...
  20. C

    Best mold resistant suggestions for outdoor between 28*N & 35*N Experiences

    Any outdoor growers backyard or guerrilla have some suggestions for great outdoor strains in the deep south between say; 21*N to 35*N, not west of 96*W? Grew Pinepple Chunk last year didn't like my soil and very limited care due to working away from home long times. I did have a HSO Blue...
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