
  1. D

    Things you do to reduce cost of growing!

    I thought this would be an interesting thread to start. As I am now on my third grow, I have made some changes in the way I operate to save money. There are many ways to save money from making your own equipment, to working efficiently, to save money on supplies and electricity. Being an...
  2. C


    Hi there everyone im new to going on a web site so please have patients. I think I'm in the right place to start I have been growing for a while now I feel I have to many prob. I think it should get easier. But I'm NOT giving up. Thanks for listening to me.
  3. G

    First time grower help?

    Hi I'm doing my my first grow ww x big bud x5 seed in jiffy pellets at the moment. I really need help on how to extract and intake? at the moment im in the loft it's all converted with 2 velux windows and it does have insolation but it's still very cold up there. I have my tent in the middle...
  4. R

    BC: Maple Ridge Bar Owner Looking At Medical Marijuana

    Chris Fairfax is looking into the future and sees one where marijuana gets equal if not greater billing than alcohol. He's thinking about joining the ranks of stores that are selling medicinal, even recreational pot, providing he can do so legally. Fairfax, who owns The Wolf Bar on Lougheed...
  5. R

    Relaxed Canadian Medical Marijuana Law Step In The Right Direction: Activist

    A federal ruling allowing medical marijuana users to grow their own cannabis is being praised by users and activists. Local marijuana activist Steven Stairs tells 680 CJOB this is a necessary step forward but there's still a lot of work that needs to be done. "The ability for people who...
  6. R

    Reaction In Saskatoon To The Medical Marijuana Ruling

    Some say a huge step forward has been made for medical marijuana users in Canada. On Feb. 24, a Federal Court judge ruled that licensed users may now grow their own plants. "The Allard decision allows people who are authorized by physicians to consume medical marijuana to grow it themselves...
  7. S

    Smokewitme's 1st Time - Soil - Indoor - Critical Hog/Alien OG/FY9 - 2016 Grow Journal

    :welcome: Okay so first time grower(Noob) here could really use some help along the way. right now my light schedule is 18/6 i'm using some lights i had in the house because i have to install a new 240v breaker for the lights i bought. (should of got the 120v i know :blunt:) I'm hoping its not...
  8. 420

    Microsoft Edge Errors: Report All Issues Here

    Since replacing our SEO script and adding SSL site wide, a plethora of things have broken on the website and we have been working around the clock to resolve them all. While we have resolved numerous issues, there are still plenty left. :thanks:
  9. R

    Winnipeg Doctor Busts Myths Of Medical Marijuana

    'There's no evidence of people wanting harder drugs or anything else,' Dr. Paul Daenick says A Winnipeg doctor who prescribes medical marijuana says the beliefs that it's addictive and a gateway drug are just some of the myths smoke screening its real benefits. "We find that there's no...
  10. V

    Scrog net for mainlining

    Hi, I am fairly sure this should work, but just in case I am missing something obvious I rather ask first than having a "FUUUU" moment later ;) I am not a fan of using "tomato rings" to hold up the colas, but I should be able to just use a scrog net to achieve the same thing right? Just as long...
  11. 420

    Windows Phone Errors: Report All Issues Here

    Since replacing our SEO script and adding SSL site wide, a plethora of things have broken on the website and we have been working around the clock to resolve them all. While we have resolved numerous issues, there are still plenty left. :thanks:
  12. R

    NY Medical Marijuana Hurdles Prolong Suffering

    Kate Hintz nearly lost all hope a few years ago as her 2-year-old daughter, Morgan Jones, clung to life against a rare form of epilepsy. Doctors had already tried a dozen different drugs on the baby, but nothing seemed to stop her seizures. Instead, side effects started piling up. It...
  13. R

    Security Is Tight At Modern Cannabis, Logan Square's First MMJ Dispensary

    Just two minutes before the Monday grand opening of Logan Square's first medical marijuana dispensary, co-owner Doug Marks steps out of the space's Milwaukee Avenue entrance. The entryway is easy to miss–the word "moca," short for Modern Cannabis, is stamped on the door in bright yellow, pink...
  14. R

    Ban On Medical Marijuana Patients Growing Own Pot Struck Down By Federal Court

    A Federal Court judge has struck down federal regulations restricting the rights of medical marijuana patients to grow their own cannabis and given the Liberal government six months to come up with new rules. Judge Michael Phelan ruled Wednesday in Vancouver that the Marijuana for Medical...
  15. M

    MP's Second Attempt - Indoor Grow - Passive Hydro - White Widow - 2016

    Good day all, I'm new BTW so hello all. I am from the Great White North. Smack dab in the middle of the prairies. (Just try and find my RCMP). My first grow was a mystery grow from 4 seeds I collected over the years. I got to the second week of growth and they all toppled over and died. I have...
  16. L

    First Grow - Week 6 Flowering

    Growing out a random seed I have from a Og nug. Just wanted to see how this would be before I get started with serious genetics. But it could be a keeper anyways these photos I took today currently almost in week 6 of flower. The leaves are yellowing earlier than normal and a...
  17. D

    Crop King seeds

    Anyone ever pay cash have their seeds mailed from crop king??
  18. P

    Second Attempt - Indoor Dirt Grow From Seed

    I just put 2 plants under 12/12 yesterday (2/23/16), so thought it might be good to post a journal of the progress starting day 1 of flower. I have some clones started with these strains so i'll likely post another starting from the clone phase. I would have liked to have waited a little...
  19. C

    What plant do I pick to become a mother? Pictures

    Title says it, but I also would like some insight here please. I got the these seeds from bagseed and still have 15-20 more. Started with 8 but 6 made it. My question is what criteria is followed when picking out the ideal mother plant if choosing from a group of bag seed juvenile plants? The...
  20. P

    Continued flowering past flowering time

    Is there a point in time where cannabis stops putting out new flowers? Around week 5 after switching my lights they started to put on flowers. Now i'm at the end of week 10, and a whole new batch of white pistils is popping out of the flowers. Is this the plant saying it's not done flowering...
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