
  1. R

    American Voters Are Waiting To See How Colorado's Pot Experiment Turns Out

    The Supreme Court has handed the marijuana-legalization movement an important victory. Two states – Nebraska and Oklahoma – sought to invalidate the landmark Colorado measure known as Amendment 64, which legalized recreational marijuana in that state. But the challenge fell flat when the...
  2. R

    Here's Where Each Presidential Candidate Stands On Marijuana Legalization

    The marijuana legalization movement has won a string of successes in the last five years, and they could be about to put another feather in their cap – a pro-marijuana president. Marijuana decriminalization is no longer a partisan issue, with reformers and advocates for the status quo on both...
  3. R

    Pennsylvania Medical marijuana Bill Approval Pleases Mother

    The passage of a medical marijuana bill this week by the state House has given hope to a Worcester mother who treats her 12-year-old son for daily seizures. "Ryan was nine months old when he was diagnosed with infantile spasms. The doctors call it intractable epilepsy now that he is older,"...
  4. GoodTimesSlim

    Can you and what if?

    Hey everyone, Long time smoker here. I've made attempts to grow my own in the recent years but something always happens to my plants. Latest mishap involved my cat eating my weed sprouts. I have a Deep Water Culture priced out and will be getting some OG Kush clones for it in the next couple...
  5. R

    Doctors See Benefit Of Medical Marijuana

    Besides the obvious misrepresentation of the mission of individuals and organizations in support of medical cannabis legislation, the only thing that can be agreed upon in Peter Komendowski's March 15 article [Iowans should trust science in marijuana debate] is when he mentioned "it is important...
  6. M

    Mitchazzle's First Grow - Black Indica - Week 6 Flower

    Hey guys, what's going on? been browsing these forums along with others (this one with the best community from what I can tell!) for a while now. I've never posted anything just out of not feeling completely prepared, hoping to just have some fun and learn all I can l, always open to...
  7. S

    New Member

    Happy Easter to everyone!! I am new to metering my water & have a question on ppm. The water out of my tap is 456. I have been giving my girls GH nutes & when I was flushing for the first time the reading was 190 or so. I dont understand.... can someone let me know whats going on....thanks guys....
  8. T

    Plant rotation advice

    How do I keep plants growing while harvesting some? I have three plants already growing they are almost two months old....I have more seeds and would like to plant those...but how can I plant those and start flowering the others in the same tent? I want to always have plants growing instead of...
  9. N

    Did my autoflower hermie?

    I am growing 2 autoflower speed bud plants from femaleseeds in roots organic in 5 gallon pots. Tomorrow marks 4 weeks since planting the germinated seeds in soil. Plants are 16 and 10 inches tall. The 16" plant is also LST'd a little but not much. Anyway, both plants clearly have many...
  10. P

    Hi guys I am a new member here at 420

    I am new here at 420. So I thought I would introduce myself. I have been growing 9 years now. I have never had anyone to go back and forward with regarding info hints and tips etc. Only the trusty grow bible to turn to when I'm doubt. So I thought I would give 420 a go and share my...
  11. S

    Starting a new project - Need suggestions on space and best method for my space

    Okay guys. Back at it again. No more cardboard box with a jump off connection and setup. Right now I have at my disposal and old cabinet type dresser that I will refurbish for my needs. I plan on going CFL again but am currently debating hydro or soil. I had an incident with my cardboard grow...
  12. F

    Reflector Set-up for 3x6 Trays

    My buddy and I are setting up 4 flood trays side by side in his house for perpetual harvests and we need suggestions! i made 2 diagrams to show our dilemma... or We would much rather use setup #1 because the ventilation would be cleaner looking but the problem with setup #1 is the...
  13. D

    Troubles uploading pictures for my journal

    Hey all. For some reason I cant get my photos uploaded. I have read the guide multiple times and have figured out that the button for selecting my photos is not there like it shows in the guide. No button on the upload page that says "select photos to upload" .. I am totally lost, have never...
  14. M

    Is She Ready?

    Maybe a stupid question to ask with a picture but I am wondering if my girl is ready to harvest. I've ready that you can judge by eye sight (roughly) if the 70% of the hairs have turned brown. Alternatively and more accurately you can judge by using a magnifier (which I dont own) on the...
  15. S

    Trichomes - Cloudy or not?

    This is my first grow, and I'm not at all sure how close my plant is to harvest. My husband and I have argued- he would consider the trichromes cloudy, I would consider more clear. So I thought an outside opinion was required. It's hard to see as it's x8 magnification, I have ordered a digital...
  16. B

    Intense root growth during flowering

    hi, i just transplanted my auto which has just started flowering, Turned her over to a 3 gal pot. the roots however have started to pop out of the drainage holes again, can it be getting rootbound in a 3 gallon pot? and how much root growth occurs during the beginning of flowering? should i go...
  17. C

    Need Help With Seedling

    This guy got to this height in about 6 days. But it hasn't grown any further and this morning I noticed a white pussy thing on the leaf. Anybody have any idea what's causing this? I'm experimenting with a Miracle Grow AeroGarden to see if it's a better way to make seedlings. The light isn't...
  18. cmay

    First Time Grow Heat Issue With Exhaust

    This is my first grow and i have just turned my girls to bloom this past monday. Now that im running both veg and bloom lights during my bloom i'm getting higher temps in the tent, and being im exhausting into the same room as tent my exterior tent temp is now getting up there. Inside tent in...
  19. H

    Potassium and/or Nitrogen deficiency? First grow

    Hey guys, thank you in advance for your time. I am on my first grow and am having trouble identifying the cause of a certain deficiency/deficiencies that started occurring after I switched into flowering. I am currently on the 4th week of bloom. The plants are hybrids, mostly indica. The problem...
  20. D

    Crop King Dwarf Low Flyer

    I have 2 one week old dwarfs from CKS! Both healthy and strong looking. Props to CKS!! Customer for life!! I have them under 3 24W CFL's and 1 85W CFL. I recently purchased "Vintage Grow " led bulbs from Amazon. I want to put them under these. Seller claims this works full spectrum all the...
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