
  1. TheFertilizer

    Cyclical vomiting syndrome

    Does anyone have any experience with this? My new GI doctor mentioned that sometimes chronic marijuana users have "slowed digestion" that causes problems like I have been having. Well I am not one for layman's terms so Iooked it up and believe he is talking about Cannabis Hypermesis Syndrome...
  2. I

    First grow need help

    Hey guys so this is my first grow and like most first grows I have little money so I'm using CFCs However I think I have a decent balance at least now anyway. So my first idea/build was horrible I didn't have correct airflow nor proper room or anything so it was basically a disaster. Btw this...
  3. Stinky Snid

    Stinky Snid's Nursery & Flower Shop - Welcome To My Perpetual Adventure

    I'm going to start this journaling adventure by stating my thoughts about this community and what it's been like to be a part of this amazing collection of wonderful folks. This forum has brought me to tears but also many good laughs, it's definitely not just a budporn site. You guys/gals have...
  4. B

    New guy in town

    Hey there fellow cannifans. I am wrapping up my first grow. I have purple cheese, Royal Bluematic, and AK-47. I'm using a 4x4x6 grow tent with HPS and MH bulbs, 600 watt balast. I went the deep water culture route. I use general hydroponics nutes, PUR filtered water. I'm not quite sure...
  5. A

    Hello from an Alaskan Newbie With a Question

    I'm a 61-year-old retired teacher. Now that I'm no longer teaching I thought that I would try growing my own to relieve chronic back pain. I've had 4 operations and have been using prescription Vicodin for years. I started smoking again after a 25-year pause and found that, while pot didn't...
  6. A

    Newbie Question - What to do with my clones?

    I'm a 61-year-old retiree living in Alaska. Now that it's legal to grow here, I ordered 5 seeds of Dr. Krippling Incredible Bulk from Herbies. Germinated 3 seeds. All have sprouted and are thriving, and are into week 2 of flowering stage. I took 6 clones prior to flipping and all 6 rooted out...
  7. R

    Kansas Medical Marijuana Advocates Look Beyond Legislature To Press Their Case

    The chairs and sleeping bags on the north steps of the Kansas Statehouse were empty Wednesday morning. Raymond Schwab, who has been camping there for weeks to protest the state's removal of his children from his custody, had temporarily moved to the opposite side of the Capitol for a rally...
  8. P

    Stalk talk!

    hey guys i have 12 oz of stalk what should i do with it ? i want to make a tincture, I also have about an 8th of kief and a q of bud. what is the best way to use it all for one thing ?
  9. urmom

    Dry Sift: A Photo Essay

    Hello everyone in 420 land! I have a bit of growing experience, both indoor and out. And I have been experimenting with hashmaking for the last year or so...Both solvent based and ice water methods. Today I would like to share my recent adventure into dry sifting. To start, you will...
  10. G

    Quick Questions

    I am on my first grow and progress seems to be going well. I'm using Fox Farm Salamander Soil and 3 gallon pots. I have not been able to compare this vs. Fox Farm Ocean Forest, or Happy Frog. I have 5 plants. One 2.5 weeks from seed and one about 1.5 weeks from seed. The other three are...
  11. S


    Hey Folks, I have a Bubba Kush grow & I'm 8 weeks into flower. The buds are not giant, From what I gather, the strain doesn't produce fat buds.....Anyway, I would guess I have at least 50 % cloudy trichomes. Will buds get much fatter if I take it another two weeks.....thanks
  12. H

    H0bbyGr0wer89 - 8 Soil - 1 DWC - 5 Exotic Strains - 2016

    Hello all, Welcome to my second grow! I have learned a few things from my first grow (one plant) and I am now scaling up, hoping that I know enough to give all the ladies enough / proper attention. I still have a lot to learn though - teach me! ---------------------------------- Strains...
  13. V

    Help! Pre employment screen tomorrow!

    Help! I have a pre employment drug screen tomorrow and I smoked twice, once on the 18th and also on the 19th of this month. The last time I smoked was a year ago. It just so happens this job fell in my lap last week and now I have have a screen. I took a home test yesterday and I got both lines...
  14. N

    Yellow leaves?

    Hi firstly.I am writing to you in Turkey so privacy is so inportant for me.I have lots of bad things on my plant.Their leafs are yellow I dont know why they are like this.My lamb is 1000w hps and have a fan and- ventilator my room not more hot.tempature is good and height is 100 cm(1...
  15. R

    TN: Subcommittee Maintains Unconstitutional Status Quo, Kills Medical Marijuana Bill

    Tennessee Lawmakers killed an important medical marijuana bill in 2016, effectively maintaining the unconstitutional status quo of federal prohibition in the state. Introduced by Rep. Sherry Jones (D-Nashville), House Bill 561 (HB561) would have allowed qualified patients would be able to use...
  16. R

    Only A Few Public Companies Really Focus On Developing Medical Marijuana

    The concept of marijuana as medicine in the modern era is relatively new, despite its 1000s of years of history as a popular treatment for conditions from gout to gonorrhea. That all changed about a century ago when prohibitionists collaborated with politicians to execute one of the most...
  17. R

    Cannaphobia: What's Up With Fear Of Marijuana

    As with numerous holistic or so-called complementary and alternative medicine modalities, there is nothing new about healing with cannabis! Cannabis is an herb that has had a place in traditional – meaning ancient – medicine for thousands of years, dating back as far as 2637 B.C. in China. With...
  18. R

    Time To Revisit South Africa's Dagga Laws

    I have yet to read the texts recommended by Clifford Schaffer in his letter "Drug laws not helping" on March 15, but otherwise I agree wholeheartedly with his views. Richard Nixon, under immense pressure following the US disaster in Vietnam and the looming Watergate affair, desperately needed...
  19. Vestrimatrik

    DIY LED - Anyone have any idea of a safe way to hang?

    I built this monster, its 3'×3' and weighs about 70lbs. Does anyone know of a surefire way to hang it safely above my plants. I don't even know if it's safe to hang in a gorilla tent. Currently I have it strung up with 14g stranded wire soldered together at the ends but I don't trust it. Also...
  20. B

    Who has grown the Blueberry? Photos?

    Hey guys. First time im ordering real genetics. Pretty excited. Probably going to be my 3rd micro grow. Micro grow because I only have the room for a single plant, PC case grow. Ive done a bag seed that turned out ok. This current grow is/was a flowering clone. Or monster crop as some you tubers...
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