
  1. Shire


    Hello 420magazine and happy Friday! I am excited to be here! I've been a lurker since 2010 and it's about time I set up an account and introduce myself. Over the years I have learned a great deal from growers like Doc Bud, Icemud, Curso, Vapedogg, and all the other contributors at this...
  2. G

    Germination and water question

    OK so I have always used the paper towel method to germinate seeds in the past but I have heard that direct plant into rapid rooters works well so I wanna try it. Now I will be using a top feed dwc system and my question is after I put the seeds in the rapid rooters do I then turn the water pump...
  3. jddrews

    Clone shops in Portland, OR

    Hello Portland peeps, I grew my first batch from seed last year, but I'm going with clones this time around. Anyone have any favorite places to buy clones? I'm a recreational user, no med card. Thanks!
  4. J

    CBD for dogs?

    I couldn't find a specific CBD section so if I'm in the wrong spot, sorry. You can move my thread. I have a very small dog who is constantly shaking and had seizures when it was younger. It is very anxious and seems like the seizures might have given him brain damage or something because...
  5. I

    New to growing

    Hey guys I'm shaggy new to growing was wondering if I can get sum advice on my 4 baby's only 5days old have them under a 5000k led for 18/6 no ferts
  6. Stinky Snid

    Can someone tell me what kind of bug this is? Please and thank you!

    They hp around like sand fleas in the light and are burrowing in the soil. I imagine they're feasting on my roots. I've attacked them with potassium soap insecticides and have caught thousands on the yellow sticky strips. What else should I do? Thank you kindly in advance, KIG...
  7. GreatWhiteBud

    Hello from the great white north!

    Names Rob, i live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and recently was prescribed medical marijuana. Looking to grow my own now since i have my license and any tips will be helpful. I am a no-till organic gardener and look to combine that with LED lighting and a grow tent soon, it looks like i have...
  8. Y

    COPD strain recommendations

    I'm in need of some info. End stage COPD, pneumonia, infection. 1) strain? 2)dosage? 3)equipment needed? Also need a guide on how to make the oil. I have seen some older posts on the subject but looking for any improvement. Ty
  9. R

    Growing Number Of Combat Veterans Relying On Cannabis To Treat PTSD

    Mililtary.com is reporting that a growing number of states are weighing whether to legalize marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder. But for many veterans, the debate is already over. They're increasingly using cannabis even though it remains illegal in most states and is not...
  10. R

    Pennsyvania Makes Progress On Medical Marijuana Legalization

    The Pennsylvania House of Representatives approved legislation on the use of medical marijuana with wide bipartisan support this past Wednesday. Senate approval is the next step, and Governor Tom Wolfe, along with other supporters of the bill, are optimistic it will pass, as the Senate has...
  11. R

    In Exchange For Approving Pot Dispensaries, Cities Demand Lucrative Cash Perks

    Host agreements signed between cities and marijuana dispensaries are supposed to smooth out any issues with the new business opening. But more towns are asking for cash up front and a sales cut in exchange for an essential part of the license application. Before Worcester's first medical...
  12. R

    Pot Advocates Bummed About End Of Obama Era

    Allen Peake writes laws for a living. Sometimes he breaks them, too. The Republican state representative from Macon, Georgia, says he'd "break every law in the books" to make sure sick kids can get cannabis oil to help them with their seizures. But he says things would be much easier if...
  13. Nutria

    Mainlining - Manifold cleaning offshoots?

    Hello I followed the nebula's tutorial about mainling and now I have 8 main colas, do I have to cut off all the offshoots that grow from them? I am growing a fem THC bomb and it is really really bushy, it is getting a bit crowded.
  14. R

    Does someone know what is wrong with my babies? Please help

    hi guys i am new to the forum. this is not my first time growing but it is the first time i have had this problem or anything like this. i have been looking online but am unsure what my plant is missing. i have a couple ideas but would like some advice from some more experianced people. Strain...
  15. U

    Lower leaves fading, drying and turning yellow

    Hey guys, This is my first grow, I'm doing in a way many of you would look down upon as I do not have a proper set up, but so far my plant has grown very well. I am using an LED light and a fan and am currently on the 18/6 cycle. The plant has been in the soil since February 3. Over the last...
  16. R

    Disabled Vet And MMJ Patient On Hunger Strike After The State Takes Children

    "They're basically using my kids as a pawn to take away freedoms I fought for." Disabled Navy veteran Raymond Schwab moved to Colorado last year to free himself from addictions that grew out of the pharmaceuticals prescribed by the VA to treat his service-related physical and psychological...
  17. cmay

    I have a screen issue and need help

    I have a screen which I put on the plants a week ago. Im not sure If i should keep the screen on for a few reasons. Its hard to move around in the tent now and impossible to change the water out now. well its a pain in the ass more now then ever. So do i really need the screen for these? Im...
  18. R

    Georgian Families Willing To Break Law To Acquire Medical Marijuana

    Civil disobedience is as American as baseball, but the writer Henry David Thoreau could never have imagined what issues would inspire such symbolic acts come the 21st century. For example, Georgia parents who treat their children with cannabis oil to manage seizures, including several in Hall...
  19. D

    New Grow Room set up - 90% complete - Thoughts?

    Hey guys, it's been a while. I have 2 grows under my belt. Both with lackluster results. My room was a mess, it was unorganized, dark, dirty, flood table wasn't level, I had bugs at one point, light leaks everywhere, you could hear the fans, huge temp swings. I mean you name it it was off...
  20. F

    Noobs shopping list

    Hello 420 members, This will be my first (of many) posts asking for some advice. I've been browsing the forum for some time now and I've already learnt so much. I'm itching to get started but it's taking me a little time to gather all the equipment i need right away. I would like some advice...
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