HD's 1st Indoor: 1200 Watt, Soil, Variety Of Autoflower


New Member
Aloha Everyone!!!
First off I want to say big mahalos to 420 and all the cummunity here for providing so much great information. I have been reading for well over a year now, and finally joined so I could start this journal and participate a little more (and learn more hopefully).

OK, away we go on what will hopefully be a very fruitfull adventure (hehe, get it, fruitfull!!lol). My first indoor grow, after having been doint it outdoors for so long. But years of losing buds to all the perils of the great Hawaiian outdoors, I am ready to try something new. Also, reading all that I have about breading and harvesting to get more consistent types of highs (i.e., high energy stones, relaxing stones, knock you on your ass and put you to bed stones, etc..) and finding out that is very controllable under more controlled growing conditions. I know a couple ppl in Cali that enjoy the luxury of being able to go to a shop and order weed to just those specifications, and I am jealous. Don't get me wrong, we have all those available here, but generally you dont know what you have until you already smoked it. So now I hope to set up my own personal "shop" I guess, and get myself set up with the variety of meds that will make each day and night the best possible.

OK, the set up:
Strain: pretty mixed strains, I could tell you a few things that are mixed in, but they are pretty well mixed with a ton of phenos showing up, including some beautiful duckfoot indica ladies
Medium: 80% pro-mix and 20% hawaiian volcanic cinder; pots are 3 and 4 gal round pots (not my first choice, buts it was what was laying around)
Lighting: I used T-5's for veg (one 4' four bulb, and one 2' double bulbs), two 600w hps (no cooled) running flower room now
Ventilation: closed environment with intake 6" can fan/filter and exaust 6" can fan/filter providing complete air exchange every 5 min; oscillating tower fan for flower area, one vornado knockoff small fan per each veg chamber
Temp.: about 80-83 in the day/light cycle, mid to low 70's at night
RH: probably around 40-50 right now, but if this drought ends it could shoot up to 60-70
Nutes: FF Grow Big (finished now), FF Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom for the whole flower
Soil Treatment Pre-Potting: about 2 tbs per pot of lime, and same of crushed green sand (local)

OK, more details, just incase you arent bored yet.
The room I built inside a much larger space, it is 8'x7'x7.5h, and it's completely sealed top to bottom (at least theoretically) besides the active ventilation. Inside there is 4'x7'x7' dedicated to flowering under the two 600's. On the other half of the room there is a 4'x2.5'x3'h enclosed veg chamber, and a 2'x2'x3'h built on top of that. There are gaps that allow for semi-passive airflow from the bottom veg to the top veg and out (any heat should be allowed out passively, and when the air intake for the room is going it pushes more air through to the top and out with the exaust), with light traps to keep the flowering room aphotic. Further there are two hanging dividers/reflectors I use to keep the light tight and bouncing inside the flower area, then I can just take em down when I need to work on the girls.

The Girls were started from seeds, with the first batch put straight in soil on Dec 9th, most seeds cracked by the 15th. 2nd batch was put in soil on the 24th due to poor returns on the first batch. I was looking for 18 females, 9 for each 600w. I wound up with 15 so far, with a couple still to sex up.
Since there ws such a variety of plants, I went by size rather than veg days to move the keiki (kids) into flower 12/12, and the first ones went in on Jan. 14th. The first ones sexed on the 20th, then they almost all started to follow whether under 24hr or 12hr light (autoflower, it still kinda took me by suprize since I haven't ever tried them indoors). But yeah, the first girls have been flowering for almost 3 weeks now, and most vegged for 30-40 days.

OK, after a lot of gibberish, a nice bowl of bubble hash, and about a half lb of shoyu Ahi poke, I think I am finally done with the intro to my journal. Don't worry, I hope I am not this long winded all the time either, and there should be some nice pics to keep the interest at least slightly.
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

OK, guess I am ready to show some pictures. There is a bit of catch up to do since they have been going a while already. So, we'll start with them towards the beginning (about 3 weeks from germ).






At this point I was still building the room, so I have the 4' T5 mounted under a table with the plastic to shield the light from prying eyes.
Time for another bubble hash bowl, then more pics :bong:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

OK, here's the photos from a week later, Jan. 14th (about 30 days of 24hr veg). This was transplanting day for the first group of plants to get to 12-14", and they got moved into the flower room 12/12 same day (no room in the veg for the big pots AND all the others). At this point they have not sexed yet.

Duckfoot (sorry, forgot to rotate this one)-

Another Duckfoot-

and another-

group shot of the transplantee's under HPS in the newly finished room-

the remainders in their new veg chamber-

heres a couple of younger ducks from the 2nd batch-

OK, more to come
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Here are the photos I took on the 17th of Jan. (only 3 days later, but why not).

First are the ducks again, looking like they are digging the big new pots and lights, I thnk they started doing about an inch a day vert growth about this point.





and the rest of them-




group shot, flowerig room-

group shot, veg chamber-

OK, more to come.....RoorRip
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

a few shots of some of the ones I liked from the veg room (the up and commers), still taken on Jan 17th.






So far I think my love for the ducks is holding true, and I think they are doing the best of all the plants in just about everything, height, branchiness, leaf color (hard to tell under the HPS, but they are a good bit darker than most others).

Now I have to spend some more time resizing my pics so I can keep up the uploadfest I got going, but got to catch up.

Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

OK, more pics, these are from Jan. 23rd., which is a little more than 5 weeks since the first batch germed, and about a week and a half on the HPS 12/12 for the first group.

The veg chamber, starting to thin out and room now to transplant into 3-4 gal before moving to flower-

Flower area starting to fill in both sides-

closer up, and you can kind of see the group on the left has been started on LST (also topped)-

here they are showing off their curves (this group has all sexed now and males culled, 3 of which were moved to another property for pollen collection, the rest fatally culled)-

OK, almost caught up, only one more days worth of pics (from yesterday) and you know most of the whole story.
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

OK, here is from yesterday, Feb. 9th, which is I think 57 days since they popped out of the ground, and the group longest in flower 12/12 have been there 26 days.

Group shot, flowering room is pretty much full with 9 pots under one 600w and 8 under the other-

Duck starting to fill in-

Another Duck, I think this could be ready in about 4 weeks-

here is an example of a duck leaf-

this one (not duck) is kinda crazy but hopefully will be cool-

this Duck is getting really big, maybe just over 3' now, may have huge potential if it fills out like I hope-

another nice duckfoot-

and a group shot of the 2nd batch, lots of cool variety there-

and thats it for the pictorial history of my plants so far on this grow. Shouldn't be too long before I have some good bud porn to show, so stay tuned (if anyone is watching so far...lmao). I am going to put up some of the grow room here in a few, just so ya'll know whats up with that.
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Here are the pics I have of the room set-up-

I started with making 3' and 4' 2x4 frames and sheeting them with 3/8" ply, then bolted them together to form the walls and ceiling:
Here is the first corner in (I didn't take any more pics of that part cause I was trying to jam and get it done that day cause the Keiki (kids) were getting too big for their makeshift undertable space)-

Here it is pretty much shelled in and mostly painted (still haven't finished...slacker.. :( -

the other view-

Inside, the stacked 4' and 2' veg chambers-

veg chambers closed, also here you can see the air intake for the room, pulls very cool air from outside and shoots it downward in the corner opposite the exaust (frickin feels like AC air coming out...sweet!!)-

Here are the removable hanging flower room reflectors to give them all 4 sides of bright whiteness without cutting off accessability or air circulation-


But yeah, thats it. I built it so I can pretty much take it all down in a day if needed, and put it back up in a day with hopefully a couple more panels to expand it into a bigger space. First I need a bigger space, but I am working on it. For now, this is where I am and this is what I got, and its all good :grinjoint:

Alright, I think I am out of updates, woohoo. I would be super stoked if anyone had any questions, comments, suggestions, or just a howzit braddah! I am definately here to learn and share, and share a good vibe with this great community.

Pakaloha :peace:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

ALoha brada!!Howzit? thats some noce lolo you got goin. I'll be watching this grow.
Love it when locol's do their thing. +reps on the 2 hps..Electicity isnt cheap on the islands. Welcome to the fams!
Oh and be sure to check out OldMedMans thread.Great guy. Local as well
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey, right on! Tanks for stopping by butcher. Aloha braddah!! Your profile says Kali, but now I see you have the breath of life in you. I've followed some of your journal and am honored to have you on board and as my first reply. Funny, I was just posting on OMM's journal as you were writing....great minds, eh?!

:peace: and pakaloha!!
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

oh yeah fosho..yeah I'm in kali. Wifey says the island s give her the fever from being ther to long. SO here we are. Fast paced mainland, god what i would do for fresh poi right now. Dont get me wrong we get it here, just not as fresh as it is over there. gotta drive 1 hour to get poi and lihimoi. ANyways hear and watching.
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey Duck:welcome:
Bro you been busy. Set up and construction first rate. You got those web feet looking good. Sure different indoors eh?
Can't grow in doors here except for vegging. So I move them out side to flower. Pain in the butt, but works.
The great outdoors in Hawaii is ruff. Winds, heavy rain, and vog. A few critters too. And hiding everything is a pain. But we do what we gotta do.
I just started growing in July and love hell out of doing it. Been here 22 years and know one local grower. If you ain't family, it rough. I still wouldn't live anywhere else. May you have one hell of a good grow.:ganjamon:
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Thanks for stopping by OMM, and for the compliments. I know a lot more ppl here that do like you do, veg under lights then move outside for the rest. Thats cool you have been at it less than a year and getting good results. I am so glad to not be outdoors right now, I've had too many times having to haul water out into the jungle during draughts, but that was always shorter than this one. I would have been killing myself right now trying to keep the ladies hydrated right now.
Amen to not living anywhere else, Ive been here since I was 17, more than 20 years ago, and I couldn't ever leave (unless maybe my dream comes true and I buy a nice blue water sailboat, go find some uninhabited islands to crop out on, and spend my years hopping from one to the other, stopping in ports only to sell some meds and get more supplies....ah, the dream!!!
Anyways, Aloha
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

First off, :welcome: to 420Mag! :cheertwo:

Second, I gotta watch out when I come here. With my lousy 56K connection this page took a half hour to load and still a lot of pics are incomplete. lol

I looked around to see if there was anything that I might be able to advise you on and I'm left with my jaw on the floor.
This is a great example of a DIY all-in-one stealthy grow room. :goodjob:!

You've got some great looking plants too. I wanna see how that skinny kinda crazy one turns out.

Those hanging reflectors would work good in my flowering room. I was thinking about using some of that silver bubble-wrap I've got laying around but never got around to it. Next time for sure.

All in all it looks like you really know what you're doing and we're sure glad to have you aboard. I don't do that great in dirt and already have a problem with one of my two KaliMist babies leaves. If you get a chance maybe have a look at my Kali grow and see what you think. I just posted some new pics on the last page. you can check out my mini-soap opera while you're there.

+Rep and 5 stars for being such a together dude! :bong: :popcorn:

C'ya L8r.

Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

First off, :welcome: to 420Mag! :cheertwo:

Second, I gotta watch out when I come here. With my lousy 56K connection this page took a half hour to load and still a lot of pics are incomplete. lol

I looked around to see if there was anything that I might be able to advise you on and I'm left with my jaw on the floor.
This is a great example of a DIY all-in-one stealthy grow room. :goodjob:!

You've got some great looking plants too. I wanna see how that skinny kinda crazy one turns out.

Those hanging reflectors would work good in my flowering room. I was thinking about using some of that silver bubble-wrap I've got laying around but never got around to it. Next time for sure.

All in all it looks like you really know what you're doing and we're sure glad to have you aboard. I don't do that great in dirt and already have a problem with one of my two KaliMist babies leaves. If you get a chance maybe have a look at my Kali grow and see what you think. I just posted some new pics on the last page. you can check out my mini-soap opera while you're there.

+Rep and 5 stars for being such a together dude! :bong: :popcorn:

C'ya L8r.


Much Aloha LabRat! And thanks for rep and compliments on the set up. Well, sorry about bogging your page load down with all the pics, but the 420 "how to make a journal" stressed the importance of posting pictures to gain interest, so its pretty much their fault....lmao (JK 420, it totally worked ;).

Really most of the credit for the set up should go to 420 and all the great and knowledgable ppl on here. I think when I first found this site I didn't come up for air for about a month....lol. But I am still on my first run, so I still have plenty chances to screw things up. All in all tho, I think my set up turned out as good or better than I had hoped, so I'm stoked on that.

I'll definately be right over to check out your journal and see how its going.
:thankyou: again for the kind words, and I'll talk to you later.
Re: HD's 1st Indoor; 1200w/soil/variety of autoflower

Hey Labrat, I'm gonna have to split for work for a few hours, and I want to read your whole jourrnal before I post anything, so I'll get back at you later today. I did look at that last page with the shadow porn.....frickin hilarious!!!!
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