Zurple's DWC Bag Seed Grow Journal, 2019

Starting out right
I was concerned that I moved them to their designated buckets too early, but they had roots out the bottom, so they're in their new homes.
As long as your getting the bottom of the net cup wet you're golden
I went 1 inch into the basket with the water level, then added the pebbles to the bubbles.
Placed the rapid rooters on those pebbles and poured additional pebbles to the base of the plant.
Out of the 3 seedlings, 1 is still not coming up from the rapid rooter. The other 2 have started their 1st set of tiny leaves.

Ph was at 5.8 & water temp was 72. The tent temperature was 75 with 58% humidity. I didn't check the ppm as there is nothing added to the water. My tap ppm was 170. I am going to wait before starting Hydroguard since the roots haven't dipped into the bucket yet.

I still have the 2 plants under clear cups. My light is at 30" above them, but I may bring it to 24" tomorrow.

The seedling that hasn't come up, I removed the cup/dome because the rapid rooter was soaked. I also lowered the water level on it. I think maybe it's too wet for it. I was able to pinch some of the RR to peek into it, and the seed's shell is still on it. Tonight I will take it out of the dwc bucket and put it back in a dark warm place to see if it responds.

I only want 2 plants for this test run, so if it doesn't make it, then that will be fine. Fingers crossed that at least 2 of them are females.

Also, I splurged yesterday and purchased a Bluelab Guardian. I didn't trust the cheap, Chinese testers. After checking with the new tester, I found that the cheapies were actually showing the correct values, so lesson learned.
The cheap testers do well but have to be calibrated often.
I agree, but I do like the Bluelab unit more. It's nice to just drop the probes in and be hands free to make adjustments and etc.
That seed may be a dud, unfortunately that happens from time to time. I once had a seed crack after 24hrs in water, I also saw a bit of a white tip coming out (so I thought) and I planted it in soil and nothing ever arose out of the peat pucks I use. Dug it out and indeed it was a dud! Thumbs down!

Glad you at least have two going! :thumb:
That seed may be a dud, unfortunately that happens from time to time. I once had a seed crack after 24hrs in water, I also saw a bit of a white tip coming out (so I thought) and I planted it in soil and nothing ever arose out of the peat pucks I use. Dug it out and indeed it was a dud! Thumbs down!

Glad you at least have two going! :thumb:
Going to give it 24 hours, then it has to go.
Ok, the 3rd seedling may be fine, so that's a relief.

I brought the lights down to 24" above them. I still have the cups over them, so should I keep them covered like the picture below?

I'm showing pics of the 2 good seedlings, so you can help decide.

I never covered mine once they went in the pot.
I may leave it over night since I lowered the lights to 24".

The tent should be humid enough to remove them I guess.
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