I like a net ! Last two grows I made it different then I did before. The pvc had legs in the 5’x5’ tent ! New one I made the square pvc 4’x4’ , I have so many light hangers I used four of them to adjust the height I want of the net . I’m still on the 2”x2” net , I’ll go to 4” as soon as I run out of it ! Instead of super cropping I can lay every top to one corner or the other ! Worked good so far , don’t know if it helped too much but the first time I tried it was my biggest crop so far out of three plants in the tent 713 grams!They're looking great this morning, but didn't have my camera, so no pictures. I'll get some tomorrow for sure.
Do I have to use a scrog net or poles, or will they be fine growing out on their own?
Also wondering about defoliation.
Not being lazy, just wondering.
Also, what will make my buds the fastest?
On the defoliation I have gotten to like the lollipop where you can see these girls legs . At or around I do a Bassman59 defol after 21 days in flower !
I like lazy , this MegaCrop is the king of the nutrients in my book for hydro. Easy mix easy clean up !