Young Shepard Cross Breed in Deep Water Culture

Totally awesome! A quick question: Did you plant the germinated seed directly into the Hydroton medium? I started my failed grow in Rockwool cube and I think they held too much water, because the plant stems seemed to have water-rot. I WAS trying to use a constant-drip hydro system, but Rockwool does not seem as if it is a good fit for that kind of watering system, so I put the pump on a timer. Out of six plants, only three made it to week three. Fifteen minutes, three times per day, is not too much watering is it?

I have just one LA Woman seed and I do NOT want to kill her!
Well I gatta tell you buddie I dont have a ton of experience with growing from seed or with any other hydroponic systems other than DWC and what i've read in the Grow Bible Which by the way I highly recommend to someone who is trying to break into the grow game and do it right the first time. This beutiful plant I grew was started as a clone and that's mainly what I have experience with but when I germinated seeds before I just put them in a wet paper tower that I had folded down to about 3x6 inches and then folded it over them and put it in a dark space and in like 2 days I had sprouts and thats when I moved the little buddies to the soil and put them one finger nail deep into the soil. I highly recommend talking to HempRocket about that stuff since he grows from seed I believe you can find him somewhere on this thread. But yeah thanks for asking questions dude thats what we're here for and if you need anything else dont hesitate to ask!
Totally awesome! A quick question: Did you plant the germinated seed directly into the Hydroton medium? I started my failed grow in Rockwool cube and I think they held too much water, because the plant stems seemed to have water-rot. I WAS trying to use a constant-drip hydro system, but Rockwool does not seem as if it is a good fit for that kind of watering system, so I put the pump on a timer. Out of six plants, only three made it to week three. Fifteen minutes, three times per day, is not too much watering is it?

I have just one LA Woman seed and I do NOT want to kill her!

Hi P8riot -

I don't think you want to plant the germinated seed directly in the hydroton, but another method (the one I prefer) is to use Rapid Rooter plugs. They are great for germination, and can be transplanted easily into hydroton when ready. I first germinate the seed using the paper towel method, and then once I have a 1/4 to 1/2 inch tap root, I put it into the Rapid Rooter plug. Keep the plugs damp and not over-watered, and you'll have roots coming out the bottom and sides in a few days. Then, carefully transplant the rapid rooter plug, seedling and all, into your hydroton.

The advantage of these is that they don't need to be PH balanced first, you're less likely to drown them, and they contain micronutrients to give the seedling a good healthy start. I have excellent luck with this method.

I would also suggest hand watering until you get a couple of sets of leaves going and they are a bit more established so that you don't drown them.

Do a google search on Rapid Rooter plugs, or search on this site and you should find more information if you need it. Of course, you can always hit me up directly if you have questions and want to try this method. Just let me know if I can help.

Don't worry about the failed first attempt - many of the best growers have had a hiccup like that when they first start.

Hydrologist - hope you don't mind me chiming in on this...

@XLR-happy to have you chime in as you reminded me that I also used those rooter plugs once or twice for my seedlings and they worked great! Great advice!

@Troublesome- thanks for the props buddie i apreciate that and yeah the chiller is actually a gift/borrowed without a give back date haha, from my growing mentor, he's a great guy, he's actually the person that created and named the strain im growing. Its Pre 99 Bubba Kush Crossed with Deep Chunk and he named it "Young Shepard" I like just calling it what it is better than that name but what evs. Other than that piece of beautiful equipment I had to purchase everything else. Thanks for the scipt, i'll follow yours as well!

:rollit:p.s GO DEEP WATER CULTURE KREW:yahoo:! lol:rollit:
Great grow and a testament to DWC. I have been exchanging barbs with a tool that thinks DWC is a lost cause and that HPA is the only valid way to grow. This grow proves that someone new to the hobby, that has done the research and taken the time to learn can get phenomenal results the first time out the gates.

I'll be following. Looking forward to seeing the end results.

Awesome man.. this is pretty amazing for second grow. You and Stevehman who posted above seem to have things settled in pretty well for just spending a few months with hydro systems. I am learning so much watching and listening, asking questions, its just going slow for me to get started. But in the meantime, my note book is getting thicker with outstanding information. Keep it up, I'll be here watching along the rest of the fan club!
@SteveHman-yeah dude I freaking love Deep Water Culture, when done correctly it kills it every time! Atleast with my super plant growing style-aka vegging your plant for a month and a week instead of just 2 weeks) Lol, btw I can't figure out what HPA is tried looking it up and couldn't find it. WHatever it is I like DWC better no matter what! JUST LOOK AT THE EASE AND THE RESULTS! FREAKIN SWEET! Thanks for the subscription, i'm sure you'll be kept very entertained over the next 30 or so days!
-Hydrologist out

Awesome man.. this is pretty amazing for second grow. You and Stevehman who posted above seem to have things settled in pretty well for just spending a few months with hydro systems. I am learning so much watching and listening, asking questions, its just going slow for me to get started. But in the meantime, my note book is getting thicker with outstanding information. Keep it up, I'll be here watching along the rest of the fan club!

happy to have you here man! Dude you'll do good. Just stay on top of your P's and Q's pick yourself up a good intermediate grow book like the "marijuana grow bible" read that sucker from cover to cover and GO DWC which is the technique im using and use Advanced Nutrients and Dutch Master Products and you'll be heading down the road to 7+ ounces! I sware it happend for me!
Lol that sounded like a weird lawyer commercial
"Larry Parker got my 2.8 million and i didn't even have to get hurt or nothin! Thanks Larry H Parker!
uhhh. yeah wake and bake...
Those shots of grow rooms with dozens of plants as far as the eye can see are always inspiring, but there's just something visceral about monster plants like this. I LOVE it.

Go big or go home.

Count me in for the love, and count me among the hard-core DWC fans. Simple to build, simple to operate and you absolutely can't argue with the results.

I like any system for any purpose that has built-in fail-safe functionality. Once the roots hit the water even a power failure won't kill the plants quick. Sure, you need to run the air pumps to keep the plants happy and alive but if they'll be okay for quite awhile without it. Not many hydroponic systems can boast that.
@stevehman-yeah dude I freaking love Deep Water Culture, when done correctly it kills it every time! Atleast with my super plant growing style-aka vegging your plant for a month and a week instead of just 2 weeks) Lol, btw I can't figure out what HPA is tried looking it up and couldn't find it. WHatever it is I like DWC better no matter what! JUST LOOK AT THE EASE AND THE RESULTS! FREAKIN SWEET! Thanks for the subscription, i'm sure you'll be kept very entertained over the next 30 or so days!
-Hydrologist out

I'll PM you the link to the HPA post/journal. Then you can follow some of the other threads that the grower posted bashing DWC and every other grow. He is really arrogant and not too bright (so I won't mention his name in a public forum). After reading some of his comments and seeing his HPA results you'll see why I love your DWC grow. :high-five:


One aspect of hydroponics that receives much attention from growers of all abilities is deep water culture aka DWC. Everest quizzes water culture expert, Daniel Wilson from Current Culture H2O, and discovers some great tips on running these productive hydroponic systems.

Of all the hydroponic growing media you can use water is cheap and the easiest to obtain. Water can be filtered, typically with an RO machine, and sterilized with UV or Ozone to create a clean and consistent substrate tailored to your growing requirements. Many hydroponic growers already understand the virtues of using, and more importantly reusing, water in hydroponic systems. So, why not go the whole hog, throw away your rock wool/soil/coco/clay pebbles and use water culture?!
What is Water Culture?

Deep water culture (DWC) – At its essence, a DWC system is made up of a container, lid and net pot. The container holds the nutrient solution (typically 2.5–4 gallons (10–15 liters)) and the lid supports a single plant growing in a net pot. Roots grow out the net pot and into the nutrient solution held in the container below. In the container, an air stone bubbles away to agitate the solution and keep dissolved oxygen levels high—essential in any DWC system. Shallow water culture (SWC) is based on the same principle but, yes you’ve guessed it, uses a lower volume of water.
Single vs. Recirculating

Single stand-alone systems are fairly cheap to buy and even more popular for DIY enthusiasts. Modular DWC systems, in which many containers are connected to a central reservoir, create an active system where the nutrient solution is able to cycle from the reservoir around all the pots, arriving back at the reservoir. Each has inherent issues. Stand-alone systems can be inconvenient to work with, while recirculating systems can spread problematic root diseases very quickly. The key is to operate the chosen water culture system properly, and you’ll be sure to get explosive results. Once you play around with DWC, you’ll most likely wish your system was modular and recirculating.

Q: Ok, lets start with the basics; what types of nutrients and additives work in DWC?

A: In my experience, pure synthetics of the highest solubility tend to work best. Especially formulations with well-balanced mineral ratios as well as being balanced on a molecular level. This tends to translate to a more pH stable nutrient solution that stays viable for longer periods of time.

Q: Where do you stand when it comes to Beneficial Biology in DWC systems?

A: There’s a bit of a fork in the road philosophically when it comes to“bennies” or no “bennies”. In my experiences both tend to work but I lean towards more of a sterile aqueous root zone. It is possible to use a more carbon-based substrate for a plant’s root crown cultivation. It’s this beneficial habitat that could harbor and allow colonization of a plant’s mutualistic organisms. The solution itself has little potential for colonization of anything other than bacteria, which while useful, don’t offer the benefits of fungi’s, which share a more direct relationship with the roots themselves.

Q: Are there any specific pH and EC requirements you recommend?

A: Depending on the nutrient, working with a pH between 5.5–6.5 works fine. If you want to be more specific 6.0–6.3 for veg, and 5.7–5.9 for flower. It’s in these pH ranges that the minerals most needed for the respective plant cycles are most available. With regards to EC, I generally recommend 50–75% of a nutrient manufacturers directed dosage for best results. Remember that lower EC can result in a higher intake of water into a plant’s tissue, which in turn speeds plant metabolism and increases nutrient transport.

Q: How often should growers change-out the nutrient solution? Are there signs they should look out for?

A: Depending on the type of nutrients, a 14–21 day change out schedule is typical. When plants are growing vigorously they can turn the nutrients over several times in that time frame. This is essentially “changing the nutes” by displacement from the top-off reservoir. If the nutes begin to fluctuate in pH or become murky, or if plants begin reducing nutrient usage this is usually a good time to purge the reservoir and mix a fresh batch.

Q: What is the ideal water temperature for DWC systems?

A: We’ve observed that no matter the ambient air temperature, plant roots tend to do best at 62–68°F (17–20°C). Above 72°F (21°C) the solutions dissolved oxygen (DO) holding potential quickly diminishes and below 60°F (16°C) plants tend to slow their metabolism in response to what is perceived as changing seasons. This said, growers could aid in fruit/flower ripening by reducing water temps toward the end of the reproductive cycle. Being able to dial in each zone of the plant (Leaf/Root) specifically often leads to an amplification of plant productivity.

Q: Speaking about DO, what is the best practice for monitoring and maintaining DO levels?

A: Keep nutrients cool and ppm’s at a modest level to ensure good DO saturation. Surface aeration and the implementation of air pumps and diffusers is an easy way to keep the solution agitated and moving. Manual as well as digital meters can be useful for those more meticulous souls. If you go digital buy high end as the budget meters (which still run several hundred dollars) are typically unreliable instruments in a pretty plastic housing.

Q: Can you run through your recommendations for propagating plants destined for DWC?

A: Establishing cuttings with an aeroponic cloner using 1/8th strength nutrients is ideal, preferably under mixed spectrum T-5 lighting. Propagating bare root plants suits DWC best. This offers an easier transition to water culture given there is no wicking substrate (rock wool, Sure To Grow) to hold excess moisture too close to the root crown.

Q: Is there an ideal water level to be maintained in the reservoir?

A: Start with the bare root submersed to the base of the rooted stalk, being sure to not submerse the stem or stalk tissue so as to avoid water logging. If using a wicking substrate, ensure the cube is approx. 1“ above water line; this may necessitate hand watering for a few days before the roots hit the water.

Q: What are the potentialities for plant steering using water level / amount of root zone exposed to the air?

A: With water as their growing media, growers can tailor nutrient solution parameters more specifically. Provoking plant responses such as essential oil production, fruiting and flowering are better manipulated when the substrate can be dialed in. For example, higher exposure of the root zone to atmospheric oxygen can help trigger a plant to increase oil production as a means to conserve water, and can also apply mild root stresses that are often interpreted by the plant as reproductive cues. While higher water levels can cause plants to focus more energy on vegetative production, particularly fan leaves, which in turn speeds transpiration and photosynthetic potential.

Q: Are there any specific pests or pitfalls DWC growers should watch out for?

A: Root diseases no doubt, Pythium, Fusarium, etc. These types of problems are most evident in water culture given the roots high profile, but are also typically found in most hydro methods currently practiced. In our experiences we’ve observed that once the variable causing the problem is removed (warm water, too high an EC, sludging inputs, etc.), it’s completely likely the plants will recover. In other words, root disease is not a death sentence, but a symptom of a problem needing to be addressed.

Q: I have heard from a few DWC growers that veg times can be significantly reduced, is this true?

A: Growers will need to make that call, but when dialed-in there is no faster way to grow plants—hydroponically or otherwise. A well-hydrated plant typically grows more quickly which will inevitably create shorter veg times and still achieve a premeditated harvestable plant size.

Q: Is DWC suitable for longer-term plants, such as donor plants? Commercially DWC is only used for lettuce and short-cycle plants, not for annuals.

A: Water culture is still a relatively new hydroponics method. Though first introduced in the 1930s by professor Gericke at UC Berkley, using water as a primary growth medium is still seen as somewhat impractical by commercial farmers. Due to the need to keep water conditions cool, it’s caused the bottom line to operate large-scale water culture facilities to be cost prohibitive.

Though with the recent improvements in cooling technology and increased efficiencies, I think we are likely to see a move toward water culture as a viable alternative to the current carbon substrate-based approaches presently being used for the growth of annual vegetables.

Especially as farmers discover the reduced volume of fertilizer inputs and the conservation of precious water that are key to water culture’s allure. This is an exciting time for water culture as what has been considered a black art is now emerging as a legitimate means of cultivating a variety of crops.
Hydro, I haven't been around your thread for a while. Wow your little girl isn't that little anymore. She's fucking huge dude. :bravo::bravo::bravo: Got any more interesting stories to tell? I always enjoy those my friend. :peace:
im not experieced in the hydro grows or the dwc grows, i've only got 2 grows under my bealt well almost, but i just wanted to give u props on ur lady friend u got over there, lol u lik'em how i lik'em beastly lol, j/k.. but yea she looks damn good man, i'll be stickin around to see what happens... :tokin:
lol thanks for the props HempRocket, you, Dime and of coarse Heks are like my boys! I love and value your input as always. And Im still totally stoked u got member of the month! No one could even step to you haaha! But yeah no crazy stories atm except that I just have a tonnn of fucking work to do and life is insaine crazyyy and some times I act lazy and it tends to fuck things up...but damn it can't always be on point....can you? Fuck my Dad is. I gatta be like that.
I think you're right, noone is at attention all the time. It's not possible. We all need to relax and unwind or we end up 6 feet under. Don't stress about the little things dude. Life WILL go on. Just give it your best shot and fuck the rest!! Just my 2 cents.
yeah word. Its just hard when you miss classes and get behind and start freaking out because you feel like your drowning because your also 4 projects deep at your editing job and the boss has a full time job already so the boss's son is suppose to be like...the main boss but this fucker is such an irresponisble bastard he makes me look like someone who should have a credit score of 850 you know what I mean, and thanks to this dumb fuck you can't get the big music video out of your way so you can atleast start smashing out the other smaller projects cuz the doosh bag is out snow boarding and can't take the time to email me the fucking Treatment! aka what tells me what order to place the fucking scenes in! So...I have all the stupid scenes cut but can't put them together and here Gale (the father) is freaking out trying to rush me but at the same time when he gets home all he can do is crash since he works loonnggg days so he can't send me this shit and Rio always loves to pin shit on other people the whole thing sucks ahhH!!!! On top of that both head lights on my damn car are out so I can't drive at night and my parents are divorced and my moms older now and is alone all the time and has no one and my older brother has obessive compulsive and a bit of skitzofrenia so he treats her like shit so then im the only one who is really there for her since she doesn't have any friends since she herself is alittle weird and a bit of a loaner like the rest of my family, so I have hours of schoolwork and editing work that needs taken care of but I feel so miserable thinking about my mom all depressed and alone that I have to take time for her. Its kinda sad. We all live in our own little apartment. My Dad has his mom has hers brother has his. My family is very....dynamic. different. THough I am greatful for it. It makes me strong. It makes me who I am to this day. The one thing I'll always thank my parents for is directing me towards pot and away from alcohol since mom still blazes brother still blazes Dad talks mad shit on it and would freak if he knew i was growing but I pinch his pot he slyly keeps in the fucking freezer under the pees. lol. All of this on top of the fact that my dads been pushing me really hard this semester and I already had to drop history...havn't told him dropped from english for missing too many classes....havn't told him...idk what to do about biology i just missed a big test the second one. totaly wasn't prepared thought it was ganna be next week but I gatta atleast keep that class. The one I am actually kicking ass in believe it or not is MATH!!! lol my worse subject! But its pre algebra the teacher doesn't assign homework...well he does but he's like fuck grading it and so far first test i got 59/60 last test idk but im sure i atleast got a B havn't gotn' it back yet. But yeah....There ya go hemp. Another crazy story. Sad part is this ones true. Maybe its not sad though. Maybe its just me. Just life. Fuck man I have a job. Fuck man I have a plant thats ganna yield about 10 ounces that ima sell 8 of for 200 a piece equaling almost 2 grand so I can fucking fix my car and start chipping in on my rent that my dad pays. Get out of debt. Get some stupid court shit off my back. I have a car. I have a place. I have food. I have water. I am greatful. Life is beutiful.

I JUST NEED TO GET LAID BY A HOT CHICK DAMN IT!! ITS BEEN LIKE 3 YEARS!! Trust me i've been having sex in that last 3 years but sadly none were all that pretty haha. But theres an extremely cute asian girl that sits next to me in math and laughs at all my jokes and I help her with problems so maybe that'll change!!!!
Take it EZ Hempster
thanks for letn' me dump, i feel better now....maybe get back to editing? haha.

new crappy pics from my phone camera!
Dont forget to check out my new babies that will be Round 3 after this girl gets out of the way haha heres the link and I just posted new pics!
ROUND2: SCROG/RDWC/Advanced Nutrients/YNG_SHEPARD[week 2 Veg]
damn I really need to get back to editing haha!






Preview of the baby in round 2:

yeah word. Its just hard when you miss classes and get behind and start freaking out because you feel like your drowning because your also 4 projects deep at your editing job and the boss has a full time job already so the boss's son is suppose to be like...the main boss but this fucker is such an irresponisble bastard he makes me look like someone who should have a credit score of 850 you know what I mean, and thanks to this dumb fuck you can't get the big music video out of your way so you can atleast start smashing out the other smaller projects cuz the doosh bag is out snow boarding and can't take the time to email me the fucking Treatment! aka what tells me what order to place the fucking scenes in! So...I have all the stupid scenes cut but can't put them together and here Gale (the father) is freaking out trying to rush me but at the same time when he gets home all he can do is crash since he works loonnggg days so he can't send me this shit and Rio always loves to pin shit on other people the whole thing sucks ahhH!!!! On top of that both head lights on my damn car are out so I can't drive at night and my parents are divorced and my moms older now and is alone all the time and has no one and my older brother has obessive compulsive and a bit of skitzofrenia so he treats her like shit so then im the only one who is really there for her since she doesn't have any friends since she herself is alittle weird and a bit of a loaner like the rest of my family, so I have hours of schoolwork and editing work that needs taken care of but I feel so miserable thinking about my mom all depressed and alone that I have to take time for her. Its kinda sad. We all live in our own little apartment. My Dad has his mom has hers brother has his. My family is very....dynamic. different. THough I am greatful for it. It makes me strong. It makes me who I am to this day. The one thing I'll always thank my parents for is directing me towards pot and away from alcohol since mom still blazes brother still blazes Dad talks mad shit on it and would freak if he knew i was growing but I pinch his pot he slyly keeps in the fucking freezer under the pees. lol. All of this on top of the fact that my dads been pushing me really hard this semester and I already had to drop history...havn't told him dropped from english for missing too many classes....havn't told him...idk what to do about biology i just missed a big test the second one. totaly wasn't prepared thought it was ganna be next week but I gatta atleast keep that class. The one I am actually kicking ass in believe it or not is MATH!!! lol my worse subject! But its pre algebra the teacher doesn't assign homework...well he does but he's like fuck grading it and so far first test i got 59/60 last test idk but im sure i atleast got a B havn't gotn' it back yet. But yeah....There ya go hemp. Another crazy story. Sad part is this ones true. Maybe its not sad though. Maybe its just me. Just life. Fuck man I have a job. Fuck man I have a plant thats ganna yield about 10 ounces that ima sell 8 of for 200 a piece equaling almost 2 grand so I can fucking fix my car and start chipping in on my rent that my dad pays. Get out of debt. Get some stupid court shit off my back. I have a car. I have a place. I have food. I have water. I am greatful. Life is beutiful.

I JUST NEED TO GET LAID BY A HOT CHICK DAMN IT!! ITS BEEN LIKE 3 YEARS!! Trust me i've been having sex in that last 3 years but sadly none were all that pretty haha. But theres an extremely cute asian girl that sits next to me in math and laughs at all my jokes and I help her with problems so maybe that'll change!!!!
Take it EZ Hempster
thanks for letn' me dump, i feel better now....maybe get back to editing? haha.


Hang in there man - glad to hear math is a good subject for you, it was for me too even though it was my toughest subject. I think the fact that it was so difficult made me try harder. Don't forget to take care of bidness when it comes to school - that's your future. Good luck getting laid by the hot chick! Remember, getting laid by 3 ugly ones = one hot one. So lay enough of the uglies and you don't need the hotties. :bong:
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