Young Shepard Cross Breed in Deep Water Culture

oh snap. Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention Krip. THANK JEBUS that I havn't used it in my resi and sais something like a warning...but it doesn't sound nearly as gnarly as what you explained. LOL, fuck root rot dude. I actually trust ur source more than them. I doubt any company would want to say "this product works so good u shouldn't use air stones....because if you'll FUCK UP your plant. lol. Expecially not a humbolt company who i've heard at times can be cocky about their products, but thats hear say from a homie that works conventions...the one that gave me that chiller for free haha. But heres what the label says directly from the label:
well not the whole label im too stoned to copy all that im just copying the caution part:

"Caution: Running an aerator in the reservoir will promote bacterial growth and gun. some growers claim the problem can be cured by adding one tablespoon of h202 (hydrogen peroxide)."

But fuck it for now I think i'll just foliar feed and let Heks experiment with adding it to his res ;-).
Oh Guess What!
Im headed out to get a 6" air cooled hood for $50.00, plus a 20 lbs. C02 Tank and Regulator for another 200! So Im hella stoked! Headed out now to pick that stuff up, wish me luck.
Sweet jebus does it again for Da drologizt
-Hydro Loco
oh snap. Thank you so much for bringing that to my attention Krip. THANK JEBUS that I havn't used it in my resi and sais something like a warning...but it doesn't sound nearly as gnarly as what you explained. LOL, fuck root rot dude. I actually trust ur source more than them. I doubt any company would want to say "this product works so good u shouldn't use air stones....because if you'll FUCK UP your plant. lol. Expecially not a humbolt company who i've heard at times can be cocky about their products, but thats hear say from a homie that works conventions...the one that gave me that chiller for free haha. But heres what the label says directly from the label:
well not the whole label im too stoned to copy all that im just copying the caution part:

"Caution: Running an aerator in the reservoir will promote bacterial growth and gun. some growers claim the problem can be cured by adding one tablespoon of h202 (hydrogen peroxide)."

But fuck it for now I think i'll just foliar feed and let Heks experiment with adding it to his res ;-).
Oh Guess What!
Im headed out to get a 6" air cooled hood for $50.00, plus a 20 lbs. C02 Tank and Regulator for another 200! So Im hella stoked! Headed out now to pick that stuff up, wish me luck.
Sweet jebus does it again for Da drologizt
-Hydro Loco

Hey Bro, no problem and glad I could help. I just ordered some of the SSU myself and planning on trying some foliar also, but won't add to the res. I do hear that when you add to the res, you should also cut nutes by 1/3 and NEVER be over 1,000 PPM.

Nice job on the hood and CO2 stuff! :thumb:

just picked it up and it looks fuckkin awesome! Can't wait to put it up! Will post pics asap, sadly pops took back the fuckin camera! All well....atleast I have access to a ton of HD DSLR's at work! :)
HEELLO EVERYONE!!!! As promised my long awaited update pics are here!
HOpe you ennjoy! I sure had fun installing all this! Though the biggest pain in the ass was climbing up into this shitty asss attic space and cutting 6 inch holes in my ceiling to run ducting! Fuck it thought.
Oh yeah did i mention i live in an apt. complex?
lol, its not as bad as you might think-they ALLL blaze and im friends with 4/7 of the apartments in the complex.:tokin:
Regardless MY ASS IS FUCKING PUMPED!! MY ROOM IS JUST ABOUT COMPLETE!!! The only things left are radom expensive ass shit like a c02 air ppm reader and I wanna replace my PH meter first then PPM reader with some fucking KICK ASS ONES! The piece of shit hanna one's right now make me feel uneasy. And if theres one thing I obsess aboout on a daily baasis besides picking my nose, chewing my nails and masterbating is MAKING SURE MY PH IS PERFECT! LOL even when im at my job like i am now I can't stop thinking about it! but its cool, Hek's is home and he's keepin an eye on it for me. What a brother from another ugly mother haha. But yeah. SO my room is fucking tech! Another thing I did that I dont really have pictures of is I drilled 3 6 inch holes in the back center wall of my walk in closet which is now HYDROLOGIC's COMPASSIONATE HERBAL LAB LLC all rights reserved 2011*** lol anyways so two holes are for ducting one end of ducting is sticking out another 6 inch hole in a hidden spot in the ceiling over my living room luckily no one can see it and it feeds into the grow room through the lights and back into the attic where a 6 inch can fan is sucking mad air and just blowing it into the attic. WHo cares!
Then The middle hole has my 4 inch vortex fan sat right in there and I have it timed to turn on for 15 minutes and i leave the door cracked so that sucker is sucking all that hot air that rises to the cieling plus pulling cool fresh new c02 filled air from my window into the room. SO that runs for 15 then turns on THEN MY C02 REGULATOR clicks on for 30 mins about 10 mins after the vortex fan clicks off so that im not wasting a bunch of co2. so that dumps a ton of co2 in the room then stops then 15 mins after the co2 tank finishes dumping the vortex 4 inch in the ceiling kicks on and the cycle starts over!!! from 7am to 7pm!! then when the lights go off obviously the c02 tank turns off but I have the vortex fan set to turn on for 15 mins every 45 mins just to keep air moving at night and keep cool air moving in-as a result it keeps humidity at a perfect level and i dont have to worry about any bull shit growing-plus i've always heard bugs stay away form gardens that are ventilated well!


new dope ass POWERFUL airpump!!!! My crappy old "Millionair" pump is a fucking MATEL toy compared to this industrial piece of equipment!!

new co2 tank and reg! hurray! Im running 1/4 inch flexy black hose from the nozzle on the end of the reg and feeding c02 in a cirlce around the plants with needles size holes pricked through top and bottom every 1/2 inch or so. Disperses C02 nicely :)

Full spread shot :slide:

This is what im looking at and its only day 24!!

more porn

god im starting to wonder if this is legal their so young! Oh kinda isn't!! haha. That silly federal law! always making everything just alil more exciting hehe.



The Future...(1 is Hek's)
@Krip and hemp thanks guys yeah I LOVE THE NEW TOYS!!!! And you have no idea how stoked i am to finally have my room finished!!

@Dime-yeah man luckily Heks is gana help me trim her up and fuck man im guessing if sandra who we didn't even have a scrog net for let alone c02 or double the light (sandra had 400 watts above her while now shapey has 800 watts above her) and we got fucking 7 off sandra so i can only guess i'll DEFINETLY get 7 if not more so im guessing 10! and i dont have to split it with anyone! lol, BUT Ima hook Heks up with an ounce for helping me trim haha WELL DESERVED!
hydro out

im also adding Dutch Masters "ZONE" to my Resi's and i'll let you guys know how it works!
im also adding Dutch Masters "ZONE" to my Resi's and i'll let you guys know how it works!

DM Zone Works good for me. I've been using it for 2 years, and have always had bright white healthy roots. Looking good Hydrologist! :thumb:
@Krip and hemp thanks guys yeah I LOVE THE NEW TOYS!!!! And you have no idea how stoked i am to finally have my room finished!!

@DIME-yeah man luckily Heks is gana help me trim her up and fuck man im guessing if sandra who we didn't even have a scrog net for let alone c02 or double the light (sandra had 400 watts above her while now shapey has 800 watts above her) and we got fucking 7 off sandra so i can only guess i'll DEFINETLY get 7 if not more so im guessing 10! and i dont have to split it with anyone! lol, BUT Ima hook Heks up with an ounce for helping me trim haha WELL DESERVED!
hydro out

im also adding Dutch Masters "ZONE" to my Resi's and i'll let you guys know how it works!

FYI...The root growth I have experienced with the DM Zone in hydro has been AMAZING!!! You'll be addicted! :grinjoint:
@Krip and hemp thanks guys yeah I LOVE THE NEW TOYS!!!! And you have no idea how stoked i am to finally have my room finished!!

Its a great feeling bro.

My buddy has his grow setup built into the construction floor-plan of his house. You go into his walk in closet and there is a false wall. the closet is actually 24 feet deep 6-7 feet wide. the first 6ft is closet with carpet just like a regular walk in. It is not something you would notice.

The flooring and walls are bathroom tile. it has everything and there are multiple drains in the floors. He vented into sewer and out the attic. The setup is extreme and I want it.....
Hey guys thanks for the positive info on DM Zone and yeah DIME my bad dude i've been so fucking busie with work dude its unbelievable. Not to mention school and having to spend time with family geeood fuck that.
But in the mean time the babys been bulking up insainly!!!! New pics will definetly be posted some time today maybe not till later tonight but it will happen today i promise!
Picked up some more toys today too :)
New 100 dolla Hanna PH and temp meter the thing is spot on I LOVE IT!!!!!!
picked up a small bottle of Humbolt COunty's "Gravity" flower hardener to go with the Snow Storm Ultra i'll be feeding her a week before flush! But on the bottle gravity claims you should start using it at 4 weeks but I think im ganna wait another week and a half before using it. You can tell the stuff is insaine because AND I QUOTE "use 1/2 to 1ml. per 5 GALLONS of nutrient solution beginning around week 4 of bloom. Usually takes 12 days before the effects become obvious"


Please let me know what you guys think about that statement and if anyone has any experience with this stuff please fill me in!
No worries brother... family, work and school are important. I guess I'm just anxious to see the she-hulk! :)

I'll let someone else chime in on the Gravity...

Hey, I finally did a small video of the girls, they're getting bigger! It's on my thread...

Later my man!
No way, I've totally been thinking about making a video of my grow as well! As thats what I do for a living and all haha. But yeah man, i've been admiring Gravity for a long time, i'll let you know how it goes! and your wait is worth it dude! Im postin pics right now!
Hello To Everyone!

...Time 4 another....

Picture UPDATE

Since my last picture update i've been keeping the nutrients around 1200 ppm as i've brought my base nutrient strength as well as my booster's to full recomended dosage and i'm stoaked to report no signs of malfunction or burn! Also since my last entry i've incorportaed Dutch Masters ZONE while discontinuing use of Sensizyme. Don't get me wrong Sensizyme is tight....for Heks. But I have a chiller which makes a zyme un needed because I dont have to worry about making up for high resi temps with microbes, my water temps are kept perfect. But as a DWC enthuthast i've learned the two most important things to maintain an h20 temp between 66-68 deg/F and to keep the water Sterile of bacteria and fungus that strangle nutrient uptake. Which is why Zone is so great-it does the job that maybe bleach or chlorine would do but a plant friendly version. Another thing I love about it is that the numbers are slow low it doesn't affect the PPM of the water AND and helps keep my PH levels a bit more stable which I personally love since its the DM Gold Range Line (which I also use durring Veg for now though im thinking about switching from sinsi bloom to heavy 16 as my base nutrient for flower i've been hearing awesome things about it)

But anyways besides adding Zone, and getting a way bad ass new PH tester to make sure everythings on point and adding that crazy bad ass air pump thats like a mini generator and has half the inside of my bucket looking like a jacuzzi with bubbles im fucking stoked!!!!!:tokin::cool::cheer::smokin::Namaste::high-five::grinjoint::):wood:

I just need some new bulbs (the light on the left has a 400 watt Hortilux hps the one on the right has a crapy stock bulb that came with the ballast also HPS) So I wanna swop that sucker out for another Hortilux bloom bulb and then ill be killling it!

Hope you enjoy the pics atleast half as much as I enjoy smokin bowls with my girl on a daily basis and marevling at her size and beuty :)


p.s. today is day 30 out of a 75 day flowering schedual (70 days flower 5 day flush) Im really excited because her mother Sandra weighed in at 7 ounces when it was all said and done and so far this girl has collas as big as sandra had and more collas than sandra had, so im projecting atleast 10 ounces off this girl, I can't wait to find out come may!

:high-five:OTHER WISE ITS COMPLETE!!:high-five:












@Dime-Hell yeah I hope so!

@Sky Rocket whats up sky Rocket thanks for showin up your getn' here right in time for the good stuff haha. But yeah DM is sick i've been really happy with their veg products. Havn't tried any of their bloom line but im sure one of these days i'll get into that stuff. Up next is Heavy 16 i've heard amazing things about it.
Take it easy.
so maybe if sandra doesn't win plant of the month shapey will? I hope so!
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