You might be a pothead if.

okay jsut from my experience...

If you draw potleafs and shrooms on your bedroom walls
If you tell your parents you need money to pay a ticket so you can buy pot
If you stick something in your pipe more than you do your mouth or a woman
If you You break your glass pipe and use electral tape to fix it
If you name your bong the MAN BONG !
If you refer to Marijuana as a girl named Mary Jane
If you say Mary Jane while having sex with your girlfriend !
You might be a pothead if "dark" doesn't go with "dank".

if a bowl isn't for Rice Krispies.
if chronic is infrequent.
if hearing a clock tower makes you smile. (BONGGG...BONGGG...BONGGG...)
if your joints never ache.
if you know the date of the fourth Monday in next April.
if you know when Marge Simpson was born.
if you have only one set of PJ's; red, green and yellow.
if you think Haile Selassie is Jamacian.
If you just got the patent on assortment of skunkbud air fresheners for your car and your wife wears them as earrings at christmas....
You send a case of them to your local police for their vehicles.:laughtwo:
if you keep clicking the down arrow in hopes of finding page 11
its not tokeing right now man. i HAVE zero cash and no stash.
wheres the next page?
Whenever I am not high, and I start thinking about weed, I unconsciously begin singing, Mary Jane, by Rick James. I suddenly realize that I am singing the song, and it reminds me that it's time to burn. hehehe
This is a true story.

Awww, do ya, do ya, do ya, do ya love me Mar-ree Jane?!
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