If you want a highly experimental solution that I've used successfully every single time for burning or too damp soil then try it.
Shop vac. In fabric pot suck water literally from pot through fabric, in soil you will need to cover the vacs inlet with fabric to not suck up all the dirt, you acan pull moisture from below using a drain hole or above, you want full roaring suction though.. add some fresh water to the OPPOSITE SIDE as you do this, the theoretical idea is that if you are dealing with root rot or other you are removing the oxygen depleted water ( a perfect environment for anaerobic bacteria ) and introducing new airaited water, even better still add hydro guard and great white to the flush water.. this adds a root zone beneficial that will consume the decaying matter instead of it out gassing ch4 and h2s, both which displace oxygen and create a more anaerobic bacterial zone.. you want air obbic bacteria ( thrives in oxygen rich environment) 0reeent in the root zone.. ive done this a few times to help out buddies that new to growing drowned their plants to hell.. it does work, and is a bunch of work. After a few flush through with the vac, leave the soil as dry as you can get it, point a fan AT the pot or bag of soil and wait till the plant begins to droop from under water before you again feed/ water it.. timing is everything here. Wait till you have the plant in ideal health before you flip or you will starve it during the stretch which is critical, Good luck