Just an update to my post above, and only sharing as such, so I can possibly spare some other soul(s) from my mis-adventures.
I attempted to make some brownies over the weekend, using the keif ONLY. My keif is as dry as it comes, so per Xlr8's advice, I didn't decarb it first (makes sense now, since I was able to make fire crackers with the keif, didn't have to decarb that stuff first, and they were turbo-powered without decarbing, but very ungodly taste..); my keif is also very very fine in coarseness, almost like flour.. I used 3 well-rounded teaspoons of keif for a single-box batch of Duncan Heinz brownies (from which I calculated by guesstimating how much keif I used when making fire crackers back in the day) to about 1/2 cup of oil.
I simply did the 2hr 180-200 F double boil, with a combo of peanut and coconut oils, just as with bud, but only keif in this batch. It pretty much dissolves on contact with the oil, and surely dissolves fully once up to heat. All went well during the double boil, nice rich dark oil produced, etc. I did notice that the odour coming from the keif mix is about 10-20 times more pungent than when using bud -- but that was only through the small hole that my thermometer poked in the tin foil.
Upon time to make the batter/mix, I removed the tin foil from the double boiler, and was summoned to my knees upon removing the tin foil - it was like a speeding freight train to the nose.. the ganga pungent-ness almost knocked me over, and slightly initiated the gag reflex..
Was quite nervous now, considering how bad this stuff stunk at this phase -- on a whole other level the stink on this oil.. soldiered on with mixing the brownie batch, gaging the entire time. Enough so that my wife, 2 floors up, came storming down, ranting about the stink.. had to end up mixing and batching out on the exterior balcony.. Got my mix batched out in pans for baking and apart from the smell, had every intention of actually baking the mix, to see how bad it rendered after bake.. grabbed my bowl and spatula to head back into the kitchen, and the 5 year old in me, couldn't help but want to lick the leftover batter off the spatula, and thus did.. good thing I was close to the kitchen sink, as soon as I swallowed it (didn't dare breathe while swallowing, as I knew my olfactory cells in my schnoz wouldn't tolerate this stuff if they dare caught wind of what I was trying to ingest, as it came right back up, projectile vomiting style.. goodness.. didn't even have a millisecond to see if I could keep it down, as my body, said, thanks anyway, but NO THANKS.. there went my dins an hour prior..)
Decided to see if it was a one-off, and if the shock to my body was now over, but as soon as put even just a tiny tiny dab to the tongue.. gag reflex initiated..
The raw mix batch went straight into the garbage.. impossible to eat.
So I don't know if this is simply the kind of keif I have, but upon this experience, reminds me of why I stopped making fire crackers with keif, as the taste is just so ungodly, they're almost impossible to eat... BUT: if you get them down, the strength of the keif is tremendous.. I used to eat fire crackers (micro-nibbles of a 2"x2" graham square cracker - would take 1/2 hour just to get one cracker down, with 1/4+ of teaspooon of keif, per cracker) and struggle with vomiting each and every time, even in very light doses of keif..)
A few times in the early experiences, when experimenting with the fire crackers, I used to hurl with them, if I make them too strong.. sometimes even if I was able to get it into my stomach, my body would force it back up; trust me, this is not my first rodeo with baking and all things that make one vomit.. I can swallow and keep down pretty much anything - would have been a Fear Factor champ @ bug and gross eating based
contests..), but I must admit I fully and utterly had to fall on my knees when trying to swallow anything with keif involved..
Xlr8: you're probably correct and best in just adding a bit of keif to the bud mix..
UPDATE: after the all-keif mix batch ended up in the trash, went back to bud-based baking right after, and there's NO COMPARISON.. the bud based oil was light in smell and taste, didn't stink, and probably about 1/2 potency vs. the keif, but at least you can get the stuff into your body..
SO: for any people inspired to try full keif baking, unless you've had your olfactory cells removed.. I find it highly improbable that one can get past the taste/smell involved and actually let it stay inside your body once ingested.
Too bad, as this keif's convienent medium (THC crystals) is perfect for baking, and is so VERY strong in potency, but unfortunately, the smell is married to it, and I don't think there's any 'masking' of the odour..
Unless anyone has had success in countering the 'death by ganga issue' as confirmed with 2 different cooking/baking attempts with keif - please do share, but I would only endorse execution tesitomy vs. theory, as mentioned above, this keif taste and smell is ON A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL..
LOL.. too bad, as I just purchased a few OZs of this keif, prior to the above.. LOL.. trial by fire
But at least we have Xlr8's PERFECTED baking guide here.. so my story on the weekend did have a happy ending.
PS: with your instructions and method, per source post on this thread, I am now batting 100% for edibles that work!!
Thank you!