XLR8's BCNL Mixed Strain Hydro Grow 2011

Frustrated seed rant:
As I look at what caused my current situation - there were a few hiccups. First, I realize now that I've never seen a female flower on any of the PPP seeds I've grown (they were supposed to be feminized, but they've all been male). I grew them a while back during my first grow, and pulled them fairly early upon showing male flowers, (never any female pre-flowers), and assumed I caught hermies early. I purposely let this PPP grow out a bit longer, and never as much as a single female pistil. I think Nirvana messed up and they were definitely NOT female seeds. :(

Also, I never intended to grow out a bagseed, K2 or PPP this grow. I only did so after really poor germination rates on other new seeds. This grow was supposed to be a mix of Blueberry, Purple Wreck, and LA Confidential. The K2, PPP and bagseed were back-ups from old seed stock.

The first problem I had was that my "new" seeds germinated very poorly, and my back-up older seeds are what germed well. I started 10 seeds total, 6 of them new seeds (2 Blueberry, 2 LA Confidential, and 2 Purple Wreck). The only new seed that germed successfully was the lone Blueberry I have left, and that was weak. The other 4 backups all germed successfully and here we are. I should note that this was the first time I've had more than 1 or 2 seeds not germinate well. I think somehow something was "off" with the new seeds, as I find it ironic that I had no problems germinating bagseed and 2 year old seed stock as back ups. I guess I should have said/emailed something to the seed supplier? Oh well.

In general, this grow has seemed a bit jinxed from the start. End of frustrated seed rant. :)
sorry about beating this dead horse but were the balls low and on the main stem? i hear you about the pollen sacks but is sounds like it is primarily female. you might end up with a few seeds cuz i have seen some grows where you get a male flower buried in a cola. but if she is good smoke then win win right free seed. :smokin: cant wait to see pics bro.

It totally sucks about the seeds dude. Sorry to hear about all the problems. I've heard a few people complaining about fem seeds and it's just one of the reasons that I grow regular seeds. I certainly hope that it will be a little smoother for you from here on out.
That blueberry is crazy big!! Crazy on how the different light cycles change the way they grow so much!!! Sorry about the males, hope that blueberry makes up for your losses!
Hi Bud, sorry about the seeds. Recently I've had the same problem. I usually buy two seeds to make sure I get at least one to grow. Another odd thing is I have never had problems germing the free seeds....Maybe they are fresher???
You still have a couple going....I smell blueberry's.
sorry about beating this dead horse but were the balls low and on the main stem? i hear you about the pollen sacks but is sounds like it is primarily female. you might end up with a few seeds cuz i have seen some grows where you get a male flower buried in a cola. but if she is good smoke then win win right free seed. :smokin: cant wait to see pics bro.


Hey Falcore - male parts were lower and mostly on the main stem - I also found a couple on older growth side branches. I've only found I think 4 total, and everything else is looking very female and budding extremely well. I gave her a pretty search tonight and found none. I found the last 2 a couple of days ago - I'm thinking it might not be so bad? One can hope!
It totally sucks about the seeds dude. Sorry to hear about all the problems. I've heard a few people complaining about fem seeds and it's just one of the reasons that I grow regular seeds. I certainly hope that it will be a little smoother for you from here on out.

I've done both, and I've had some really solid fem. seeds, but I'd rather grow regular seeds. It's tough, though, because with my small set-up I want to make sure I get at least 2 solid females - preferrably 3. 4 is actually too much for the space and 3 is pushing it. Once I get a better set-up some day, I'm going to probably stay away from fem. seeds...
XLR8 I complained to my seed company about some hermies and they sent me a ton of free seeds. might be worth directing some rant their direction.

Hi Mardo! I actually did that, but I see that they have a policy about not responding to any inquiries regarding germination, because their seeds are 'not intended to be germinated' or something like that - (a disclaimer). So - Who knows. They are a sponsor here. I tried to be very measured, honest and undemanding, but wanted to let them know the situation. Thanks for the advice. :thankyou:
That blueberry is crazy big!! Crazy on how the different light cycles change the way they grow so much!!! Sorry about the males, hope that blueberry makes up for your losses!

Hey Farmr - Yeah, she's an amazon alright. ;) Despite my worries, she's really starting to make some nice looking buds. Pictures tomorrow I hope. Thanks for the positive vibes!! :):):)
Hi Bud, sorry about the seeds. Recently I've had the same problem. I usually buy two seeds to make sure I get at least one to grow. Another odd thing is I have never had problems germing the free seeds....Maybe they are fresher???
You still have a couple going....I smell blueberry's.

Aloha OMM! I still have freebies that I haven't germinated yet - Afghan Kush, I think. I'm probably going to give that a try next grow - hopefully you're right about the better luck! :hmmm:
Aloha OMM! I still have freebies that I haven't germinated yet - Afghan Kush, I think. I'm probably going to give that a try next grow - hopefully you're right about the better luck! :hmmm:

Great! That Afghan Kush is one of the best going. I have couple two. Here's a blurb for it. This is the World of Seeds version.

Way of cropping: Mainly indoor/very good yield outdoor
Race: Pure race obtained from the Afgani Kush zone
Genotype: Almost 100% Indica
High: Less than 1.5 m indoor/ until 2 meters outdoor
Wide: Depending on prune. Some branched without prune
Growing time: Three weeks
Harvest time: 45-55 days indoor/average October outdoor/pollitano
Resistance to mushrooms: Average
Resistance to plague: Depends on the plague
Irrigation tolerance: High tolerance to frequent irrigation and fertilization
Yield: Over 400 gr per m2 indoor/ 500 - 600 gr per plant outdoor
Medicinal value: High (for its high content in CBD).Excellent like anti-emetic and antispasmodic
Smell: Hashish.
Flavor: Fruity-sweet.
Effects: Very narcotic, almost devastating

THC Level: 21.6% measured upon the rest of cannabinoids. 7.4% measured upon the rest of organic substances belonging to buds like: amino-acids, sugars, terpenoids, vegetal hormones, and cannabinoids (determined by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry)

Comes from mountainous system of Hindu Kush (north of Afghanistan).

Another pure land-race indica Kush, grows wild in the valleys of Armu Darya river valley that border with Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It's a variety very stable (almost 100% indica) and probably has been the fruit of successive cross-backs between wild varieties Kush since the different races Kush, grow nearly itself in a geographic zone relatively reduced.

Powerful, smells like the best afgani hashish,we can consider a very valuable like a medicinal chemo-type.

I feel like germing mine now after reading that! :grinjoint:
From seed: Day 56 for Missy, Day 49 for Blueberry --- Day 23 of 12/12:

No more balls on the Blueberry yet today, but has surprised me a bit with all the vertical growth - but nothing surprises me with this plant anymore, she's been strange from the start!

Here are a couple of pics:

Group shot:

Blueberry buds:

Another or the blueberry:

Have an awesome day everyone!! :):):) :bong:
Great! That Afghan Kush is one of the best going. I have couple two. Here's a blurb for it. This is the World of Seeds version.

Way of cropping: Mainly indoor/very good yield outdoor
Race: Pure race obtained from the Afgani Kush zone
Genotype: Almost 100% Indica
High: Less than 1.5 m indoor/ until 2 meters outdoor
Wide: Depending on prune. Some branched without prune
Growing time: Three weeks
Harvest time: 45-55 days indoor/average October outdoor/pollitano
Resistance to mushrooms: Average
Resistance to plague: Depends on the plague
Irrigation tolerance: High tolerance to frequent irrigation and fertilization
Yield: Over 400 gr per m2 indoor/ 500 - 600 gr per plant outdoor
Medicinal value: High (for its high content in CBD).Excellent like anti-emetic and antispasmodic
Smell: Hashish.
Flavor: Fruity-sweet.
Effects: Very narcotic, almost devastating

THC Level: 21.6% measured upon the rest of cannabinoids. 7.4% measured upon the rest of organic substances belonging to buds like: amino-acids, sugars, terpenoids, vegetal hormones, and cannabinoids (determined by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry)

Comes from mountainous system of Hindu Kush (north of Afghanistan).

Another pure land-race indica Kush, grows wild in the valleys of Armu Darya river valley that border with Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It's a variety very stable (almost 100% indica) and probably has been the fruit of successive cross-backs between wild varieties Kush since the different races Kush, grow nearly itself in a geographic zone relatively reduced.

Powerful, smells like the best afgani hashish,we can consider a very valuable like a medicinal chemo-type.

I feel like germing mine now after reading that! :grinjoint:

Oops, just realized this was essentially a repeat of a reply sent last December.

No worries MM - glad to have you here! Loved that Rhino mom you grew - she was a realy beauty. :high-five:
Sent you a little love.....+reps and a 5 star ratting! You've earned it! :grinjoint:

Wow OMM - that makes my day! :thankyou: so much my friend - it's truly appreciated! :):)
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