Woman Accused of Trying to Sell Pot to Undercover Cop

The City has committed a crime against Her, not the other way around. And yes, I'm voting the bastards out that uphold such laws--every city council member, every police chief and sheriff, every judge and DA that has profited from Prohibition--you guys are on your way out, and it's happening this year in California. The majority who support legalization goes way over 50% and you're beating a dead horse to think that Prohibition can continue as it has for the last 70 years. It's over. And honestone, there's nothing you can do about it.... Irish
I could not have said it better...:nicethread::peace:
I could not have said it better...:nicethread::peace:

Agreed. My Mom told me that if I couldn't find something nice to say ...take a hit...j/k lol
But seriously How can you advocate that the city and her citizens are victims.
Man she was trying to get by and was not harming anyone...including the school ,the children,the city,and yes even you honestone
I am not even surprised that you support a persons decision to sell pot next to a school...

...It is wrong to sell pot within a school zone. You disagree so go to your nearest school and smoke. I dare you!!!!!!

The 1000 foot rule and selling near a school are red herrings. Go smoke at a school, go to Mexico, pay someone else's fees....all red herrings. Diverting the discussion away from the real issue (whether or not Cannabis laws are just) doesn't change the truth. I hope for the best for you honestone. :peace:
Well said FreakNature..:roorrip:
Ok fine from now on there should be a drug dealer to the right of every school, a brothel to the left, and a liquor store across the street.
Marijuana is legal if you have a note from your doctor so prohibition is over.
I don't know what you've been smoking that makes you think it is okay to sell pot next to a school.
Reading what you people write has convinced me that I need to speak to the mayor, the city attorney, and city council again.
I support medical marijuana. I am against marijuana being sold next to a school.
I'm out of here you people are nuts.
Sorry to hear that you are upset with this community... You should go talk to your City Council and everyone else that will listen to you for you might be talking to me on that Council or somebodie else who who knows what the truth is... I do not need to talk to any Council. I know that my children are raised with intelligence to know what is right from wrong... On school grounds it is not a good idea to break any law... Period... What I do in the privacy of my own home when it comes to any drug that God made or is prescribe by a Doctor is my business and not any busy bodies business. PERIOD... Honestone, I, at first could see your point but all the red herrings you were throwing out makes you look bad. I personally think that you are leo or some group trying to get negative feed back to use for your own personal gains. I hope that you will present the full picture of what was said here. Not the one that is Fox like news in context. Like in your farewell to all of us... every quote you used was taken out of context... Take Care if you need to go or you can join us in fighting for your rights to be a free person not some 1984 character... I guess I have said all I want to on this subject. What a turn out for this thread... It shows that Americans still have the taste for Freedom ...:peace:
Excellent words Trekie..:roorrip:
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