New Member
Bingo you just head the nail on the head. $10,000.00 in cost for smoking next to a school zone and outside a bar too, sound like these Leos has figured out a way to make more money and play see what a good cop I am because I get to show how good I am by being a raciest and arresting people.They watch this bar on purpose for that reason. I have seen liquor stores and 7-11 next to schools that carries some form of alcohol and medicine. So why can you not put a dispensary next to school. I think it is because Leo can use it as a scare tactic and make money at the same time... This is a form of racism... People are tired of bullsh*t. Time to throw all the bums out and get some politicians and police officers that really care about this country its citizens and the laws they make... not by following some special interest group or feeding fear that is based on lies as is being done right now by our so called leaders... They do not even respect their fellow lawmakers look at all the lies being floated around by these brainless people... Americans the time has come for a mass revolution that frees all of mankind from oppression..............please join me by voting for change... By stopping these raciest from doing anymore harm...