Winter Weedy Wonderland - Auto Grow - Royal Queen Seeds

Took the words wright off my fingers!
There's beginning of repelling going on there! Azi, I'd call that a pretty clean line and in need of calcium. What are you thinking?
I'd agree. Maybe a nice dollop of worm castings to provide a bit of slow release Ca.
Unfortunately, I do not have any worm castings.
GH calimagic and the Dolo is all I have available. ;)
Ah, ok. It doesn't look like an emergency, but more dolo in the coming days should help.

There are other sources of calcium as well like ground oyster shells, Gypsum, sea corral, stuff like that that could be used as a top dressing. Eggshells, too, but they need a bit of processing to be effective.

I have a mix of stuff I top dress with weekly and then i water through it which helps spread out the application.

I looked up your 209 stuff and it says it's essentially a rosemary extract that the plant takes up systemically and the bugs don't like so they nibble and then move on. But they also say it kills them and a variety of other bugs so maybe it works like sugar?

No idea but between getting your brix a notch or two higher and this stuff you should be able to get the upper hand.


Benefits of using our Organic Systemic Pest Control

    • Protects your plant from roots to whole plant
    • Safe up to day of harvest when used as directed
    • Can be used for organic production
    • Safe around children & pets when used as directed
Smaller sizes available

How our Systemic Pest Control for spider mites works

  • Insects destroy plant cells by sucking out their fluids or chewing up the cell walls. 209’s unique formula works by allowing the plant to uptake a small amount of rosemeric acid from the rosemary plant. As the plant distributes the rosemeric acid throughout its cell walls, a barrier is soon constructed that is harmless to the plant. When an insect starts to suck or chew on the plant it comes in contact with the rosemeric acid and causes the insect to stop eating and move on.
  • 209 is made up of 100% pure botanical extracts that are highly water soluble.We process raw certified organic botanicals and herbs in-house, ensuring oils and terpenes have a consistent potency across all of our products. The botanical extracts are all food grade GRAS (generally recognized as safe when used as directed) materials that are fully biodegradable. It is exempt from EPA registration under minimum risk pesticide exempted under FIFRA section 25(b). It can be used on a wide variety of plants, fruits, and vegetables.
Pests our Systemic Pest Control repels & kills

  • 209 is powerful organic systemic insecticide which repels and kills spider mites, broad mites, russet mites, root aphids, gnat larvae, fungus gnats, white flies, cabbage maggots, and most boring insects.
Systemic spider mite control use

  • Home & Gardens
  • Hydroponics
  • Greenhouse
  • Agriculture
Hey all, am I adding the fish fertilizer to the next water/nutrient feed? And is that a one time thing like the molasses until needed again, or with every feeding?
The fish stuff is a once a week application for the myco, the molasses a once a month max, and the dolo water as needed per the brix-o-meter (although I use rain water with super low ppm's so I always add a little dolo water each time).
The fish stuff is a once a week application for the myco, the molasses a once a month max, and the dolo water as needed per the brix-o-meter (although I use rain water with super low ppm's so I always add a little dolo water each time.
Yeah, I think you said your rainwater is in the single digits like mine. 6 ppm is what mine read.
Okay, I will do some of the fish ferts tomorrow with the feed/water.
Here are the VPD readings at 10 hours lights on.

Ambient Temp - 81 F.
Ambient Humidity - 47
Air VPD - 1.9
Leaf Temp - 77 F.
Leaf VPD - 1.4 to 1.5

Ambient Temp - 81 F.
Ambient Humidity - 47
Air VPD - 1.9
Leaf Temp - 77 F.
Leaf VPD - 1.4 to 1.5

Goat 1
Ambient Temp - 80 F.
Ambient Humidity - 48
Air VPD - 1.8
Leaf Temp - 77-78 F.
Leaf VPD - 1.4 to 1.6

Goat 2

Ambient Temp - 81 F.
Ambient Humidity - 47
Air VPD - 1.9
Leaf Temp - 77-78 F.
Leaf VPD - 1.4 to 1.5
I only have a second, but Only the goatlato 1 looks to need a dose of calcium, dolowater or calmag. The Royal Gorilla with just thrips too but less so, and only if it's been 48-72 hours minimum since the last calmagging. 3/4 are close. The low brix one at least has good calcium. Have you straightened your light yet or is it still tilted?

And sorry, I 1st posted this in your gallery accidentally, and now I can't delete it from there.
I only have a second, but Only the goatlato 1 looks to need a dose of calcium, dolowater or calmag. The Royal Gorilla with just thrips too but less so, and only if it's been 48-72 hours minimum since the last calmagging. 3/4 are close. The low brix one at least has good calcium. Have you straightened your light yet or is it still tilted?

And sorry, I 1st posted this in your gallery accidentally, and now I can't delete it from there.
Lol. No problem. Yes, the light is level now above all 4 plants. Thank you!
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