Whatever is happening to those leaves likely started 7-10ish days ago. The serrations look like RH plummeted on a day of 80+ degrees and VPD shot thru the roof. K looks like it got locked.
Is it the entire plant or just 1 or 2 nodes, and is it all plants or just one?
Did they possibly get really dry at the pots too?
Did you give them a good liquid feed last week with possibly a good does of calmag, or added Geoflora and calmag at the same time?
Can you get a good comprehensive photo shoot that shows the whole plants from both the sides and the tops, and a good selection of damaged leaves? When you first saw the clawing, it wasn't really nitro clawing, I just scanned back, it was leaf curl, which is usually a high dry VPD with too much light, or nute burn. The nute burn is quite often caused by high and dry, too much light, VPD. Try to see what you did about 4 days before that leaf curl.
Here it is on Jan 6th, if that's the same plant, see the tip curl? That's a nute thing, so New Year Eve/New Years Day-ish it likely happened.
I wouldn't cull them, I'd experiment with raising your brix and making them go away, but I am notorious for loving a good trial. It's going to be an adjustment from where you were to where LOS wants to be.
As long as brix are climbing and new growth looks healthy things aren't as ugly as those leaves.
I'd science thru this myself, it's common and many can learn from it. It's a great demo opportunity.