Winter Weedy Wonderland - Auto Grow - Royal Queen Seeds

There is NEVER a dull day here at the Cannafan ranch!
I went to the garage to fill some jugs with water from the reservoir which is right next to the back garage door. I opened the door for some light, and looked out to the pond. Staring back at me was a large Coyote on the lawn. I've been having trouble with them this year running deer and chasing the cats across my front and back yards.
He just stood there staring at me...I just stood there....he took a step forward...I slammed the door closed! This happened a few weeks ago, and the damn thing advanced on me seemingly unafraid.

Nope, I'm not going to be Coyote breakfast this morning! Of course, by the time I thought of grabbing the camera or anything else, it had run into the woods.

So, my heart is back where it belongs and beating correctly....I'm cleaning out the freezer trim bud drawer again. I had a bag of trim that was crushed up in there from WW XXL that had seeded from one of my grows. I had picked out all of the clearly mature seeds and saved them. I think a Blueberry plant pollinated, I can't be sure. There are still a lot of seeds in this, so I'm going to use it as a "Spring Throw" in a corral just to see if anything comes up. Some of them might be viable, ya never know.

Solar Nocturnal Animal Repeller 4 Pack - Effective Repellent Device for Coyote, Deer, Fox, Raccoon, Skink. Coyote Deterrent - Predator Lights

I’ve used these to keep a skunk away from the cabin. Don’t get eaten there!

Seeds look prefect to me. Mystery grow on the horizon.
Solar Nocturnal Animal Repeller 4 Pack - Effective Repellent Device for Coyote, Deer, Fox, Raccoon, Skink. Coyote Deterrent - Predator Lights

I’ve used these to keep a skunk away from the cabin. Don’t get eaten there!

Seeds look prefect to me. Mystery grow on the horizon.
There's an interesting device for sure! I read the reviews, most are pretty positive on it. I'm going to forward this to my Bro for his chicken/ducks pen that are always getting raided by Raccoons and Foxes. Thank you!
I'm thinking more in the line of that we speak not of here! Be careful of a hungry wild able carnivore please!
Oh, trust me...I know what to do that we not speak of here. I've recently had to protect myself from one. :thumb:
I went out about an hour ago, prepared. I found blood and rabbit hair on the ground near where it was.
Poor wabbits.
Whoa that's wild LC,was he solo ? If he moving towards you like that he either has rabies,wasn't alone or he knows you scared. So this oughtta take care of that, Killer Instinct Vital X 430 Elite Hunting Crossbow
next time stare him down n never give your back when you retreat. That's a issue brewing,I thought I saw you mention you had a dog no ? The seed is a good omen tho,id grow that bad boy out !! Looks mature to me
The seed I posted a pic of is mixed in with a bunch of other immature ones. I already have plenty of mature seeds from that plant, so I left the rest in the trim bag. Those will be thrown out and around in the spring.

As for Mr. Coyote, I did stare him down. When he took that step forward, that did me in. I believe now that it was protecting it's food. I had no idea on what he had there at the time.
Yea coyotes are not stupid animals,they naturally very skiddish n timid,so if he was making any move on you,in your territory, means he way more confident than he should be,or way more desperate than normal. Oh I thought it was a unknown seed,they always fun lol
The seed I posted a pic of is mixed in with a bunch of other immature ones. I already have plenty of mature seeds from that plant, so I left the rest in the trim bag. Those will be thrown out and around in the spring.

As for Mr. Coyote, I did stare him down. When he took that step forward, that did me in. I believe now that it was protecting it's food. I had no idea on what he had there at the time.
Watch your back with those critters they're very opertunic & quite, theres been cases up here of them breeding with wolves & called coywolf they're bigger than a normal coyote, they're a problem here also with ppl & pets & farm animals & no license needed to reduce their #'s
Regarding that coyote LadyC.

Check on and around your property. If you see any empty crates from ACME you have nothing to worry about!
wiley c.jpg
Alrighty then....back on topic to the grow so I don't get spanked. LOL.

Here's the four girls this morning, I didn't have time for an involved photo shoot. Too many interruptions.

First up Royal Creamatic:

Royal Gorilla is taking a hit from the damn thrips, I have to look at the SNS 209 and see if I can spray the plant during flowering. I can't remember.

The next two are Goat'Lato: Everybody needs water/feed today. They are slightly drooped.

Whaddya think gang?
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