Why are lower leaves yellowing and falling off? please help!

how does the soil look soaked? i hadnt watered in like 5 days...
and i cant get pics of the pest, but i can get a shot of the underside, i'll do that

and do the pests also go on the buds or not? if not then i guess its not a big deal

here i got photos of the underside:

you cant see it but in reality the leaf looks like this (paint ftw):

little black dots in a straight line, if those are the pests damn they are small
by the way, where i live fall begins in september (so does flowering) but in november its usually already really cold, is that gonna be a problem?
Leaf miners specifically, I do not believe they eat buds.

Spider mites definitely do not eat buds.

Its really just certain caterpillars that I can think of that eats buds (leaf miners are a caterpillar btw)
well thats decent news i guess, but look here:

who did this? i have many cats walking around my house. could it be them? how to get them away? im already spraying stuff thats supposed to keep them away, but it doesnt seem to work. same for my piss.

and the pests seem to be spreading quite a lot (ill try and look for some spinosad tomorrow) but i also see some brown spots, is that a problem with nutrients?

and i still need an answer about flowering, will the cold of november be very bad? will i have to buy lights just for flowering?
depends how cold it is in November there.

your pics are always focused on stuff other then what you are trying to show. In order to diagnose problems correctly we need clear pics.
i had to take the pics fast, sorry. and the temperature in november can be between 7°C and 15°C (can be even colder, or a bit hotter)
and what about the half bitten leaf?
i had to take the pics fast, sorry. and the temperature in november can be between 7°C and 15°C (can be even colder, or a bit hotter)
and what about the half bitten leaf?

Listen, bro, I can tell that you're over-thinking all of this. Just relax.

That said, Jimmycricket is correct--your soil is too wet--your drainage is poor, your plants need more nitrogen and you have thrips. But even if you did nothing, you'd still get something.

I would correct those problems and then leave them alone for a while. Plants hate being adjusted all the time. They like regular, predictable conditions.

As for temp, 7º C is pushing it, but it won't kill them. You will end up with a vernalized plant (purple bud). You will just have to try it and see what happens. First time grows are just like that--no way around it.
yea im working on those problems, im giving them more and more nutrients slowly, trying to fix thrips but i cant change the drainage until next grow.

and im not over-thinking, i just like to fix problems thats all. i have lots of cats around my house, and i read somewhere that when the plants enter flowering the cats will wreck them...

and this is a bit off topic but my health isnt doing very well right now and it kinda depends on those plants, so i would like to not screw up lol
6.5 isn't a bad ph. I seem to get better results with a ph closer to 6.0. I've noticed nitrogen deficiencies are more prominent the higher the ph gets. Flushing was a good idea, just to get the excess out. Watch how much phosphorus go in, it can stop the plant from getting the nitrogen it needs. U need nitrogen for photosynthesis and creating chlorophyll more so in veg. If u have too much nitrogen in flower the cholas are stunted and there's too much chlorophyll, making it taste really green after harvest. I think you might benefit from more light as well. Good luck
OK, I hope I didn't offend. I'm sure the cats will play with them, but I don't think they will kill anything. Just keep doing what you are doing, sounds like you're on top of things. Be well!
haha dont worry you didnt offend man, you're giving me help! :)
i just read somewhere that cats like to lick and eat buds, combine that with the fact that cats need to eat plants in general AND like to play with things(i have a cat :p he doesnt go outside tho), that can turn bad! can a leaf break like that from anything or we're sure its cats?
44-59f (7c-15c) degrees is a bit cold but its not beyond cold and they should be ok. Its not ideal but it should work as long as they are finishing by november.
That does not look like cat damage, it looks like grasshoppers if anything. The main worry with cats is they can break off entire branches.
Cats can bring spores from other plants, in, from outside. They can contaminate your entire grow. They can bring molds, mildews, insects. All it takes is one spore to start an entire army of disease.
i dont know if they will finish by november, flowering is 8+ weeks and they havent started(should be fine though i hope)
about the leaf, it could be grasshoppers because i already had a leaf bitten off like that but it was in a really strange position for a cat, forgot to mention that. should i ignore the grasshopper (assuming its him) or do something about it?

and im getting my aunt's dog in some weeks, that will help against the cats (dont worry i wont let him near the plants, i know well enough how dumb that would be xD)
The main thing about dogs or cats around is them breaking branches. TBH though I have tons of cats around my house (feral cats not my own), they hang out in my yard and run around in it. I have yet to see damage from one. One scratched up the trunk of my plum tree once but thats it.

Grasshoppers I really wouldnt sweat about. If you see one get it off and kill it but tbh they only eat leaves and unless you got a swarm the damage they will do is next to nothing. Obviously if you got a locust swarm you fucked hehe.
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