Why are lower leaves yellowing and falling off? please help!

this evening im gonna flush and then give them strong nutrient water, one thing i dont understand though is: why are only the bottom leaves yellowing?
this evening im gonna flush and then give them strong nutrient water, one thing i dont understand though is: why are only the bottom leaves yellowing?

plants kill off bottom leaves first, thats why. Basically because your plant wants more food to grow taller it eats its own leaves starting from the bottom in order to grow lol.

Plants will also do that if they are really big to clear out the lower parts for better airflow and to prevent too much moisture or bugs, but that isnt what it going on here. It happens on bigger and bushier plants. Yours are just doing it cause its hungry.

Also yes if you stop turning on your porch lights they will probably begin to flower. Will take like 2 weeks till they show actually small buds begin.
se fa molto caldo metti i vasi in terra fai un buco in terra grande come il vaso ci metti il vaso dentro e lo copri con la terra se vuoi puoi mettere anche una rete ombreggiante meglio solo sopra che puoi levare e metterequando vuoi se usi biobiz x la crescita usa o solo fish mix o solo bio grow per il resto puoi usare tutti gli altri prodotti biobiz dalla germinazione alla fioritura io ti consiglio di non mischiare altri prodotti di altre marche se usi anche terra biobiz non serve controllare il p h e gia calibrato e bagna solo con acqua piovana (rayning water) le tue piante non stanno poi cosi male mi sembra le foglie gialle dello stelo principale sono le prime a cadere quindi secondo me e normale che siano gialle incominciano a ingiallire piu o meno prima della fioritura partendo dalla base del tronco a salire quanto anno di giorni le tue piante? 60 giorni? spero esserti stato utile dogno
se fa molto caldo metti i vasi in terra fai un buco in terra grande come il vaso ci metti il vaso dentro e lo copri con la terra se vuoi puoi mettere anche una rete ombreggiante meglio solo sopra che puoi levare e metterequando vuoi se usi biobiz x la crescita usa o solo fish mix o solo bio grow per il resto puoi usare tutti gli altri prodotti biobiz dalla germinazione alla fioritura io ti consiglio di non mischiare altri prodotti di altre marche se usi anche terra biobiz non serve controllare il p h e gia calibrato e bagna solo con acqua piovana (rayning water) le tue piante non stanno poi cosi male mi sembra le foglie gialle dello stelo principale sono le prime a cadere quindi secondo me e normale che siano gialle incominciano a ingiallire piu o meno prima della fioritura partendo dalla base del tronco a salire quanto anno di giorni le tue piante? 60 giorni? spero esserti stato utile dogno

Yeah what he said!
plants kill off bottom leaves first, thats why. Basically because your plant wants more food to grow taller it eats its own leaves starting from the bottom in order to grow lol.

Plants will also do that if they are really big to clear out the lower parts for better airflow and to prevent too much moisture or bugs, but that isnt what it going on here. It happens on bigger and bushier plants. Yours are just doing it cause its hungry.

Also yes if you stop turning on your porch lights they will probably begin to flower. Will take like 2 weeks till they show actually small buds begin.
hmm i dont want flowering to begin... the other 2 plants are still very small... is there something else i can do? i really dont wanna attract bugs and whatnot..

and thanks for the advices tony, i took care of the heat and im also only using fish mix ,i dont have grow anyway. and yes the biggest plant is quite old but she hasnt even started flowering so i dont think the yellowing is normal.
(grazie tony, il caldo nn è un problema ho avvolto il vaso con un telo che respinge il caldo, uso cmq solo fish mix -non ho il grow-, la pianta + grande è vecchia ma il giallo non penso sia normale, provo a fare flush e tanti nutrienti come mi ha detto sto tipo qua)

and jimmy, do u understand italian or what? :p
amico la pianta grande puo avere qualche problema come dice jimmy io sono alla mia prima coltivazione la pianta sotto ingiallishe ma sopra e molto bella mi piace ha dimenticavo puo essere che sotto la pianta prende poca luce? le piante + piccole hanno un animale che non so le mie hanno avuto lo stesso problemaquando le ho piantate in terra alla mattina e alla sera erano tutte mangiate come la tua ho spruzzato olio di neem ma prima ho ucciso con i guanti tutti (o quasi)hihihi gli animaletti che erano sulle foglie ora le piante sono alte 3 metri e stanno fiorendo da 3 settimane abbi fede dogno penso che sia una pianta facile da coltivare
dimenticavo dogno i prodotti bio biz secondo me sono tra i migliori e difficile sbagliare ci sono anche molte altre ditte serie seguendo i loro consigli e piu facile coltivare molto piu facile
hmm i dont want flowering to begin... the other 2 plants are still very small... is there something else i can do? i really dont wanna attract bugs and whatnot..

and thanks for the advices tony, i took care of the heat and im also only using fish mix ,i dont have grow anyway. and yes the biggest plant is quite old but she hasnt even started flowering so i dont think the yellowing is normal.
(grazie tony, il caldo nn è un problema ho avvolto il vaso con un telo che respinge il caldo, uso cmq solo fish mix -non ho il grow-, la pianta + grande è vecchia ma il giallo non penso sia normale, provo a fare flush e tanti nutrienti come mi ha detto sto tipo qua)

and jimmy, do u understand italian or what? :p

No but I speak Spanish and some of the words are the same haha.

As for the bugs, the lights attract different kinds of bugs then the type that eat plants. So if you really wanna keep em vegging keep that light on. Also make sure the light is close enough or it won't do shit. If a normal 75ish watt outdoor spotlight is shining right at your plants I would say itll do the trick at 15 feet for sure, 20-25 feet itll probably stop flowering but any farther and it becomes iffy.
TBH it might be doing nothing and they just havent shown flowering yet then.

If you are up north like washington, oregon or such then maybe your flowering just hasent started quite yet.
ok yesterday evening i flushed and this morning i gave her 6 liters with many nutes inside, i'll see how she does in the next days (for now not much has changed)

and btw, will the yellow leaves turn back green or not?
alright the plant seems to be doing slightly better now, should i give her more nutrients tomorrow? and im not sure what i should do about this pest problem, the pests are under control now, they won't kill the plants but as soon as i stop using neem (and i will have to cos of flowering) im afraid they might take over... but on the other hand i dont wanna use chemicals!
alright i'll get some (altho its pretty hard with my shitty phone) tomorrow, today i found a web with a very little white-yellow spider, though i couldnt tell if it was the "owner" of the web or a pray, either way i took everything off, tried to take a shot of the spider but it was too small (almost unseeable, and i have good sight)
i just cant get the phone to focus on the leaves..

the old pics were blurry but atleast you could see more or less whats going on, idk i suck at taking pictures lol >.<

and btw the way, the first pic is supposed to be focused on the lowest 2 leaves

ill try to get some better shots later but now there's lots of light so the pics would be even worse
Those squiggly lines are caused by thrips. So, Spinosad. There's a brand available in most garden shops called Monterey. Spray once, spray again two days later--everything, including soil. That's all it takes. That said, it doesn't look like a bad infestation.
got a more shots, first the full plant (all 3 have pests, just picked this one) but its hard to see anything if i stay away.

got a closer look, but you still cant see anything, so i wont even post it.

what i have though, are 3 shots i took, by putting my finger next to the camera, to try and focus the leaves instead of the ground, here:




you can clearly see the white lines, but you still can't see the little dots (different pest?)
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